Has your "safe foods" list changed as you have gotten older?

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Apr 7, 2010
I have had Crohns now for 20+ years. It seems every few years I have to move a "safe food" into the "cause me issues group". An example would be potatoes, they were always one of my first go to foods when I had some issues. After not eating them during the summer and now eating them, they just about kill me.

Bread, rice, pasta, carrots all have slowly been moved. Has anyone else experienced this?

It just feels frustrating when my "safe foods" list seems to get smaller and smaller.

Does anyone take a probiotic? Do you think they would help with this?


Current meds, Humira, Rowasa enemas (what joy), folic acid, vit D & Restasis eye drops.
It seems like every few years there is something new I have to eliminate from my diet. A probiotic is suppose to balance the good and bad bacteria. Whether it will help with what you have asked about I don't know.
I have also had more and more foods go over to my avoid list. Some were slightly dodgy but in small doses ok, now i cant hack them at all. It is very deflating as i wonder what else i will have to avoid in years to come.
That's what I have been feeling like. I am. Basically down to meat and salad stuff. Even that is dodgy at times. Just wondering when I will decrease to where I only eat one food. Just feel frustrated.
Thanks for the support
For me it's gone both ways. There are some things that have gone from safe to unsafe, but there are also some things that have gone from unsafe to safe. The first year I was ill, I tried turkey bacon several times but it always made me feel so ill. I didn't eat it for about 4-5 years. Then, more recently, I tried it again and I was fine. I found that I can even handle regular bacon now without issue! I don't know what changed, but I'm happy that I can have bacon again.
I used to love chili and pasta. Now they give me so much gas it's ridiculous. It's so uncomfortable. If I had a partner I would def kill them. It's like a gas chamber in my place, hah! My dogs don't seem to mind it but I can't deal any more. I just removed beans and heavy pasta entirely from my diet. Maybe I'll try again later with a smaller amount.
I built a "unsafe list" a couple of years ago. One of them was raw nuts. Just recently I tried chocolate covered nuts and it didn't bother me. I'm approaching them cautiously but something about the chocolate makes them safe.

Haven't added any new foods. And probiotics does help my digestive tract.
I've noticed that with a good probiotic and digestive enzymes I could eat more and more foods I couldn't before until they reached my obstruction
I think I need to look into probiotics more. I have never taken them. Anyone got any good recommendations? Or any other threads here that they can direct me to?
Everyone is different you need to find a brand or combo of cultures for you vsl3 did more harm than good for me where as a cheapie works amazing for me different people also need different amounts of colony forming units a probiotic with higher CFU's can be worse than a probiotic with less CFU's for some people I have noticed this through personal experience. As we age we develop less and less enzymes and bacteria in the gut and therefore can tolerate less foods.here's a good place to start
Ds takes vsl #3 prescription strength
He stopped it for a while since the manufacturer added skim milk
The company has since changed back to no milk in the probiotics and Ds can take it again
It works very well
I think I need to look into probiotics more. I have never taken them. Anyone got any good recommendations? Or any other threads here that they can direct me to?

You really need to see a naturopath. They will ***** you, your symptoms, lifestyle, etc. And they will then prescribe a suitable strain or strains.

I am currently taking a multi-strain probiotic with 45 Billion CFU per capsule.

But I use to take a 5g sachet of powder, that contained a combination of 14 probiotic strains providing 500 billion CFU per sachet.

As you can see, a BIG difference between the two.

There are so many different strains of probiotics, that you need to take one that is right for YOU, which may be different to everyone else here.

I suggest seeing a naturopath or natural health doctor, for further guidance.

It is a waste of time and money to take something you don't actually need.

Get the perfect one for you.

I am Basically down to meat and salad stuff. Even that is dodgy at times. Just wondering when I will decrease to where I only eat one food. Just feel frustrated. Thanks for the support

Meat is hard to digest, and can put strain on your digestive system. Which in turn can flare up IBD symptoms.

Loads of IBD sufferers have issues with meat, dairy and gluten.

If you are going to have meat, maybe best to avoid fried meats as those are inflammatory. And stick with soft steamed meats or minced meats.

If I eat a lot of meat; I will flare. So I keep it to a minimal, of steamed oily fish or steamed chicken twice a week.

I am fine with raw salads. But prefer to blend them into a smoothie, as easier on bowels that way.

Have you tried homemade bone broth? Some people with IBD find it very beneficial.
I usually stick to fish, some chicken, and when I crave it bad enough lean ground beef. Thanks for the info, will look into it.