Have a new juicer, now what?

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Oct 4, 2010
have a new juicer, now what?

not sure what to juice. I know papaya is good for us, but I NEED iron. anyone recommend what I should be juicing. I have heard it helps but most of the things I would be juicing are not tummy friendly for me.. like anything green. Advice and thoughts welcome :)
You could try juicing greens, doesn't the fibrous stuff (that's hard to digest) get left behind? Though I would say whatever you juice go very easy at first, because I ate passionfruit (yes with seeds!) fine one day, when I drank the juice a few days later it made me ill, maybe the fruit was too concentrated or something?
Juice the stuff that's high in iron like Kale or Spinach. If you can stand it, juice wheat grass. It's foul and disgusting but really good for you. It's tough on your stomach, so don't drink more than an ounce at a time.

An easy-to-digest source of iron is black strap molasses. I put some in my fruit shakes. This is one of the highest non-animal sources of protein available.

This doesn't go in a juicer, but can you eat clams? Clams have one of the highest sources of iron.

Do some research on iron sources and how to best absorb it. It's my recollection that you need to combine both animal and non-animal iron to get the best absorbtion. I found that out the hard way when I was mostly vegan for a year. Ended up severely anemic.

Good luck - hope you start to feel better soon!

- Amy

PS What kind of juicer did you get? I have an Omega and I can put a rock thru that thing it's so powerful!
Dunno about what's higher in iron etc

but I used to do seedless grapes with watermelon
Hi I got a juicer recently too. Right now because of my flare its hard for me to do anything that takes a lot of time or energy. I have made a couple of things in the juicer and found the hard way not to keep anything you make overnight in the fridge. Maybe its the meds I am on or something but nothing tastes that great right now even freshly made orange juice and I love orange juice.

Everything I have read says that dark green leafy veggies are high in iron. Be careful though of anything you buy and use in the juicer there is a list of veggies and fruits that contain high amounts of pesticides and chemicals you DO NOT WANT. Here is a link to an article at CNN.com that addresses this issue. I hope you have fun juicing and if you come across any really great recipes please share! :)

Here is an article about toxic chemicals on veggies.
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Also go slow. I have been on a low residue diet for so long and when I got my juicer, it made the mistake of downing a whole glass of juice right away. I was sick for days. I think we need to reintroduce the good stuff into our system as our body gets used to not digesting it. I haven't got the nerve to try again, but next time I will be diluting and only drinking a little.
This lively green juice is rich in iron, vitamins A, B-9 and K, manganese, potassium, calcium (along with many other vitamins and minerals), thanks to the broccoli and spinach.

According to my calculations, this juice recipe provides about 120 calories and 3* Weight Watchers Points Plus per serving.

½ bunch broccoli
Handful spinach
½ cucumber
1 pear
1 tangelo, peeled
1 lemon, peeled
1 lime, peeled
1-inch piece ginger root, peeled

Wash all produce thoroughly and cut into pieces that will fit into your juicer. Juice all ingredients and serve over ice.


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