Have i over done it?

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Jan 3, 2010
I started back to work 3 weeks ago, only doing around 5 hrs a day. I am an electrical engineer therefore my job is more mental stress than physical. For the last 3 weeks i have just been working on my computer on nothing to stressful but the last 4 days i have felt very tired and then on Wednesday i hit a brick wall (not Littrerally). I went to see my GP who took a lot of blood to test for various things and all the results came back normal, such as Thyroid level, HB levels, ferrite and flamatory markers.

I have not felt fatigue like this since i had chemo earlier this year, Thursday for example i went to bed at 10.00p.m and did not get out of bed until 4 p.m Friday and then i went back to bed at 12.00 a.m and did not get out of bed until 3p.m on Saturday. I wish i could explain the reason for feeling so deflated, i thought it was my Chrohns as i have been getting a lot of nasty ulcers on my tongue for approx 8 weeks, i have also noticed that i have quite a few very small black marks on my stoma. Has anyone got any ideas or is it just that i am over doing it at work, which is what the GP suggests? I am due to see my consultant this Tuesday and really hope he can find what is causing this fatigue.
sounds early yet. But thyroid at some labs normal is up to 5, and some labs 2 or 3. So question is where it is. And what about B12 levels. That could make a BIG difference in energy.
Adrian, yes your B12 and Iron levels should be checked. I have to say that it took 3 months to feel human, and 6 months to feel 'normal' after my op. Which was open emergency surgery for me. So yes, you can feel that fatigued.

However, I would continue to have ALL my markers for Crohns checked if I were you CRP, etc. Check your temp(although I had infections and not a single temp, all normal)

Another thing we really have a problem with is dehydration. Seriously drink ALOT of fluids. It can creep up on you! And knock you out!

Easy does it on working. Yes..that was the LAST thing I wanted to do. But your body is telling you something, and you need to listen! Maybe less out in the field and more working from home for the next 3 to 4 weeks if at all possible?
Agree with everything Misty says above!! Get those levels checked, and take it easy. It took me forever to get my energy back.

Hang in there - Amy