Haven't been on for awhile due to depression

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 20, 2011
After my third surgery last year at UNC, I've had a hard time rebounding. My body is completely different and it's hard to leave the house without worrying about the moment I'm going to need the bathroom. Someone suggested I create a blog and I am trying to turn my negative "this is never going to get better" thinking around by helping others (while hopefully making them laugh). If you feel like taking a look, it's under my real name. And if you have a Google+ account or Facebook account, please send me a friend request (or circle request--even though I don't really know what that means yet). I'm determined to try to get out of the shadows and return to the person I used to be. If I can't do it physically, then I'm going to try mentally.

I'm sorry I haven't been online to help others. I am going to make sure I spend a moment every day responding to posts.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having such a hard time. :( But, am thankful that things are starting to turn around a little for you. Hopefully things will continue getting better for you. Take care. :hug:
Hi Sybil Vane,

It is great that you are really trying to make a positive change in your life going forward and at the same time help others through your blog and on the forum.

I am going to take a look at your blog now :). Good luck as you continue to recover in all forms from the surgery and looking forward to seeing you around the forum more!
I'm so sorry to hear of the depression :(


While being depressed and IBD naturally go hand in hand, as you no doubt know, sometimes there are underlying causes such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can contribute to such feelings. If, at any point you want to explore that a little, let me know. Otherwise, I'm glad you're starting a blog, that's great :) It looks like you're off to a good start.
Hi Sybil,

I can realte to the depression. Altough mien ahs been for different reasons. I had a blood clot in my lung last year. I survived but I felt like my lfie jsut fell out below em. While in the hospital I had a couple melt downs. The doctor diagnosed me with PTSD. I sort of knew that but had been using alternative / complimentary therpay to deal with them..and ltos and lots of prayer. Now i feelign a lot better and i am broke. My car stopped workign and well... I am alive and am trying to figure out my *purpose * here now.
My Crohns is pretty good. Although I haven't seen my Gastro in a long time. Just too many things happened at once. Death, illnesses and well just not good stuff.
I got very very depressed with all the follow up work for my blood clot. I was so tired. I am glad it is over. For the first time in my life I went to bed hungry. I ahve famiyl but they are more harm tan good.
Like a friend said I do have 3 things... the will to live, a sense of humour and my memories !! .. or at least I think I hvae my meories ! LOl
My Post traumatic Stress Disorder comes from the loss of my oldest nephew. I helped raise him since he was a baby. he died a logn tiem ago but it nver goes away. Especially when I am fighting with ym sister who was his mom. I now realize hwo i try to protect and resuce them from her anger !! I've bascialyl divored her and quite frankly don't care if I see or talk to her again. I'm tired of being the one who is trying to be the healthy person in dysfunctional relationships. !!
I am so sorry about the blood clot and all you've had to go through. It seems like things just fall apart all at once. I am so sorry about your nephew and my prayers are with you. I lost my sense of humor for awhile and found myself getting really aggravated whenever I had to do something small, like a blood draw. I used to always be pleasant to nurses, but I found myself staring at the wall, resenting the fact that I had to be there. Basically, I lost a lot of what I liked about myself. I should have never left this forum. It's such a supportive environment where we don't have to feel lonely wondering if the person we're talking to understands.
I agree, i haven't logged on for a while really. been too depressed myself and with a painful stricture and extreme fatigue. I only ever get out to a couple of relatives and if i can a friends house once a week, fortunately she is a retired gp so understands me being on her loo towards an hour! lol. but i also agree its incredibly depressing being indoors the whole time. good you're being positive. i just got blogging for dummies and hope to have a go when i learn. tis tiring though. good luck with yours
Hi Everyone! I changed the name to my blog to http://www.LivingSick.com. I had to change my software and a lot of folks had a problem with the "d" word. Not Crohn's people of course! But it would be nice to write about chronic illness as it affects others, too, not just Crohnies. I wanted to let everyone know because if they go to the other URL, it will look like I closed everything down. I'm still writing--I'm finding that it really helps to get it all down on "paper".

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