I am currently at University but I had to take a year of because of my health. I had a perforated bowel last year and because of that got a ostomy bag, but this really didn't help me very much I even am in more pain now than I was before I got the bag.
But for school I tried to make the best of it. So I made appointments with councillors in school to see if there where any possibilities in my schedule to maybe participate in half the classes I had or ask the teachers what classes where most important so that I could schedule around those.
For going out and stuff I would try and stick to 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks because one I never know how my medication will react to it and two I don't think I could handle my pain very well if I would drink more, but that's just me. I can have just as much fun if I drink alcohol or just soft drinks. Also keep in mind that a lot of alcohol isn't good for most people with Crohns, but that's for you to find out yourself off course!
Hope this helps you a bit, Good luck with your College!
xx Maud