Usually I take the excidren with food if they contain asprin, but there are also the asprin free type and they work just as well. I also lay down with a heating pad over my face or at the back of my neck, my heating pad is the best non-pill type of pain reliver I own (if you dont own one, buy one now, you'll never regreat it!), I also sleep with it on low around my side almost every night to help with the abdom pain I get all the time. and to add with what MBH said, the base of your skull / tip top of the spine area is another good pressue point that helps relive some of the pain of a headache. I have been getting some really wierd "flash headaches" , thats what I call them. They usually hit right around my left temple , it is like a really sharp sever pain that only last's for maybe a min tops but omg when they hit, it'll almost drop me litterally!