Healthy Dieting?

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Mar 27, 2009
So right now i am 5 ' 6 at 161 and im male. I am playing football for the 9th grade team and i wanted to know what foods i could eat so i can be healthy and also for weight lifting. Cause like all the weight lifters are crazy on protein , fiber, veggies, fruits, but the only thing i can have is the protein i belive?
Both of my gastrointerologists told me that I have no dietary restrictions whatsoever on Crohn's with the exception of grapefruit juice which will interfere with my meds.

They said if a particular food was irritating to me I'd figure it out. And when I was having a flare I found that eating raw vegetables gave me bad stomach aches, but now I'm able to eat them without problems.
well i honestly dont know that much about crohns even though i have it lol. But i heared from my mom (overprotective) that i cant eat any vegetables fruits or espeically nuts and seeds because if they get stuck in my cuts i would have to get surgery to get them out??? or is this total bs and she doesnt know what she is talking about......
Food seems to bother people with Crohn's in different ways, so it's a trial and error for us. Some of us can eat lettuce, some can't. Some can eat popcorn, some can't. It's a good idea to stay away from nuts and seeds. If you have a stricture, chunks of vegetables could get stuck. You might want to google 'low residue diet', and that will give you a list of fruits and veggies that might be kinder to your belly.
bradraz said:
well i honestly dont know that much about crohns even though i have it lol. But i heared from my mom (overprotective) that i cant eat any vegetables fruits or espeically nuts and seeds because if they get stuck in my cuts i would have to get surgery to get them out??? or is this total bs and she doesnt know what she is talking about......

I guess that sounds possible. Maybe you have a very narrow stricture? Next time you go to the doc ask him about the food thing again.

My husband was into power lifting and gained 50 lbs in a short amount of time via creatine monohydrate shakes and apple juice, in effect (creatine loading).
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yah i am still in a flare up, been for like 3 months but the pain isnt that bad its just low to mild. and im not goin to the docs till like September but i will ask him thanks
I had a mom like yours too. She doesn't know. It's your stomach and your disease. Even books , science etc don't know. Only a person who has it knows. That even means your teammates or other weight lifters.
If you can see a dietician or a nutritionist it might help. I am sure they could help you find a diet that works for you. You could get protein veggies and fruit in safe ways. Also if you want to gain weight eating more often might help. That's oen thing I am learning. I don't think big meals are good for me. But eating smaller meals more often.
Oh.. and something I might suggest is almond butter. It's a good protein. That and peanut butter if you can eat it. Hva eit on some crakers as a snack. Very healthy and will sustain your enrgy. Eat enough and you might gain wight. But as I have said.. it's up to you and your guts.
lol i think im a little alergic to almonds, one time i was eating them and my throat and toungue started to itch like crazy haha idk
well i did a huge project on crohns for my sr english project and found a lot about it. there are a lot of foods they say you shouldnt have but its not the same for everyone. you just have to find what hurts you and avoid it. i can eat fruits and veggies fine but lettuce does upset me if i eat a lot. but other then that i would try something and give it a day or so to see if it hurts you. have you done a food diary yet? if so that should help figure out what you can and cant eat!
yea i didnt want to do mine at first but when i did it did help some, so you may wan to try it, maybe just start out writing what you eat, keep a mini notebook with you or even a pad of sticky notes, then if one day you start hurting you can look at it and be like " oh i had strawberrys earlier or yesterday whatever and then if you eat strawberrys again and you hurt you can put 2 and 2 together and figure out, hey i cant eat strawberrys, you see what im saying, its really very helpful^.-

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