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Dec 30, 2008
Ok so im not a newbie and i did introduce myself a year or 2 ago on here. But things have changed a hell of a lot since then and this is a good Oppurtunity to let a lot of my thoughts and feelings out about what has happened, especially the last 5 months which have changed things forever.

So i was diagnosed towards the end of 2008. I had been ill for a while and having problems. Mainly pain and blood when going to the toilet. I eventually saw a doc and had the usual blood tests and examinations. and was then on a waiting list for a colonoscopy. Whilst waiting symptoms worsened and I eventually ended up in hospital. Only for a week. Id just had my colonoscopy and was waiting for results so they told me then i had crohns disease. I was started on Pentasa along with the dreaded steroids, but my god they did the trick!... I felt well for a year until things went wrong and i was back in hospital. This time i was very very ill . had lost a lot of weight and could not stop pooping or being sick. i was in for a week again. but sorted by going back on steroids and then onto azathioprine. again this worked for a year until i started having problems tolerating the aza and having a few issues so at the beggining of this year i started infliximab infusions.

This stuff was working brilliantly, i had never felt better and things where going better than ever, great health new job, and finally a bit of happiness.

So i decided to go out with a group of friends. A friend was kicked out of a club for arguing and so i tried to follow. The next minute 2 bouncers decided to throw me about and ended up kicking and stamping on me whilst i lay on the floor. A lot of people assume id done something to deserve this, but its been proven that i hadn't. this left me with serious stomach pain and i could not move. so an ambulance came and rushed me into hospital.

I later found out that i had a badly perforated bowel and that i needed an emergency op or i would die. So i had a laparotomy, I had some bowel removed and an anastomosis join was created.

this is a local newspaper article from the time. about 2 weeks after the incident http://www.wigantoday.net/news/search_for_attackers_of_man_with_chronic_illness_1_3277709

things however got a lot worse. It became clear that there was something wrong. i developed very bad sepsis and there was a collection in my abdomen that seemed to be the source. but the hospital wasnt a very specialist one so i spent 2 weeks in a bad way being told they didn't know what to do. Eventually after a month i was transferred to salford hope hospital which is a more specialist hospital for this thing.

I was here for 3 months where i spent a long time still with sepsis, i had drains in my back to clear the fluid i had around 10 ct scans and countless mri's. was being fed via tpn, on countless drips, having blood transfusions. eventually a water soluble enema made it more clear than the join in my bowel had not healed and i required more surgery.

So i had another op and ended up having an ileostomy and a mucus fistula. recovery in hospital went well and i have now been home for around 6 weeks and doing seemingly well. I spent a long time in hospital being very depressed. constantly crying, if i wasnt crying i was being sick or having a septic "episode" I am mentally exhausted and cant even begin to describe how i felt at times but i am glad i am now able to still sit here and live to tell the tale. and get things of my chest. I will never forgive the people who did this to me. And with any luck they will soon be in jail where they belong. I've also learnt a lot over these few months. especially how important my family are. I could of not made it through this without them.

This is possibly the longest message i have ever written, But if you have made it this far, thank you for reading!
Good Lord! That is a horrifying story Martin!! wow you are one tough cookie to go thru all of that! Thank you for sharing your story I hope justice is served and you stay out of the hospital

What an ordeal for you!!
I am speechless......
Thank you for sharing this story, you are a truly brave person.

Hey Martin! Thanks for sharing your story and the article. I knew a bit about your story from bits and pieces I gathered around the forum, but it helps reading about your entire story in one place.

I am so sorry this happened to you, especially since you were doing so well! I hope the men that assaulted you are put behind bars for a very long time. Any progress with a lawsuit? Has your output still been improving?
thank you, i don't like being called brave...lol as i suppose had i had the choice i would of never had gone through any of it but unfortunatley i didn't have the choice, Just have to get on with it and let them do what they have to do. the pain soon goes!...

need to thank people on here as well as some sent some kind messages of support which really helped to know people where wishing me well. having read back my post i see that I've missed quite a lot out but I've wrote enough for one day i think lol.
Hey Martin! Thanks for sharing your story and the article. I knew a bit about your story from bits and pieces I gathered around the forum, but it helps reading about your entire story in one place.

I am so sorry this happened to you, especially since you were doing so well! I hope the men that assaulted you are put behind bars for a very long time. Any progress with a lawsuit? Has your output still been improving?

As far as a lawsuit. Its going to a prelimary hearing at crown court in november. If they plead not guilty it goes to trial. Parts of theyre defence is disgusting.

And yes my output does seem to be improving thankyou :)
You are a helluva survivor and you are doing brilliantly!! You'll be dancing while the twits who did this get their just desserts.
wow Martin you really are a survivor. The people who did this better get everything they deserve for what you've been through and are still going through! I hope your health continues to improve :)
You have sure been through an ordeal--may you allow yourself the time to fully heal from it in all ways--mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially.

You are a strong survivor. May you soon be well.
Hi Martin,

How awful, so sorry to hear what has happened to you. I am glad you are picking up the pieces. I had the same op this year, ileostomy and mucous fistula. I am 5 months on and don't really even think about it now. I don't live far from Wigan by the way, near Ormskirk.

Lots of luck now you are on the road to recovery,

Kaz xxx
that is disgusting i hope they get what the diserve!glad you are on the mend and what a brave person you are.
Hope your depression clears up i no its never easy, hope ur recoverying well

Hi Martin, I can't find where you asked me about the SCN, I think it was in an email but I have lost it lol.

I was in Fazakerley so she came from there. You will feel better little by little until one day you realise you have no pain.

Kaz xxx
Just thought I'd give a quick update about the 2 doormen, They both pleaded not guilty at a recent preliminary hearing, so there will be a trial in january.

As for the recovery, all seems to be going well :)
Hi Robbo

I'm new so only just reading about your story. That's pretty horrific, hope the bouncers get what they deserve.

Notice you've been treated at Hope, same place I had my operation last month. How have you found the hospital?
Please try not to stress about the trial. Easier said than done, I bet.
I hope they get their just rewards for what they did to you!
Best of luck with the trial. I hope those men get what they deserve!

I am so glad to hear your recovery is going well - hooray!
Hi Robbo

I'm new so only just reading about your story. That's pretty horrific, hope the bouncers get what they deserve.

Notice you've been treated at Hope, same place I had my operation last month. How have you found the hospital?

I thought the hospital was great (a lot better than where i had recently been) and the staff on the wards where fantastic, My surgeon is Dr Anderson aswell who is a superb guy.

Im now also under Dr Robinsons clinic but thats been a bit of a nightmare at times tbh as far as getting appointments and waiting times and stuff is concerned.
It is with a lot of mixed emotion that i write this, And the last week has been horrible, It has brought things back to the surface that I had effectively moved on from, only for them to start haunting me once more. I gave my evidence in court and came out after being cross examined feeling like i was the criminal, that I deserved what happened, and almost certain they would get away with it. and have spent the last week doing nothing but worry about it all, not eating, not getting on with my life, just non stop worrying that they will get away with what they did and come looking for me to get their "revenge"

It's taken over a week for the trial to be finished, but i have found today that justice has been done. They have been found guilty, one of GBH and the other of "assault by beating". And to say i feel relieved and like the world has lifted off my shoulders would be an understatement. I say its justice.. But i will be living with the consequences of what they did for the rest of my life, they will serve a bit of time and be out and back to their lives. But either way they will be punished. and have been found guilty, and that sentence will hang over their head for all of eternity.

After an article in the paper at the weekend talking about the "assault" i was so worried they would get away with it and i would be left looking like an aggressive abusive liar who had it coming to him... but thankfully that wont be the case. I dont even know how to feel, I want to be happy, but i cant be happy, this should have never happened in the first place. But i am glad that it can all finally be put to bed and I can get on with my life without too much more worry.
I just knew they would be found guilty!!!! Now...get back to feeling good again. I'm worried that all the stress you've living with has been hurting you. You know what happens with stress and Crohns!

You deserve a happy and fulfulling life, and you WILL have it again Martin.
Dear Martin
I hope time will bring you peace, and it will take a lot of time, but you'll get there.
Take comfort in knowing that these men will never find employment again with a criminal record, they'll just rot and decay into has beens, also rans.
When they get out you can get a 5 mile radius injunction out on them, this is what we did, and they eventually left the area.
Victim support will help you with this.
I wish you well, it's over, please try not to dwell on it, that will only hurt you more.
Hi Martin, I am pleased the little ***** were found guilty but as you say this is something that should never had happened to you so you can't exactly feel over the moon about it all either in a sense. As Joan has said, it will take time to get back to a good place but given what you have already experienced and gone through I am sure you will get there, I also lke the suggestion about getting some kind of injunction so you dont have to worry about seeing them ever again. My thoughts are with you and I am sending lots of hugs :hug:
Hello Martin,
Good to hear the end of the story as far as the justice system is concerned and two criminals safely under lock and key.
This is the beginning for you of a healing time, and hopefully you will be able to reconcile your feelings into healing.
Now is the time to file it away and get on with your life as far as that is possible.
I think the injunction idea is a good one and worth pursuing for peace of mind.
Hugs and best wishes
Hello Martin, I am so very glad to hear that the court took an effective action to show you that they believed you. I am so sorry that you have to live with the consequences of the perpetrators' actions.

I hope that you can find a victim's assistance group that can help you pick up the pieces to find a new path for your life's journey. You have already shown that you have tremendous reserves of strength and courage in getting well from your injuries and in testifying about your experience in a hostile environment. Use that same strength and courage to help you move on with your life, living in a way will be shaped by, but not defined by this incident.

Please allow yourself time to continue to heal while you figure out what are the next steps to take. As you take them, let us know how you are doing--we are all cheering you on. :ghug:
I just barely caught up to this thread and was brought to tears. My heart breaks for you Martin, as you have been wrongfully suffering so much.

I just read both articles. The one posted yesterday was a very happy ending to the story - as far as justice is concerned.

I am praying for you that - concerning your health - that you can find that happiness again. We all love you so much and are glad that you're getting well. :hug:
Thanks for all the messages, Jessi. I woke up and read that article in the local paper this morning and felt quite annoyed in all honesty, their claims that i "fell" down some stairs drunkenly, that i ran over to a big burly doorman with a bottle... and that one of them didnt punch me at all, really upset me, especially when the paper fails to mention the CCTV footage showing me being dragged down the stairs in a chokehold, and then showing another doorman turn round and hit me in the stomach, for me to then fall out of shot of camera, only to return being dragged along the floor by one arm and left outside on the street.

I feel like the paper has been quite happy to give them a chance to say that they didn't do anything, despite being convicted, and not using the actual facts against them. I may be thinking too much into it but i feel like that article is trying to suggestively say i was off my face on alcohol and that maybe they didn't touch me afterall.
Martin, obviously the jury didnt believe that version of the story! They are the ones who are gonna pay for this...you on the other hand can get well again. Yes, it IS possible.

Now I know you will never again believe anything you see in the press. Welcome to the 'modern world' of ********. You can fight back legally, or just smile and move on. I think doing what Joan suggested might be a very good idea.

Hey Martin. When I read it, I took it with a grain of salt. From what I know about you from this forum, I knew that the media had changed the story to sound more appealing to the reader. I'm so sad that the press does that, but the important thing is that you don't have to worry over it any longer. :hug: And defo agree with Joan and Misty. Restraining orders are there to protect you.
I asked the police about a restraining order yesterday when they phoned me. The policemen pretty much dismissed having a restraining order against them saying that there is no real reason to believe i need one...as he doesn't feel they are the type of people who would come looking for me so to speak. Now whilst i'm not expecting them to come knocking on my door wanting to batter me, the threat of seeing them out and about in the future is a very real one and i dont know what could happen if i were to "bump" into them. One of them won't even be going to prison anyway due to the light conviction that he got.
I don't know about the UK, but if you want a restraining order, I believe you have the right... even if the police say they don't see a need. It should be your decision. I know I'd want one.
It is not the 'right' of a police officer to make a decision as to whether you need a restraining order. It is up to a judge! If you are frightened, you have every right to request one! The police can suggest it isnt necessary, but they cannot determine whether it is required or not.

But, you must feel that you are threatened. Unless they've changed the law in the last 10 years? (couldv'e done, mine was on my ex husband back in 2003)
Hiya Martin

this has eff all to do with the Police!
this is done thro a civil rather than a criminal judge. Take no notice of Plod!
the difference is - a restraining order is temp, the injunction permanent.
don't forget CICA too, they will pay out, I know it's not gonna bring back the way you were, but it's what you're entitled to.
sending big hug your way
Hello Martin,
Thought the following info may be useful to you:

Tel: 0845 3030 900
The website is very informative, but you can also phone them.
They will help you in making a claim.
So sorry you have suffered so much and hope you will receive all the necessary help for the future.
Hugs and best wishes
Ah Martin I've only just seen this update. I'm so happy that they got sentences. I was reading your post, holding my breath, then let out a big YES! Sam laughed at me and said what are you so happy aboot, so I told him and he remembers me telling him aboot you before so is really happy too :) I agree with everyone above re the injunction, so that you can start to feel safe again.
Although there are still parts of this that are unfair re their sentences and the newspaper artical, I hope you can start to heal those memory wounds now, remember that saying today's papers are tomorrows fish and chips wrappers. We all know they were completely in the wrong, and so do all your friends and family and now the justice system has shown that to be true too.
Big hugs xx
Thanks :0
yeah I made a claim with the CICA but it's been a long time since i've heard anything, although i was told it can take a year if not longer to get that sorted. I'm also pursuing the possibilty of taking civil action aswell, although I'm now having doubts because i feel i would just be giving them more reason to want to do something stupid if i went and sue'd them, so i dont know whether to just stick to the cica claim and drop everything else. I do need to give victim support a ring but i just keep putting it off.
Stick with the CICA claim, that won't hurt your pocket!
and yes it takes a long time to come thro, Jeff's was put back a year cos they had to pay out the 7/7 victims first.
good luck xxx
Just wanted to add that the case is over and the men where sentenced about a month ago. Neither of them will so much as see a jail cell... Pretty disgusted about it all tbh. one of them was going to get 2 and a half years, but as he helps look after his girlfriends children who have autism who are both in their 20's, the judge felt it would be unfair to jail him as they would suffer. And also decided not to jail the second man involved because its not fair if the other one wasn't being jailed... Disappointing after going through all the stress of the court case not to mention what I've been left with, But hey ho, onwards and upwards. I think I've spent more than enough time dwelling on things now. Can't let it drag me down anymore. whats done is done.
Wow. Remind me to make sure I line up a sob story if I ever decide to commit a crime. I'm sorry things didn't turn out as well as you had hoped but at least the case is over.

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