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Oct 1, 2012
Well, crohn's disease it is. I was diagnosed back in May. I lived with the pain for two years because I had no insurance. I lost a total of 80 pounds Because of it. To the point that my professors at school asked if I was doing okay just because of how bad I looked. Doctor put me on pentasa and prednisone. Life change. The pain was finally gone and I honestly cried I was so happy. However the pains have been coming back slowly and surely. Which is why I'm up at 3am. Fun.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you don't feel well. Do have a appt with your GI to try and get it under control?

Hope feel better soon. :welcome: and hugs :hug:
The relapse came on quick. I'm wondering if it has to do with my choice of omeprazole medication. I switched from prilosec to zegrid over the last two weeks and that's when it's come back on. Honestly, the back pain that I get with it is the worst part, not the stomach pain.
Have you had vitamin levels checked lately? I know when my potassium or magnesium is low I have horrible back and joint pain.
Try to start them back up and see if it helps. I know the battle of trying to manage health without insurance. Went through it for 3 years. Have you looked at the diet sub forum for any ideas? I went on low residue and it has helped me a lot, better than the $9999 a treatment remicade I'm on.
I do manage my diet. There are time when I give in. At my worst though I was eating baby food for a week. Top ramen for a month.
Hey there and welcome :)

I assume you're off the prednisone now and just on Pentasa? If so, that may be part of the problem right there. Mesalamine (the active ingredient in Pentasa) isn't all that good for Crohn's disease. It certainly helps some especially over the short term, but in my opinion, it's not enough.

Have you made an appointment to head back to your GI?
They scheduled my six month exam for November. If tonight isn't any better I'll be giving them a call tomorrow.
Hi Bioheaded, Welcome to the Forum.
I dig your handle. :)

Unfortunately, stress can be a trigger for many people with Crohn's. I say this because you are (or were) at University.

You qualify for help with Accommodation through the university. My universities called it DSS (Disabled Student Services)... it is called different things at different places. Please please seek out their help. Even if you do not want to take advantage of their services now it is a good idea to get registered (because it usually takes some paperwork and time). You will have it in place when you need to make use of it - a flare can creep up on you and you will be in no mood/condition to do paperwork at this time.

If your University Accomodation facility says you do not qualify - push the issue. You do qualify. Sometimes it may take a revision of the doctor's note with a couple of key phrases they look for.

They can help you get extra time for exams and assignments. This is imperative for timed exams when you feel the need to excuse yourself in the middle of testing. You can get extensions for deadlines to *try* to keep your stress level in check. I know this is wishful thinking while attending university, but at least it can help reduce it a bit. On days that you are too ill to attend the lecture they will assign you a "note taker" so you do not miss anything. Super Helpful!

I hope it helps and best of luck with your health and education.
Well, that would've been nice, but I've graduated since. I simply just trudged through it. There were many bad days and I full sympathize with anyone trying to go to school and deal with this disease. There were honestly times where I thought I wasn't going to make it. But if you mention colonoscopy to your professors they seem to be very accommodating. Lol.
Great! Congratulations. Graduation is already a feat and when you are ill so much more so.
Welcome again!
Absolutely an achievement! Graduating is difficult under the best of circumstances.......

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