Hi I finally found this forum again and have bookmarked it this time. I have had crohns for a very long time and have never been in remission. I currently am using remicade, entocort, nexium, loratab, B12 shots,D3, and the once a year D infusion. So glad to see smilies here!:thumright: I lost my colon and rectum 6 1/2 years ago, and my current GI has told me alot of my small intestine also. I have a very grouchy J pouch, and a bad gallbladder that they won't take out until I achieve some (90%) remission.:frown: I have become accustomed to living in pain, but would love to know what it is like to feel normal and good again.:rosette1: Well anyway is this too much info?:ylol: Happy to be here!