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Jan 24, 2010
I've just found this forum and never knew there were so many people with Crohn's and how some of the stories are so similar to mine (code brown!!). :)

I was diagnosed with C 12 1/2 years ago when I was just 17; it took my GP ages to refer me to a consultant by which time I was 7 stone (45kg) and had inflammation and sores from my mouth to my butt. The weight loss totally ruined my self-consciousness at school and uni, something I still suffer from today.

Since diagnosis I've been very up and down and usually control it with the occasional course if Prednisone, although I have tried Aziothiaprine and 6mp but they gave me nasty side effects. The biggest change for me was when I changed my diet to exclude almost all wheat. It does help and have much more energy as a result but it’s hard not to live totally wheat free.

In October I had a flare up and went back on a course of pred but it never really worked and by December I found myself in so much pain in my abdomen that I couldn't stand up or walk straight. I went to see my GP and she sent me directly to hospital with suspected appendicitis. After a long wait, x-ray, CT and a night’s stay; they identified my ileum was very inflamed and I've been on Budesonide ever since.

I had a colonoscopy on Saturday and they could only get 15cm in before encountering an impassable stricture and so they never even got to take a look at my ileum. The stricture opening was described as small as a pin. How can this be if I’m still able to go to the toilet? I've got a barium meal on 5th February too.

Basically I'm now worried what’s going happen next. Is surgery my only option? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading

Daaaamn! Someone with a screen name better than mine! =(
I have no stricture experience, so I can't help you there. I think bowel rest may help that, but only for so long. Hopefully you'll get more answers at your February appointment.
Welcome to the forum!
Hopefully you'll get some answers in Feb. and surgery won't be your only option.
Welcome! Love the name!

I have no strictures, so can't offer any gems but I am sure somone will post something.

Lishyloo x
Hi Max and welcome! I can't offer any great gems of wisdom either. I was strictured last year but it seems to have mostly fixed itself up - touch wood - I am sure you will get some good advice from your doctors and hope you can avoid surgery!
:welcome: Max.....LOL I mean Oh Sh!tz.

Finally someone confirms what my GI told me right before I had surgery. He Said, " Theoretically you can pass stuff through the intestine that has the diameter of a spaghetti noodle."...I thought he was full of spaghetti when he said that, because I don't even want to imagine how painful it is......

Are you in a lot of pain? I was pretty much in excruciating pain and continually vomiting before I did have surgery .....I think it is usually the last resort. Has your doctor discussed meds like Remicade with you yet?

Good luck, and welcome again.
Welcome to the forum! I have had narrowing and looping and I ended up in surgery because a year of solid pain trying to dx, I lost too much weight and it was done laproscopically. I have heard of some having dialations and stricturplasty, but if I was going through all that I would say take it out, my opinion only!

Remicade could help in your case... Entocort is a mild drug that you are on, and I am on it again but I dont have narrowing at all, mine are ulcers in the intestine, a scope last week confirmed it. I still have a Cat scan in two weeks to make sure what they couldnt see maybe found throught the scan xray.
The barium meal will how much is narrowed and how long. Keep us update on how you are doing. Hope you feel better soon.
I'm pretty new to all this myself so i can't offer much in the way of help, i just wanted to say that this is a great place to be for support and understanding. :)
best of luck to you in figuring out exactly how you can get things under control for you

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