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Crohn's Disease Forum

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I was diagnosed with Crohn's over 2 yrs ago (at 39 yrs) after having a few VILE vomiting attacks within a very short period. Doctors could not pinpoint my problem and the last attack got me sent to the hospital emergency room by ambulance. Lucky me - they were able to pretty much diagnose me right away after a few tests.

I figured I've had it for over 20 years but never knew what exactly was the problem. I'm lucky as I don't require meds right now and my GI doctor claims I most probably never will. I've changed my diet (no more pasta), no spices, easy on the veggies, and really careful with stressful situations too.

I always thought Crohn's was the sitting on the toilet disease. :frown: - and didn't know that you also can get it by having extreme stomach pain with wicked vomiting attacks. :yfrown:
Welcome to the forum hipster!

It is good to hear that your disease is relatively manageable. It does not seem like the changes you have had to made were to severe, and yet you maintain a high quaity of life still. Anyone who can do that should be proud of it.
Welcome to the forum. I am glad you have been able to keep a high quality of life.

Good luck
Count your blessings that you don't need meds to control it! Not that the diet change is fun, but at least you aren't a human guinea pig popping pills all day long. LOL

Welcome to the forum!!
Aloha hipster & welcome to the forum! It's wonderful tht you're able to control your disease with just dietary modifications. Hope that continues.

Pull up a chair & set a spell. There's some great folks here waiting to get to know you.
hey hipster! lots of Canadians around here isnt there?! lol
hope you like it, lots of support, and really nice people around.

My door is always open if your wanting a NEW FRIEND to chat with so drop me a note anytime ... so have a great time here !! See you around soon !!

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