So, I've posted a couple times, but it seems like this is the place where everyone introduces themselves, so here goes!
I'm 19, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 11. I have a pretty asymptomatic case, for better or for worse. I was put on prednisone upon diagnosis, and I had a pretty successful taper off of that, then switched to Asacol for maintenance. About 5 years later, my inflammatory markers (which had been gradually rising) were high enough to worry my doctor--and I had chronic unresponsive anemia--so I was scoped again, along with a barium upper GI series/small bowel follow through. The colonoscopy showed inflammation and ulceration in the terminal ileum, and the upper GI confirmed a very narrow stricture. I went on Entocort and Pentasa for a bit, and last year I started 6-MP because my sed rate (ESR) was still high.
Despite this stricture, though, I was mostly asymptomatic and continued life as usual--until this August, when I had a partial obstruction, requiring 6 days in the hospital. I was in an interesting situation, because the obstruction hit while I was visiting my grandparents in a different state. My doctors from home did their best to explain my history to the hospital where I was being treated, but there's only so much you can convey over the phone and through faxed charts, so that was a little frustrating. I managed to get back home, though, and after getting a second (well, fourth, if you consider actual number of doctors) opinion, we all decided that surgery was my best option. I had an ileocecal resection 4 weeks ago.
I'm a sophomore in college, and I had to fight really hard with the school administration to be allowed to come back for this semester. I ended up returning to campus just 1.5 weeks after surgery, missing 3 weeks of school, so it's been a big struggle to heal and catch up and manage everything for the past few weeks. But I think I'm finally turning the corner!
Regarding meds/supplements, I'm currently taking Asacol 2400mg, 6-MP 50mg, iron, multivitamin, Ensure, and I also just started taking a probiotic, VSL#3. I took it in powder-form when I was in elementary/middle school, but I just ordered it in capsules, which are much easier to take.
I've read lots of previous threads to answer most of my questions, but I was wondering, for those who've had surgery, how soon after surgery you were allowed/able to start doing things again--like running, etc. How long until your full energy level and strength returned? Also, my doctor mentioned that getting about 50% of your calories from a gastrostomy tube while asleep could be a very effective form of treatment. Has anyone had experience with this? I drink ~a cup of Ensure every day, but mostly just for the extra nutrition, not for any sort of enteral therapy.
Thanks, everyone!
So, I've posted a couple times, but it seems like this is the place where everyone introduces themselves, so here goes!
I'm 19, and I was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 11. I have a pretty asymptomatic case, for better or for worse. I was put on prednisone upon diagnosis, and I had a pretty successful taper off of that, then switched to Asacol for maintenance. About 5 years later, my inflammatory markers (which had been gradually rising) were high enough to worry my doctor--and I had chronic unresponsive anemia--so I was scoped again, along with a barium upper GI series/small bowel follow through. The colonoscopy showed inflammation and ulceration in the terminal ileum, and the upper GI confirmed a very narrow stricture. I went on Entocort and Pentasa for a bit, and last year I started 6-MP because my sed rate (ESR) was still high.
Despite this stricture, though, I was mostly asymptomatic and continued life as usual--until this August, when I had a partial obstruction, requiring 6 days in the hospital. I was in an interesting situation, because the obstruction hit while I was visiting my grandparents in a different state. My doctors from home did their best to explain my history to the hospital where I was being treated, but there's only so much you can convey over the phone and through faxed charts, so that was a little frustrating. I managed to get back home, though, and after getting a second (well, fourth, if you consider actual number of doctors) opinion, we all decided that surgery was my best option. I had an ileocecal resection 4 weeks ago.
I'm a sophomore in college, and I had to fight really hard with the school administration to be allowed to come back for this semester. I ended up returning to campus just 1.5 weeks after surgery, missing 3 weeks of school, so it's been a big struggle to heal and catch up and manage everything for the past few weeks. But I think I'm finally turning the corner!
Regarding meds/supplements, I'm currently taking Asacol 2400mg, 6-MP 50mg, iron, multivitamin, Ensure, and I also just started taking a probiotic, VSL#3. I took it in powder-form when I was in elementary/middle school, but I just ordered it in capsules, which are much easier to take.
I've read lots of previous threads to answer most of my questions, but I was wondering, for those who've had surgery, how soon after surgery you were allowed/able to start doing things again--like running, etc. How long until your full energy level and strength returned? Also, my doctor mentioned that getting about 50% of your calories from a gastrostomy tube while asleep could be a very effective form of treatment. Has anyone had experience with this? I drink ~a cup of Ensure every day, but mostly just for the extra nutrition, not for any sort of enteral therapy.
Thanks, everyone!