Help? An embarrassing experience

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 7, 2010
Any comments or advice is appreciated...
I have officially had the worst day of my life today!

A dear friend invited me for lunch, and served me the most delicious bowl of homemade Borscht I have ever had. A short while after leaving, I had a sudden urge to have explosive diarrhea. I was no where near a bathroom and tried to hold it.

Instantly, I felt the blood rush to my head causing intense pain like a migraine. I raced home with my head exploding, having to release some pressure into my pants a long the way. I now know what an infant feels like after it has filled its diaper!! You can stop laughing any time now :)

I'm in my 40's, had a small and large bowel resection 18 months ago, and have been on Humira weekly for 1 year.

What the heck? Has this happened to other people? It's not the 1st time this has occured. What causes it? Why am I still having to deal with this crap??? No pun intended!!! :ybatty:
Inflammation makes it impossible for you to control the muscles that would hold your lunch in. It has happened to most of us. There are plenty of embarassing stories to go around. No need to get upset with yourself or be embarassed.
ugghhh... yes, i have crapped my pants many of times. Here's a funny story to lighten up your night.

One day a friend and I were hanging on her back porch having morning coffee. ( I was extremely sick at the time) I felt the extreme nausea and the urge to vomit, so i ran to the end of the porch, bent over and threw up. I threw up so hard that i crapped my pants. I stood up while I was crying from feeling so bad and said.... "aaannnnd I just **** my pants!!" My friend sat there in her chair trying not to laugh as i ran to the bathroom!

After I calmed down from feeling so bad, we got a pretty good laugh out of it... and we still do.

Anyway... moral of the story... you're not alone!!
Oh, and that was not the first time, and was definitely not the last time! I just keep telling myself i'd rather laugh at myself then cry about it!
Butt-eze and Manzyb, thanks so much for your kind and cute replies. I don't know anyone else who has to deal with this, my family is quite supportive, but it's still hard to handle sometimes. And having 15 mins with my GI spec every 3 months isn't quite enough time to cover questions.

Manzyb - Your little Sadie bear is absolutely adorable! I'm sure she brings a lot of joy, we have 2 grandbabies that light up our lives along with our grown kids.

Sure helps having someone to talk to who actually has experienced some of the same craziness, thanks again.
Was finishing a 10k run recently and at about 9k, out of no where I had a severe stomach pain so gave me no choice but to veer off the course and behind a very narrow tree and detonate my bowels.....:)
I still remember it humorously...:)
Such is life....
So sorry that happened to you. I get that same way after drinking anything from Starbucks. Althought I love it and only drink it now if I get it and take it home. I have had several times that this has happened to me. Luckly I was not far from home. Hang in there. I know its tough sometimes.
Thank you, wish! I love her dearly!! She does bring so much joy :)

I have a very supportive family as well, but they still can never really understand!! They can try to sympathize as much as possible, but in the end, they just can't give you the same support another person with Crohn's can. (i don't mean that in any bad way in any shape or form) But its true! you don't know it unless you live it. Our loved ones do have their own battle with our disease though as well. I couldn't imagine being on the outside looking in. ANYWAY!!! Enough about that little rant!

I'm glad my little story helped you a little bit, that was my intention!

At Del!! That is great! :)

I was hiking with my parents once up in Big Bear, California, and we were a couple of miles up this trail when i had to go... BAD!! i had to squat behind a tree like friggin' Yogi Bear! LOL
I then purchased this book in the gift shop by the trail, and it was called 'Up **** Creek" it was basically stories about pooping in the wild!****-Creek-Co...9393/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318919229&sr=8-1
Heya Mudstick,
Interesting, I also tend to react from Starbucks despite loving their products! I tried different options there. One day hopefully they will offer alternatives that don't cause reactions. Thanks for sharing.
Oh dear thank you both, Del and Manzyb! Laughter definitely helps and omg this disease certainly causes it's share of anxiety and laughter! It sure helps knowing that others can relate! Thanks for sharing!
Hi Wish, and welcome to the family.

No one here is laughing at what you went through. We're all in it together. I have had an accident before, too. Luckily, like you, it was in my own home. There are people here that have had it happen in public.

Hang in there. I hope the Humira continues to work for you, and that this was just a fluke. :hug:
I was just diagnosed and out of high school for a few weeks while recuperating and I went back to school for three days and each day I had an accident. It was so embarrassing! I had crap running down my legs and everything, luckily no one was in the halls so they didn't see me but the nurses bathroom looked like a war room after I was through with it. haha
You aren't the only one!! The First Time, I cried about it for a while, but was able to laugh by the next day. Stupid crohns!!
Having an accident has happened to many of us!
They do make these depends now that look and pretty much feel like underwear...I use them when I'm going through procedures such as a CT scan where there is no way to get up and move. At least it helps give me some piece of mind.
i have a story. i didn't have crohn's at the time, but still.
4th grade. got really nauseous, told the teacher i had to go to the restroom, ran out the door, and proceeded to vomit and crap my pants at the same time in the hallway outside my classroom. holy smokes that was embarassing.

luckily that hasn't happened again since. but now i get to deal with fistula farts. i was at the theater the other night, just thinking, i hope the people next to me don't mind the noise too much. :tongue:
I was on the train this week, managed to hold it in but the others who looked t me must have thought I was having heart attack as I wen blue, started holding my stomach and rocking /shaking while breathing heavy!

It was awful, was glad by time I got to work that I could go then and didn't submit the passengers to it!
Oh my gosh I can sympathise with you :D - over the last few months while undiagnosed I have had a couple of "accidents" - the urgency is like nothing I've ever experienced! The funniest (well, I can laugh at it now) time happened very recently when I was staying in Munich - one of my friends booked the accommodation and he booked a "mobile hostel" - basically we were staying in dorm tents with outside toilets, great thank you!

I woke up one morning with the urge, had to put on all my cold weather gear and hotfoot it to the toilets... no loo paper in any of the stalls! I kept a spare roll in my bag so ran (butt clenched) back to the tent, but halfway there it happened.. so I just had to run back in to the toilet! I sat on the bowl for a good 10 minutes deciding what to do, eventually I had to use my underwear to clean myself, ditch the undies, run back to the tent wearing just my tracksuit pants and quickly gather some spare clothes and my towel before anyone else woke up.

I got away with it but on the walk back after my shower I felt like all eyes were on me haha - lucky I never heard anyone talking about who left the dirty pink leopard print undies in the toilet bin!

We can only laugh at these situations, I'm glad to find so many people here with similar stories to share - those without the disease just don't "get it!" :rof:
I understand your feelings since I have been involved in many "farting" situations.

I found that while we worry about this kind of things people usually laugh about scatological stories. This is because we take it personal. I also tend to avoid talking about my health to friends and colleagues.

It wasn't your fault; it just happened. You haven't chosen having Crohns Disease, have you?
My most public poop:

I was in an elevator full of people. Not sh*tting you! I had just arrived to work. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it to the 15th floor. :/ My husband had to drive an hour to pick me because I had taken the bus to work.

My chinese fire drill poop:

I was driving the car. I yelled to my brother at a stop light that he needed to take the wheel. I promptly got out of the car, ran to the back seat and crapped on my infant son's adorable blanket. My brother drove the car home with his head outside the window Ace Ventura style.

Holiday poop:

Driving home from a nice Christmas Eve meal I needed a bathroom-quick. The best we could do was a poorly lit neighborhood. Someone got a Christmas gift like no other. And it wasn't a reindeer!
Oh my gosh, all of you, thank you soooo much for helping to alleviate the humiliation and embarrassment through a bit of humour and by making all of these experiences seem like normal day to day routine and nothing to stress about!

One thing I'm not sure about though is the splitting headache I get if I try to hold it even for a few minutes while rushing to find a toilet. Is that from toxins or just blood pressure?

Does that happen to anyone else?

And do you find that dairy and wheat contributes to it at all?

What would we do without humour??? I have to admit, while I was typing my own experience I had to laugh but it sure wasn't a laughing matter at the time! And reading all of your experiences brought a chuckle (and sympathy) as I could see and feel it happening.

PS Anyone heard of, or read, the book "What's Your Poo Telling You?" It's good for a laugh.
I don't know about others but dairy and wheat don't affect me at all. Things like popcorn tear me up but then so will just about anything when I'm in a flare.

I have had so many accidents, I've quit keeping count. Not too long ago at work I was sitting at my desk and felt the "UH-OH" coming on. I jumped up and made a dash for the bathroom (which, by the way, is nowhere near where I sit). About half way there I felt the gush. Now you need to know that I had started wearing these long Poise pantyliners because they had saved my ass (literally) in the past if I had just a little wet fart but this was NO wet fart. Thanks to the pantyliner, instead of running down my legs the pewp was redirected and shot up my ass towards the waistband of my WHITE capri pants!

I get to the bathroom and have to completely undress. I'm standing in the handicapped stall trying to figure out what to do next since my panties are filled up and my white pants are an utter mess not to mention the pewp all over ME. I decide I'll do what my mom used to do with my cloth diapers when I was a baby and "dunk" the panties in the toilet to try to salvage them so I could at least get them home to wash them properly. About this time I have to go AGAIN so I sit down on the toilet. After I flush, I decide maybe the flushing water action will clean them better than just dunking so I wedged the clean corner of the panties under my butt where it meets the toilet seat so they are hanging down into the water. FLUSH again but the suction in the potty is so extreme it RIPS the panties out from under my ass and SWOOSH they're long gone! Well, crap.

Not having learned my lesson apparently I proceed to dunk my white pants in the toilet. Luckily, I didn't flush them but I succeed in getting them so soaking wet that when I put them back on, they were almost completely sheer down the entire backside. I had to take dozens of paper towels and sit on them for about 15 minutes to absorb enough dampness so it wasn't completely obvious and so I could then make a dash for my desk, grab my things and get out of there!
Awe Skywench/Deborah I reeeeaaally feel for you!!! The bye bye to the panties part was funny but I can imagine the panic you were feeling with the whole situation. And of course it would have to happen the day you wear white!!!
I too have started wearing pantyliners and they help immensely.
What upsets me is the fact that I thought the resection/surgery would help but it only removed the strictures and ended up creating more issues for me with an increase in these situations etc. We almost have to pack an emergency bag/kit around with us wherever we go!!!
Thanks for your post!
Generally, and after years of practice, I have iron control over my bowels. While at University however, I did wake up one morning urgently needing to go only to find my flat mate had just entered the bathroom for his morning shower. After about 10 minutes and surviving several big waves of urgency, I could not hang on any longer and had to let go depositing a big pile on the carpet. Since that experience some 15 years ago, I thankfully have never had a repeat.
Wish2be, I had a colon resection December 2010 and have been having the same "emergency" issues as you ever since. My doctor, bless his heart, suggested I try a cholesterol drug called Colestipol. One of the side effects of this drug is that it stops people up but for ME, stopping up wouldn't be a bad thing.

This past spring, I was going 10 - 15 times a day and my doc put me on Azathioprene, which was an improvement and slowed me down to 5-6 times a day but still diarrhea. Two months ago, he added the Colestipol and it has been a miracle!! I go once a day. And it's like regular people pewp!! I am truly amazed. For the first time in ages, my colon is not dictating my life.
One time I was going home for lunch. I only had to drive a couple of miles and suddenly it hit me!! I was undiagnosed at the time, so really wasn't expecting what I got. Anyway, by the time I pulled in the driveway, I was basically standing sideways in the car, desperately trying to keep my butt cheeks together. I raced up the stairs and ran to my room. Naively (Oh what I know now) I started pulling down my pants before I got to the bathroom. As I turned around to sit, I machine gunned part of my bedroom and half of my bathroom. It was a beautiful, almost solid arc sweeping across the walls and finally dipping down to the toilet.

I had to take an extended lunch that day for cleaning duty.

I'm going to bust open my staples laughing!

My absolute worst was when I was in college, and I had just been diagnosed. I was on cipro and flagyl, and had never been on any meds or anything before. I'd always had terrible bowel problems so I would avoid eating. I was invited out to a little party with one of my sorority sisters and some of her theater friends. My friend Becca, was the coolest girl I'd ever met and I was such a nerd in high school, I was totally excited about the invite. We were hanging out just listening to music on her friend's porch when the most amazing feeling of nausea swept over me. I had no idea where the bathroom was but I COULD NOT WAIT, and went stumbling, doubled over through this girl's house. I ended up in her bedroom, and saw the master bath ahead of me....but didn't make it. I collapsed to my knees and threw up all over her bed. One of those special circle beds with custom sheets. I passed out, and Becca and her friend found me and pulled me into the bathroom. While I was apologizing for ruining her bed, I started throwing up again, and lost control of my bowels at the same time. They were both really nice about it, left me alone to get cleaned up and then put me to bed on the couch. I was so embarrassed that I got up at 4am and drove back to the dorm.
I'll add my 2 cents...

My first most embarrassing...I was at work and I felt that pain in your stomache. I calledsomeone to watch the front and well no one came. I waited. The phone rang and I answered as patiently as I could while the customer rambled on about directions or something. I politly(as best I could) told her I'd find someone who could point her correctly because I'm horrible at directions(time has now passed at least 5-10 minutes). I called for someone again...ut oh nevermind RUN! I RAN as fast as I could to thebathroom and 5 feet away blood and poo went down my legs. I cleaned up took my work shirt off and tried to hide the mess. Promptly went home

Second...I was in the hospital drinking some prep when I felt...uneasy. I unhooked my IV pump from the wall(seriously thats one poor on Earth do they expect a person going 9762476293487 times a day to be able to lug that thing around?) Anyway I get into the bathroom and as I'm turning around to sit on the pot...I vomet. No clue it happened or why but it was there. So I'm expectly more since I still feel uneasy so I bend head first towards the toliet and...I...poop. my. pants. Terrible. I walked out of there head hanging low.
I have just been crying with laughter - sunflower that's hilarious! One of the many embarrassing 'incidents' i have had was while waiting on an examination couch at an outpatients appointment. I have an arthritic hip joint secondary to Crohn's and was perched on this examination couch waiting for the orthopaedic doctor to turn up. Then it happended - rectum filled up like a balloon, tried to hold it - no chance. Option 1 - do I use the bin or option 2 - the sink. Went for option 2 and shat in the sink. So was sitting on the sink with poop exploding out like a hosepipe - praying no one would come in the room! Managed to finish and get my pants back on and was just finishing swilling the contents of the sink down the hole when the nurse came in. She told me off for having a wash - phew!
Are you feeling down and need a laugh, read on?

Hi there,

I have stopped laughing but still smiling. On the same meds as you I when I really need to go my pain comes as well as a tingling in my face (which is quiet strange). 2 funny stories I have had which should cheer you up I hope and you can laugh at me. The first on occured 2 years ago. I arrived with the husband and children at heathrow airport for a 28 hr journey to Oz. As soon as I got out of the car I felt the all to common feeling, I ran from the car park to the arrivals and to the loo, but to late, it was everywhere. We had not checked the bags in but I was wearing my only pair of trousers as it was going to be summer in Oz and so I had packed all shorts. I really could not go out into the terminal (where the temp was minus something) in a pair of shorts. It took me about 30 mins to clean myself up and everyone was watching outside the loo (it was a disabled one so bigger) as my husband and eldest son kept passing me stuff. In the end I had to borrow a pair of my husbands trousers (bear in mind I am a size zero in American size and he is a stocky rugby player). What a fool I looked. I thought I would be able to buy a pair of trousers in the departure lounge, but the only ones I could find where CK trousers and I was not going to pay £200 for a pair. I managed to wash myself completely but I did have to go the whole 28 hrs on the plane in my husbands trousers. I had to bin mine in a santatory bin. My husband could not keep a straight face everytime I went to the loo on the plane, watching me hold on to this pants. :rof:

The 2nd was when I was 7 months pregnant with my second child. I was living in Spain then and it was really hot so I had shorts on. No one knew I was pregnant as I was so thin (due to your friend and mine the crohns). I was in the supermarket, at the till with all my stuff going along, with a long line of people behind me. I felt that feeling and thought "o no, not now", but to late. I had my son with me who was 8 at the time and the poo just ran straight out of my shorts and all over the floor. I very casually grabbed the large roll of paper the checkout has to wipe things down and began to clean the floor and my legs. My son then said in a loud voice "mum what is that smell, it's horrid", I sort of gently pushed him to the end of the checkout and packed my food and ran as fast as possible. When I relayed the story minutes later to my husband we could not stop laughing. I left it until I had had the baby before I returned to that supermarket, they were to busy cooing over the baby to remember me as the lady who pooped herself.

Hope that has made you feel better, and hopefully made a few more people who are having a bad day smile.

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