So Im a 23 year old guy looking for some advice as to what to do next.
My main symptoms are infrequent abdominal cramps and constant diarrohea which can cause nausea. My bowel movements sometimes have mucous, but most often do not. In terms of colour, I have pale yellow, green or brick red. Also, Ive lost about 14 ibs in 4 months which has put my BMI to about 16.5-17. On top of that, I get really bad mouth ulcers on my gums, tonsils and the roof of my mouth.
So after fighting my GP who refused to consider IBD (or IBS!) I have been to see a Gastro who has run the following diagnostics:
Fecal Calprotectin - 165
Endoscopy: Upper - Heitus Hernia and
Chronic Gastritis.
: Lower - Normal except tight
: Biopsy - Negative.
MRI Small Bowel Study - Normal
Capsule Endoscopy - Small, scattered ulcers
in the small intenstine.
Would just like to say, Im really grateful for all the tests Ive had, I know many people here have to fight for some of the investigations I have had. But Im just looking for advice as to what to do next.
My Gastro is saying that he doesnt think this is adding up to Crohns but that I should have a trial of Budesonide for 8 weeks to improve my symptoms or consider paying a bit more to get a balloon enteroscopy done so they get biopsy the ulcers.
My concern is that, Budesonide is used to treat Crohns and if it works well, then surely that is suggestive of me having this illness. Does anyone here know of being able to get a diagnosis through responding to treatment? Additionally, I have read in a few places that mild Crohns can first present as small apthous ulcers. Has anyone here had small ulcers which arent enough for Crohns, but have got worse in time enough for a clear diagnosis?
So, should I go for the deep bowel examination or should I see what the steroids do? If they help, how long should I expect to be symptom free before problems start to occur?
I would really appreciate some advice, the thing Im finding most challenging is judging what the Gastro is thinking and what questions I should be asking him.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also, apologies if my bowel movement descriptions are a bit much. No offense intended.
So Im a 23 year old guy looking for some advice as to what to do next.
My main symptoms are infrequent abdominal cramps and constant diarrohea which can cause nausea. My bowel movements sometimes have mucous, but most often do not. In terms of colour, I have pale yellow, green or brick red. Also, Ive lost about 14 ibs in 4 months which has put my BMI to about 16.5-17. On top of that, I get really bad mouth ulcers on my gums, tonsils and the roof of my mouth.
So after fighting my GP who refused to consider IBD (or IBS!) I have been to see a Gastro who has run the following diagnostics:
Fecal Calprotectin - 165
Endoscopy: Upper - Heitus Hernia and
Chronic Gastritis.
: Lower - Normal except tight
: Biopsy - Negative.
MRI Small Bowel Study - Normal
Capsule Endoscopy - Small, scattered ulcers
in the small intenstine.
Would just like to say, Im really grateful for all the tests Ive had, I know many people here have to fight for some of the investigations I have had. But Im just looking for advice as to what to do next.
My Gastro is saying that he doesnt think this is adding up to Crohns but that I should have a trial of Budesonide for 8 weeks to improve my symptoms or consider paying a bit more to get a balloon enteroscopy done so they get biopsy the ulcers.
My concern is that, Budesonide is used to treat Crohns and if it works well, then surely that is suggestive of me having this illness. Does anyone here know of being able to get a diagnosis through responding to treatment? Additionally, I have read in a few places that mild Crohns can first present as small apthous ulcers. Has anyone here had small ulcers which arent enough for Crohns, but have got worse in time enough for a clear diagnosis?
So, should I go for the deep bowel examination or should I see what the steroids do? If they help, how long should I expect to be symptom free before problems start to occur?
I would really appreciate some advice, the thing Im finding most challenging is judging what the Gastro is thinking and what questions I should be asking him.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also, apologies if my bowel movement descriptions are a bit much. No offense intended.