I’ve been on Humira for about a month and a half. Either it hasn't kicked in yet, or it's not working. Anyway, Monday I started taking 40mg of Pred and saw great improvement Tues-Thurs (to the point that I only went to the toilet once on Thurs), but things declined again yesterday and this morning. After the blood reduced to very little with each b/m, it's gone back to the larger amounts I was getting before (including me having b/ms that are pretty much just blood).
I have a GI appointment on Friday and I can see myself getting a sigmoidoscopy and ultimately an admission to hospital afterwards (this happened last year, although I felt very ill that time and I don’t at all this time), so I can be put on hydrocortisone to try and stop the bleeding (and if it doesn't work I guess we'll be talking surgery in the near future
). However, I'm not sure if I should wait until Friday because if things get worse over the week, it's only going to reduce the chances of medication working for me.
So how would I go about it if I decided I needed to go in? If I go to A&E I'm not sure if I'll be taken very seriously - I'm totally well in myself except for the blood coming out of my bum lol - no pain, no nausea/vomiting, no fever, no weight loss. I wouldn't get seen for HOURS. And when I did, what would happen? What ward would I go on and what medication would I receive without my specialists around to consult? Would there even be any point?
The other option is to call the GI department on Monday and explain the situation - they might ask me to come in earlier rather than Friday, I don't know. I think the problem is I'm not actually all that unwell - the bleeding isn't life-threatening. It's like... inconvenient at best. I'm not even anaemic because I'm taking iron! So technically, unless things get worse, I can wait. But what if that week makes all the difference in the long run, in terms of whether or not I have to have surgery etc...
I may just be being dramatic here, or jumping the gun, but I’ve been caught out in the past with the wait-and-see approach so I’d like to be prepared. Any advice/knowledge people in the UK could offer would be greatly appreciated
p.s. if anyone can recommend a good pay-as-you-go internet dongle for my laptop in case I get admitted, that would be awesome too haha. Last time was SO boring…
I have a GI appointment on Friday and I can see myself getting a sigmoidoscopy and ultimately an admission to hospital afterwards (this happened last year, although I felt very ill that time and I don’t at all this time), so I can be put on hydrocortisone to try and stop the bleeding (and if it doesn't work I guess we'll be talking surgery in the near future
So how would I go about it if I decided I needed to go in? If I go to A&E I'm not sure if I'll be taken very seriously - I'm totally well in myself except for the blood coming out of my bum lol - no pain, no nausea/vomiting, no fever, no weight loss. I wouldn't get seen for HOURS. And when I did, what would happen? What ward would I go on and what medication would I receive without my specialists around to consult? Would there even be any point?
The other option is to call the GI department on Monday and explain the situation - they might ask me to come in earlier rather than Friday, I don't know. I think the problem is I'm not actually all that unwell - the bleeding isn't life-threatening. It's like... inconvenient at best. I'm not even anaemic because I'm taking iron! So technically, unless things get worse, I can wait. But what if that week makes all the difference in the long run, in terms of whether or not I have to have surgery etc...
I may just be being dramatic here, or jumping the gun, but I’ve been caught out in the past with the wait-and-see approach so I’d like to be prepared. Any advice/knowledge people in the UK could offer would be greatly appreciated
p.s. if anyone can recommend a good pay-as-you-go internet dongle for my laptop in case I get admitted, that would be awesome too haha. Last time was SO boring…