HELP!....I can't LOSE weight~

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Feb 7, 2008

Help!!! I am Gaining Weight and have no idea what is going on. After my resection I changed my eating habits completely!. (I had to in order to save my life!)
I do no eat Fried foods at all, I only eat wheat/whole grain breads/pasta, and eat a minimal amount of Brown rice. I am fortunate to be able to eat more veggies than some other Crohnies... It is baffling to me. I consume less than 1300 calories a day. My only major issue is Peanut butter. I eat a good bit of Reduced Fat Jif Peanut butter. I have always had Serios CRAVING issues, which my Dr. attributes to vitamin deficientcies...
My thyroid is a little low..(22 where 25 is normal) and I take a small dose of synthroid for it??/
What am I missing here?? Why do I keep gaining weight!?
(I am not as active as I would like to be as I have pretty bad fatigue problems, but I am up and moving, or on a recumbant bike as much as I can deal with!)
Generally speaking, the total outcome is based on "calories in/calories out" Are you saying that without peanut butter you consume 1300, or even with your indulgence of cravings, you can keep it at 1300? Typically, healthy fats like nuts and their butters are a common source I'd recommend to use for gaining weight, because they're very dense in calories. Personally, I don't attribute cravings to vitamin/nutritional deficiencies, I see that as a misconception or myth, but that's off my own experience (not to make a claim of "I know more than your doctor", but when it comes to nutrition, many doctors have a few myths in their inventories, I recently read a nutritionist explain on a women's weight loss article that this is indeed a myth and it's often based on an emotional connection to these foods, meaning, all it comes down to is that you like peanut butter and you're hungry :) ) You very well may be malnurished, but it wouldn't manifest itself as your body sending you messages of what to eat.
I have to break apart my post due to the browser I'm on, so sorry for the jarring reading here....Anyways, I also wanted to state you may be eating too many carbs, and not enough protein, and may be losing some muscle as a result, slowly, and over the long term, this can result in a lower daily metabolism (your total calorie burning dropping). The other more immediate effect of too many carbs, is that your body will store them as fat since your glycogen stores are full. Carbs, when not burned, normally get converted to glycogen (your muscles, liver, and other places in your body store it), but when your stores are not depleted (exercise) and fill up, your body reverts to other storage methods, such as increasing adipose tissue (scientific term for bodyfat). Like it or not, we humans gain fat as a means of storage, our bodies are simply preparing for a possible famine. Anyways, I'd look at your macro ratios, which means your intake of fat, protein, and carbs...:)
Benson has some good advice but I think the best thing is if you post an average day of what you eat and then it will be easier for us to help you.
I have a food journal online at attach the link
I would appreciate any help!...I totally understand the calorie/calories burned ratio...that is why I know EXACTLY how many calories daily I consume...but It is like my body just WONT do it...Like it is doing just that...hanging on in case of famine. I am afraid to take weight loss meds becaause of all the reactions etc with the crohnie meds!
Your link doesn not work. I'll try to figure out some things that would help. Can you eat fruit? How long was your last thyroid test? I know someone that could eat 700 calories and still gain weight. Good luck and check your link

Other hormones are involved with weight gain/loss as well, including testosterone and insulin, some people have issues outside of thyroid-based ones. Other than fixing the link, or rather if that is an issue, can you mention what kind of ratios you have for the macros? That is to ask, do you have an idea of your protein intake, carb intake, and fat intake?
Thanks Benson. I have been doing chemistry all night and have been forgetting some of these quesions. It's nice to see you on again.
Ah, chemistry. Just remember that is "Bunsen Burner", not Benson Burner...Brings back memories of my lab partner and I sparking the methane faucet for some pyro action. Nice to have a decent interface with the web, even though it is still gimped (on my PS3, but it's better than nothing)...
sorry about the link...
I am going to try to post it again...
generally for breakfast i eat 1 boiled egg and a piece of wheat toast with a tiny bit of mustard.
For lunch...a spinich salad including baby spinich, mandarin oranges and light italian dressing. Occasionally I eat baked tilapia with brown rice left over from ndinner also. (If this isn;t lunch, It is whole wheat bread with deli chicken and mustard. My snack is usually pickles. (I have SUPER crazy craving, although am NOT pregnant!)
Dinner is either Tilapia with Brown rice, grilled chicken and veggies, or filet mignon with linguine.
Snacks will either be pickles as stated above or Jif reduced fat peanut butter. Occasionally when I am feeling exceptionally well, Ill add FF Cottage Cheese and Pineapple....
I'll add more tomorrow, but for now, I can state I think you could have 2 potential issues. 1, you're not eating enough (I'm going somewhere with this) and your body is near or in a 'starvation mode' as it's called, and storing any food it gets because it thinks there's a shortage (it's a survival mechanism, not different actually than your organs shutting down during trauma)....2, your breakfast is proportionally smaller than or equal to the following meals, and it should be the other way around. Generally, breakfast should be the largest meal. And even though I said 2 things, I'll repeat a third suspicion I had that is possible: you're eating too little protein as well as the calorie count...just some thoughts for now. 1300 is quite low one way or another, though, and since the body is "programmed" to survive, it will react to variables you expose it to...hope you're getting somewhere, I know this is guesswork, but they're educated guesses based on science and trend. :)
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Thanks...I never thought of being in Starvation mode...never looked at it that way! I am at the point of wanting to go to one of those "fat clinics"...but No one takes crohn's patients!
I hate to make my crohn's worse just to lose a few pounds...It is great to get advice from someone who understands crohn's and isn't just telling me stuff that isn't possible with this condition! Thanks again...(WAIIT!! What should I add to breakfast??)
I think Benson is on the right track with your body thinking it's in survival mode. You will need at least 1500 kcal a day and more if you are currently in a flare because the body needs the energy and nutrients(big thing) to heal you. You may be getting close to the amount of kcals you need but I don't see much nutrition you are getting. If you are able to eat veggies and fruits then do so. Use a fruit as a snack in between meals. Also, what are you drinking? Get some nutrition into your body and see how you do. Get some more protein and really some calcium. If you have ever been on pred then you are more susceptable to osteoperosis so it would be good to up the calcium.
Well, let me put it this way, the RDA for protein is 50 grams, and I personally think that's low even for sedentary people. If you add your protein up, it's probably closer to 30 or less, depending on the variation of food from your typical day. The fish or chicken and all plus a boiled egg would probably end up being around 35 or so depending on the size of the meat serving. For breakfast, see if you can add another egg or two (they're cheap and don't usually aggravate Crohns). The peanut butter may be adding some more protein, but because it's plant based protein, the amino profile isn't as optimal as animal based. Generally speaking, animal based proteins are higher quality than plant based ones, which is why vegetarians have to mix and match their protein sources to still get a balanced protein intake. What kind of light exercise are you able to do, like walking or bike riding? I'd be willing to bet if you added 300 healthy calories a day and did some light exercise for 15 minutes you'd lose some fat.
I will try that...
I have a recumbant bike and I try to ride atleast 30 minutes a day...somedays i walk instead if it is nice outside in Alabama. I will add more protein...
Any easily digestable suggestions? the only beef products I am able to digest well is Filet mignon, and I do NO pork at all. I can always add chicken, but only really like Tilapia...not one of the better fish protein providers~?
Eggs....boiled is about the only way I can eat them without gagging
Nearly all seafood is very good for protein, it's typically leaner than land-based meats. Any poultry is the same, great lean source. Fillet Mignon is a healthier and leaner cut of beef, so again, good choice. Don't worry about the eggs, the best way is cooked, whether that's boiled or scrambled, it won't matter, just don't do raw ones like some of my fellow bodybuilders, that's a mythic "manly thing" to do as a "sign of ruggednesss" that has no science behind it. Not only are the eggs raw, but heat actually makes the protein much easier to assimilate (scientific name for absorb and become used in the body), so there's no benefit at all to raw eggs except that it saves you from washing the dishes. As for easy, digestable sources, all yours are great, spacing them out (about 15 to 25 grams every few hours) is about all you can do. Try adding mostly protein to your diet and continuing the biking, upping the intensity a bit (shorter, harder bouts are better)...
Ok...I am adding protein...the Daily plate tracks my protein, fat, calories, sodium etc... I need to find some protein sources with less fat!!!!
The first question that came to mind after reading your posts is are you on prednisone or any other steroid? I put on at least 10 pounds within a few weeks of being on pred. Also, if you have a lot of sodium in your diet, it increases the amount of water weight you retain when on steroids. There are also a handful of other meds that can cause you to gain weight, such as certain anti-depressants and birth control.

I'm nowhere near as knowledgeable about nutrition as Benson or Jeff, but I'll throw in my two cents. After losing about 50 lbs during a flare, I did everything I could to gain back weight. After I got my crohns under control, I realized I had put on more weight than I had wanted. Basically my diet now consists of a large portion of lean protein and lots of fruits and vegetables for pretty much every meal. I eat minimal carbs, dairy, and sugar. I avoid liquid calories, like sodas, sport drinks, and beer. I would say I consume a little under 2,000 calories/day and work out about 5 hours/week. In the past few months, I've cut 15-20 lbs with this lifestyle.
I am taking Birth Control, but nothing different from the past 2-3 years. I am THANKFULLY off of Prednisone/Entocort Etc.
I take Pentasa 500 Mg 6 times a day. I also take promethazine and bentyl when the need arises.
I do also take Synthroid for an under-active thyroid.
An under active thyroid causes weight gain... maybe you should get checked out to see if you need a higher dose of synthroid.
I thought about that./// Does anyone know if a TSH thyroid number 22 is low enough to cause any real trouble? I was told it was not very low?
I'm not sure but my girlfriend has a low thyroid and whenever it is the least bit out of wack it causes her some trouble and she starts to gain weight. Best of luck. Let us know how things are going
I Lost 3 Pounds! :)

GUESS WHAT! I have lost 3 lbs since last Tuesday!:)

Adding the extra protein must have helped... I am sure the Flare didn't hurt either!!!
a really good guage is also how clothes fit, use that for a monitor as well. Congrats, hopefully it is the protein (would make sense), because flaring would obviously be a less effective and sustaining method. :)
well you cant lose weight!! im sure most of us cant stop losing weight and hate it! have you tried taking the weight loss pills from GNC? i forget the name of the pills but i know they work really well and really quick! im sure if you call GNC they will beable to give you the name of what they have good luck joshua
Thermogenics are supplements, meaning they "supplement" an already well-devised regimen. There are no magic pills or potions, and though there's sound science at the foundation of certain things like caffeine, EGCG, CLA, and the like, it isn't a replacement for dietary intervention and honed fitness plans. If pills were the answer, we wouldn't be living in an obesity epidemic, seeing as how the weight loss industry is a multibillion dollar one.
I agree...If there was a magic fix pill I would have discovered it by now :)
What do you guys think about the effects of supplements such as thermogenics on Crohn's diseases?
Should I fear any side effects to meds or increased intensity of Flare up with these?
I used to do thermogenics smoothies from the GNC smoothie bar a good bit, but have stayed away simply because fruit juice isn't really my friend anymore!
I thought about going to a Dr./Weight loss clinic, but I would be thrown out due to my condition, and I am also not "Over-Weight" according to their standards...
If you would recommend one, which would it be?
I'd be skeptical on the effects, as right before my Crohns was triggered in my first big flare in 2006, I was cutting fat off with the help of Lipo 6, and I'm not sure if that may have aggravated my gut. Then I was on some Hot Rox in 2007 for a few months, and a later had a flare start. There was immense stress, a few sketchy foods, and other factors that are also suspects, so nothing is for certain about causes, but since I can't rule them out, I've not tried any since then. The overall effect on the body may or may not be harmful to Crohns, but just the presence in the GI tract might also...I'd try diet and/or exercise first off, and push those very well.
Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight,first you should know how many calories you eat and you should maintain a good diet and healthy and maintain good eating habits.

Just drinking between 3 to 5 cups a day will burn about 70 calories a day, however green tea can be an acquired taste and some people just can't stand the taste.

One gram of protein or of carbohydrate yields 4 calories. One gram of fat gives 9 calories-more than twice as much. Since proteins and carbohydrates in equal amounts yield equal calories, you might think them interchangeable in the diet.

Intake of water helps weight loss. Water has no calories, cholesterol and fat. Studies showed that a high consumption of water does not allow more fat to be deposited inspite of being metabolized into energy and helps in weight loss.So,by doing all those things automatically you can reduce your weight.
I was hospitalized 2 weeks ago and they found that my Anastomosis from Surgery is BLEEDING :(...SO I am on Soft/Bland indefinitly...
HELPPPP....I do not want to gain weight~
I need to join your club. I'm not bleeding that I know of, but I sure can't lose weight.

I was told yesterday that Slimfast works for "liquid" portion of my diet. So perhaps you could try something like that?
MrClayto, could you give more info on the new changes to your diet/activity restrictions? I'll check back to see what I can assist with, or Jeff may find it.
MrClayto let me know your diet. Did they say you could do any type of exercise?

Kittee: Same questions for you, diet and can you do exercise? Also, what kind of shape are you in and what is your ultimate goal. Maybe you could post a seperate thread so we(I) don't get confused while trying to figure out who did what if you know what I mean.

Sorry for maybe not being 100% clear but I took a pain pill a little bit ago and I thought I needed to reply to this thread.

My average day is:
8:00: Coffee :)...(35 calories)
around 10:00: either Oatmeal (high fiber maple and brown sugar or plain instant)

Lunch around 1: Either a deli chicken sandwich on whitewheat bread (the whole wheat makes my tummy sick) or Chicken soup that my mom makes. (it is basically broth, wide egg noodles, english peas, and chicken.) If rarely ever eat out, but if I did, before this last hospital visit I would eat a salad or Quizno's.

snack 3pm...Either Dannon Immunity Light yogurt or Sargento light string cheese.

Supper: What ever I cook. Last 2 weeks its been either low fat version of chicken and brown rice, spaghetti, baked fish and rice etc.
****if I eat out, it is either chick fil a nuggets or chicken strips OR filet and linquine.****
I must admit that someone brought me chips ahoy cookie in the hospital, and Ive had about 2 a day :(but they are almost gone..

as far as exercise...we dance every hour on the hour at work for a song on someones Ipod just to get moving. when I get home and the weather is feasible, I walk my dog.
I also have an exercise bike, but the question there is..DO I HAVE THE ENERGY TO RIDE?

thank you both for helping! I really appreciate it!
Well right now I would really think you need to let yourself heal. When you are healed then you should start a workout routine. You do need to up your calories though. Eat more protein and I'm not sure but fruit smoothies may be on a soft/bland diet, I know you can't have strawberry smoothies if you are on a low residue/fiber diet. Get some more calories but try to eat healthy things.

I hope your anastomosis heals and stops bleeding soon. When you stop bleeding let me know so we can work on helping you get some exercise. I wouldn't do much more than some light walking right now.

Good luck
Has anyone actually even contemplated that the major side effect for some of the med's is MORBID OBESITY??????

This poor person is going to be going through hell!

it has nothing to do with what they eat, they has a good healthy diet, and they are gaining weight most likely from steroidal medication.
a hasty (yet plausible) assumption would be to blame steroids, she may or may not be on them, but other factors can bring about weight gain (metabolic interference, hormonal inbalance, stress, etc...)...though steroids, when taken, are a common cause. I may venture to guess it's a low TCB (total calorie burn) meaning that she isn't burning what she is eating, as little as it may be. It's quite possible she isn't eating enough and moving about enough, but like Jeff said, healing must come first, there's only so much one can alter without making IBD worse.