Help!!! I Don't know what to do

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Jan 30, 2012
Hi Everyone,
I need some help. My boyfriend of 2 yrs. broke up with me on Sunday and now he has a date tonite. I have been going through the motions all week. but this morning I woke up and I am feeling very sick to my stomach. The perscription anti-nausea meds aren't working any more. I have the same pain that I always seem to have, its only gotten a little worse. I have not eaten a lot this week so I lost about 5 lbs. Now my question is ... How do I know if this is a flare or if I just an emotional basket case (which I am)? I am waiting to hear from my GI Dr. who knows when that will be. Any Advice ???
Your Drs office should call back within a couple of hours. If not call back. Your emotions def are playing a roll it and it may not be a flare.
When I went through a bad breakup - I was nausous and couldn't eat for three weeks. So emotion could be playing a big part in your difficulties today.

Try getting the emotions out by journalling, or crying or talking with a good friend or family member. IBS/IBD sufferers are likley to be people who tend to hold things inside - so try getting the emotions out of you.

It could just be because of everything yu are going through. But if you are really stressed/depressed it can make a flare worse I know when I have been through bad times in the past it has an affect on my crohns and will cause a lot of problems. Hopefully this isn't the case as you are having a hard enough time at the moment.
Having a date already what a .... Can't put the words on here sorry you are goin through a tough time x
Can be a combination of both, as a result of your circumstance. Good lesson to learn how to handle the stress. Realize that if it is meant to be, it will be. However, also be good to yourself and be prepared to move on and understand it may not have been meant to be. When it is right, it will hit you like a brick. Feel better and be good to yourself.
Even when I have emotional stuff going on (just recently broke up with boyfriend of 12 years on and off), I still try to treat the crohns symptoms when worse. Wether being emotional is part of a flare, you still need your GI so you can treat the flare as best as you can in my opinion. Or you let that get worse and there's even more to be depressed about :/
I agree we can hold things in, and end up exploding now and then. I put a 'do you have outbursts too?' thread in general discussion recently. You should read it. That was at my ex, so trust me I know how it is to get emotional, but you still need to take care of the physical. Take care, hope you feel better soon. xoxo
Thank you everyone... I ended up going to the ER yesterday evening. Turns out to be a reaction to the Immuran that I started on Feb. 1st. I have yet 2 more perscriptions to pick up now (anti-nausea and a pain med.). I have to stop the Immuran and call the GI on Mon. so that I can start a new med. And I have to get my heart to say F*** Off to my now ex-boyfriend. I think this will help more than anything. Is it wrong of me to hope they got food poisoning on their date and spent the evening vomiting on each other???
Perhaps more healthy to look glean something from every experience and realize it was there for a reason. You can make up whatever "reason" that is (i.e., showed me how low I could go, or how I don't want to be treated...), but stay focused on the positive side of life experiences and you will maintain a healthy outlook.

I always say driftwood always comes to shore. So, don't worry about the negatives...they will follow people who dish out the!

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