I Don't know what to do Oct 16th My Hemoglobin was 10.5 just checked Friday now its 8.5 WTH. I was seeing some red blood but it wasn't a huge amount I thought it might be from my Fissures. I'm not seeing any blood at all now. I was even taking my Flintstones vitamin with Iron. Of course now I'm told not to take it with coffee. I am also under the impression that Prevacid and Prilosec block Iron absorption is this true? I have to take it because of the prednisone. I put a call into my GI and asked for my lab results this is how I found out. She said my DR would have to give me the rest of the results well this was this afternoon I never got a call back I guess it wasn't serious enough for them<<<<sarcasm
Does anyone have any Iron Recommendations?? I cant do pills they don't absorb and make me sick. Any Strong liquids out there?
Thanks in advance
Does anyone have any Iron Recommendations?? I cant do pills they don't absorb and make me sick. Any Strong liquids out there?
Thanks in advance