Help... Up coming appointment

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Sep 3, 2009
:ybatty: Hi all I need some tips to help me calm myself before my appointment on Thursday, I have panic disorder quite bad right now. My guts are twisting and turning, I can't eat much and I feel lousy. What do you do to help calm nerves before an appointment?:eek:
I hate hear that you get so anxious before your appointments...Maybe try to look at it in a different way.
If your dreading it, maybe try to turn it into something positive... For example think to your self "I am going to get some answers today".
Do you have someone who can go with you for support?
What things have worked for you in the past?
Write a list of questions you have for the doctor so you feel prepared.
Good luck and I hope you get some more suggestions.
I feel your pain, I have had bouts of panic attacks for years and they are not very nice. I have used diazepam at times when they are really bad, like for when I have to go on a plane. It works a treat but is addictive which is why I save them for 'special' occasions only.
Mostly, though, I just focus on the time, like in two hours this will all be over...
And definately write things down as anxiety does no favours for quick thinking and memory!
good luck, I'm sure you will manage fine


I have loads of problems with anxiety and panic attacks, in the past year it has developed into agoraphobia. I try to concentrate on positives, one of my methods is to think of the worst that can happen (in my case, it's not make it to a bathroom, which may seem silly but it's something that I'm terrified of) and then realise that there are far worse things to worry about and it usually calms it down a little. I have an appointment with a hypnotherapist coming up this weekend actually to see if I can get a better handle on my fears which I'm really hoping will work. It would be nice to go out and lead something resembling a normal life again.
Oooh, I'll be really interested to see how that hypnotherapy goes Nicci. I've battled anxiety for years and it's no fun at all. Have had times where i couldn't even handle the supermarket, but that seems to have gotten to 'normal' again.

My worst was when i went on one of my regular trips to Auckland ( 1hr 40 direct flight and about 3 hours with connecting flight for those unfamiliar with new Zealand!) to see my nephews and i was SOOOOOOO anxious it was unbearable. To the point that when I got off the first flight to change over for the next one I simply couldn't get back on. Went through the whole process of getting my luggage, renting a car and driving 5 hours home!!! I kicked myself vigorously for this because by the time I'd organised the rental car I would have actually been back in my home town!

My anxiety actually seems to have gotten better over time and has been really good since diagnosis a couple of months ago - no idea how that works!

Good luck and keep us posted

If it's an important medical appointment I take Hubby with me, to remember things I've forgotten and to 'record' what the doc said - this way I know there is someone else who can help me out if I get stuck, or freeze, which often means I'm relaxed and didn't need him there.

If it isn't... I think about what is the worst that can happen? Well I probably wouldn't see these people again, so if I make myself look a fool. Well shrug. Everyone has bad days. And I just try to prepare as best I can. The day before I go for a good walk, get some endorphins, and try to do the 'not worry' thing lol! Whatever will be, will be.

It's not easy I'll admit. I'm a worrier, not, thankfully, a panic attack type person. Hubby has this philosophy where he doesn't worry about the things he can't do anything about, as there is no point. Whereas that's exactly the scenario that freaks me out.

Anyway. Hope it goes okay for you!
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas. I LOVE music and relaxation stuff. Exercise is another good one, if only I didn't feel so lousy. My BF will be coming with me for sure, he has to drive me there as I will be taking some sedatives to get me out there.

Shaz, I'm sorry to hear that you had a rotten experience like that, I'm sure I've lost count of how many times I could have kicked myself in the butt for fleeing in fear. Glad to hear you are felling better, the diagnosis has eased your mind and you know there is a reason for feeling like you did/do.

Seaofdreams, I can really relate with you. I'm just too ashamed to call it agoraphobia. Sounds like you are making so good progress. Please let me know how the hypnotherapy appointment goes.

Imisspopcorn, Thanks for the advice, my list is made and I'm half excited about the appointment and possible treatment and half scared out of my wits. My BF is going out of town for a month and I worry about something happening, going for another appointment, side effects, feeling even worse or needing to go to the hosp or ER... etc.

Even with sedatives I still feel anxious, I know I'm a hard nut to crack ;)
Hi again Doll,

Do try not to worry - it doesn't get you anywhere!

I have found that with this new crohns thing, what works best for me is to just take it as it comes as I tend to stew about things too and it only makes it worse!

I had a follow up with my GI on Monday and basically didnlt allow myself to think about it in the couple of days before (I wrote a list of questions the week before so I could clear my head).

I don;t seem to be having the anxiety/agoraphobia with appointments now but obviously there is some anxiety about what they are going to say! So, I was told that they want to put me on Immuran and this made me VERY uncomfortable. He has allowed me 2 weeks to think about it. The thing is, it is so early on in the process that immune suppression seems a bit drastic. The doctors don;t seem to care about concerns, just attacking the disease itself.

I asked what would happen if I decided to not take it and see how things went and he was very smug saying its a risk you have to weigh up.

So, my point - I came away feeling freaked out and ended up tying myself up in knots and not sleeping and it churned all of my insides up into cramps and felt like I'd been hit by a bus the next day. So, worrying doesn;t help eh? Now we just need some magic cure to make all this go away and won;t have anything to worry about anymore!!

Gosh, that turnd into a vent - sorry!

Shaz, it's healthy to vent!! :) Take your time deciding and get as much info as you can on the med. Ask any questions you have about Imuran and if need be will there be a nurse or somebody to call if you have questions regarding side effects or concerns.

I'm thinking my dr. will prescribe prednisone because he mentioned it the last time I saw him. But then again, my recent blood work showed high cholesterol, maybe some of you know if prednisone is known to cause higher cholesterol? I'm thinking that my higher levels of cholesterol are due to birth control pills.
Well I made it to my appointment this evening. All last night and today I listened to deep relaxation music and guided imagery to help keep myself calm. I did take some sedatives (ok a lot). But I made it there in one piece.

I brought along my notes and lists (6 pages). We talked about the symptoms and options for meds. He really wants me on prednisone, we we agreed that's whats best for now , he said entocort is good but expensive. He was concerned about the panic attacks and their severity, so he wants to try 25 mg/d to start with. He also mentioned remicade and humira. So, I filled the script and it didn't have any instructions on the bottle for weaning off. Looks like it's a 20 day course, any ideas on this?

He told me to watch for hyper activity and insomnia, mania as well. Also if I don't feel right to call him.

He pressed on my tummy and I yelped a couple time LOL I'm sure guy guys know what I mean.

He didn't look at the lumpy bump on the inner crease of my thigh, it's been there for awhile and has a bruised/purplish color on and a round it. He said that skin conditions normally show up on the bottom of the legs, I think he could have just looked anyway, just in case. It would have eased my mind.

Anyway, so I'll take the pred tomorrow morning and look back here to see if you know if tapering at this dose needs to been done. And then I go for a small bowel series in another month. Darn I HATE barium, it takes me soooo long to get that stuff down.
Hi Doll,

Sounds strange that he just gave you pred with no instructions? My understanding is that if you take it for more than 7 days you have to taper off. For instance I was put on 40 for 3 weeks, then 30 for three weeks and 20 for three weeks and then ten for three weeks. Others often do a taper by 5 at a time.

Glad you made the appointment, always good to get these things over and done with eh? And such a sense of accomplishment after all the anxiety. I usually end up kicking myself for being so anxious when it was all okay after all.

If the pred makes you jumpy I'm sure you can take a sedative, that worked with me on the couple of worst days I had. But mostly I was okay because I knew the feelings were from the pred so it made them less scary.

Take care
I'm glad you made your appointment. I hope you see some improvemet with the prednisone. That's strange he didn't mention tapering. Just make sure you don't abruptly stop it. Maybe you could call to him to get better info.:)
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Hi C-Doll,

I'm always so late to join in.

I could talk for hours about anxiety. I won't though! I have an (diagnosed) anxiety disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and what a monkey wrench that can throw into getting sick, or being sick. "I know it's a brain tumor!" (lol). I found that if a person has an anxiety disorder, he or she is not exempt from the other types - sort of like Crohn's. I have OCD, but I will get panic attacks, or generalized anxiety, and some times episodes that are similar to PTSD.

What works for me like a charm is a supplement called 5-HTP which is a synthesized amino acid (protein) building block that acts a lot like an SSRI anti-depressant. I came across it searching for relief of my migraines. Didn't work for the migraines, but it miraculously helped with OCD episodes, and it helps with anxiety, too. You can order the stuff online from Vitamin World (probably in Canada - but in Euro I heard you need a script). The supplement is low on side-effects and not nearly as hazardous or habit-forming as benzodiazepam (valium, clonapin, Xanax). But there is a possiblility of nausea or bowel symptoms - at least that's what's been noted in research. It never effected me in that way, and I've been taking it for about 4 years. Note that I did stop it during this flare to see if it had any bowel side-effects - and there has been no changes since stopping (other than a slightly higher level of irritability - that is MENTAL irritability)

I tend to get anxious over bad news. My flare gets worse when my girlfriend is hurting or upset. So I've experienced heighted symptoms when I worry or get upset from anxiety. That's just how it is when you have an anxiety disorder - I can't help it. It's hard for "normal" people to accept that I don't have this conscious "light switch" that I can flip on or off that controls anxiety. "Stop worrying so much" - well sure OK, I'll stop, but maybe somebody can go shout up there at whatever of the 40 brain receptors is responsible for this, and maybe "he'll" listen too! It's like shouting at a diabetic kidney - "Hey you! Better get working more efficeintly - you'll feel much better."

OK aside from the 5-HTP, the other methods suggested above like music and meditation are helpful. I lean towards "mathematic solutions" - for some reason my mind can accept an equasion quicker than it can sane reasoning. So for anxiety, there is some "math" that I use. It's like a "substitution" thing, and I can actually "change my mind" from worry or anxiety to their distant positive "cousin": excitement.

The math goes this way. When opportunity "knocks" or becomes available, I want to be (mentally) available to grab it. I can't be available if I'm "drunk" or "high", so I take away (minus) chemical forms of "recreational therapy". I miss the opportunity if I'm buzzed out. Also there is a peculiar "property" of opportunity that I've found. The more CALM I can be, it's like opportunities of all different types become "visible". Opportunity seems to reveal itself more often or more clearly when I'm calm. So I do the math in my mind sort of backwards.

If I'm anxious, then I'm not calm. If I'm not calm, then there's a good chance I'm not going to see opportunity. I've begun to realize that in nearly every single circumstance, if not all circumstances, there is opportunity - opportunity to find or harvest a benefit, or opportunity to grow emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually. I hate to say this, but I like getting benefits. I get a rush when something cool, unusual, or miraculous, or seemingly impossible happens. I get goose bumps, and I smile, or "the light goes on" in my head when I say "Aha!" and understand something that's been eluding me.

In other words, for me to become healthier, wealthier, and wiser, I have to be prepared to seek and find an opportunity somewhere within the parameters of my conscious living and breathing. The calmer I am, the more opportunities become visible to me. So my DESIRE becomes to always want to find and grab ahold of an opportunity because opportunity always has something good in it for me - a benefit - often a tangible benefit. That gets me excited. For someone like me, excitment works in my mind in almost the same way as anxiety does.

The trick for me is making the choice to be calm so that I can eventually become excited, instead of going for the immediate gratification of anxiety and then miss the opportunity which will give me a benefit.

Your meeting with your GI doctor has opportunity written all over it. I can see it from Cleveland! If you are calm, you WILL find probably more than one opportunity.

It also helps to "trick" your subconscious mind. If I say to myself "Stop worrying", that's negative reinforcement. The only thing my subconscious hears is "worry". So that's what happens - my mind takes there. That's how people with anxiety disorders are. So instead of thinking "you have nothing to worry about" I substitute a positive affirmation: "I'll gain if I stay calm." Then the only message my subconscious mind hears is "stay calm" and that's where my mind will take me. Two very different sides of the same coin, maybe?

I believe you can overcome your worries and anxieties, Doll. I say this often. If a bona-fide clinically anxious nut-job like me can overcome anxiety, then ANYONE can. Is it easy? Heck no. How? Doing things I don't want to do, and practicing doing things I don't want to do a whole lot of times. Eventually it gives my "intellect" more power than my "feelings" or "emotions".

I also heard it put this way.

"Don't worry. They're ONLY thoughts." (its the actions that matter)
Hey regular Joe, thanks for the great post!! I will need to re-read this one over and over :) a lot of good info packed in there. LOL I'm not the best mathematician but I'm great with words!! Maybe I can play some mental boggle or scrabble. I think a big part of anxiety is confidence and trusting yourself. Replacing negative thoughts with the positives is a good technique. Aww thanks for saying that I can overcome this, and I believe it too.

Shantel, I called the dr.'s office and I was told to call the nurse in a weeks time for a prednisone update. The lump/bump was feeling bad, it was sorta brownish purple and it hurt when touched, not a round lump but more like an enlongated raised thing. I'm on day 3 of the pred and the lump/bump is going down. Also that feeling like I've been kicked in the stomach is going away. The only thing is some bloating, feeling of fullness and "pressure" in the lower area.

So far no extra energy, I feel TIRED all day and a little spacy. Ugh and insomnia at night on top of my already existing insomnia... Hello 6am and goodnight LOL.

I'd like to hear how long it took for the prednisone to kick in for you guys. I'm I being hasty on day 3? I lack patience hehehe.