Help urgently needed *infliximab/bloodwork related*

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Jul 13, 2009
So I was due my infliximab yesterday and its been 2 days of hell for me. I went into hospital yesterday as usual but I had a different nurse putting my canulae in to the vein I usually have it in. Something went wrong and it started hurting more than usual then when he put the flush in it stung alot. I dont know what happened but I guess I was shocked because this had never happened before and I had a panic attack and started crying. After an hour I had calmed down enough for them to try again on the other arm. Again the needle went in okay but when it came to putting the flush in it really stung so was obviously not in right. Then then put a heat pad on my arm to help bring the veins up and again they stuck it in a different vein to no avail. By this time I was quite distressed , Im not needle phobic but then putting it in wrong was quite painful and I had been in hospital for 4 hours by that point so we decieded to call it a day and try again today. I got to the hospital at 8 this morning and they tried again in two different spots but it didnt work so my infliximab has been postponed to next week , which isnt great but not much I can do about it because thats the earliest appointment.

My question is has anyone else got bad veins? What can you do about it? And do veins heal up enough to be used again?
I have horrible veins and they can never do it in my arm. It is really impossible, and I always tell the nurses dont bother. They always do it in my wrist or top of the hand. Hurts a little more going in, but those veins are always more accessable. Good luck!

Make sure you are extremely hydrated before they insert the catheter into your vein. This helped to plump mine up quite a bit. Good luck. :hug:
Aw that really sucks, They always put the canula in the back of my hand and get me to put my hands in warm water before hand for mine.

When I was in hospital last year, every time they changed the canula for me it always stung and I wondered if it was actually going into the vein. When I had ct scans I would get serious pain from the dye being injected and it was only when a nurse mentioned I have quite small veins it made sense. I think there are different size needles so ask them to use a smaller one, that might help.

Also drink lots of water before and do some little fist pumps which helps the blood flow better.
I feel for you so much. I have awful veins and dread having canulars put in. a question for you have you noticed what colour the top is on top of the canular? the reason I ask is when they tried to put in a canular with me which had a pink top it would be really painful to get in and they would try numerous times in different area's they then tried using a canula with a blue top which is a smaller needle and is used for people that have thin, narrow veins. Maybe that might be the problem the needle is to thick if your veins are thin, its just a thought.I would maybe mention it when you go next time for your infusion good luck & hope its painfree next time. Bevx

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