I'm sorry to see your having such a hard time "/
Relationships can be tricky things can't they.
Breaking up is never an easy choice, especially when there are children involved.
It can be really tricky for others to understand the struggles of a crohnic illness. The constant pain, the aches all over your body, the extra energy even the most basic of tasks take to complete, the constant tiredness, the feeling that things are on top of you. All of these things are hard to grasp if you don't live with them yourself.
My partner is very understanding, but he admits it's hard for him to picture how I'm feeling, how things are affecting me emotionally, because he's never been there himself. I'm lucky I've got someone who wants to understand all they can and he has always wanted to look after me.
However, some people just aren't that understanding, either because they simply can't grasp it, or because they don't want to be, or because things don't look as bad as they are making it harder for them to see.
Does your partner go to your appointments with you? This could be a good way to show her what's going on.. Or maybe get her to read through the forum so she can see what we deal with?
Perhaps looking into some joint counselling may help, just so that you can get your feelings out in a safe environment with someone to mediate which might help to control the situation.
Sadly, if she's not going to support you and she continues to put you down, then it may be time to consider the parting of ways. Being in a house with so much stress and tension won't do your health any good and it won't be good for your children either. Good luck