Help with interpretation please x

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 14, 2015
I have recently had a faecal calpropectin result at just over 300. I am undiagnosed 33year old, no family history, and really very mild symptoms.
I have had on/off loose stools for over a year now. No pain. Feel very well, full of energy etc. Had 1-2 episodes of fresh red mucousy blood mixed in with stool. When my stools are loose I usually need to open them in morning once and then I don't have any more all day and never at night.
So my gp ordered the FC test and as it's positive she said I probably have IBD. I am waiting to see gastroenterology but I want to get as much info as possible. Reading about other people's symptoms on here it just doesn't fit as mine are so mild and don't affect my quality of life at all. Has anyone else had a shock diagnosis with mild symptoms like this? I'm out of my mind with worry that it's bowel cancer instead :(
also just to complicate things I am 8 weeks pregnant! My FC test was done during pregnancy, this is my 3rd pregnancy and during all my previous pregnancies I have had diarrhoea during first trimester, I'm just wondering whether this has altered the results in some way?
I'd be so grateful for your thoughts xx
Hi Beck,

Yes you can have Crohn's with mild/no symptoms. There are quite a few here on the board that had no idea they had any disease until they end up on the surgery table and are having a resection.

FC test is a pretty good indicator, but of course there are other tests to be run to see for sure if it is crohns. I hope you get answers quickly! <3
300 FC is not very convincing. other situations can raise FC to this kind of low number.

what is bothering me is the '' mucousy blood mixed in with stool.''

It is very common to have mild symptoms. People can have mild symptoms for a long time and for others the IBD escalates very fast. each is different.

I am hoping a gastroenterologist can give you fast access to a colonoscopy. This is where you'll get your answers. The fact that you are pregnant will most likely give you a priority I hope.
"Has anyone else had a shock diagnosis with mild symptoms like this?"

I have.

I was diagnosed with very mild Crohn's three years ago. Like you it does not affect my quality of life. The only symptoms are mild ileal pain and an occasional bout of anemia every few years. I suspect I had the disease for at least 10 to 15 years prior to diagnosis. I'm just now taking my first mild therapy for it (8 weeks of budesonide) after which my doc recommends to go back to doing nothing. Just be vigilant and watch for any worsening.

So it's certainly possible to have very mild disease for a very long time. Sometimes I still can't believe I actually have Crohn's. Perhaps that will be the case for you too - just years and years of mild symptoms. BUT, and it's a big but, your mileage may vary. Everyone here hopes your disease stays mild and doesn't worsen, but it could worsen. Just stay vigilant and follow your doctor's orders.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy? That could be a useful tool to diagnose either crohn's or UC. However, since you are pregnant, the colonoscopy may not be allowed. I wish you a wonderful pregnancy and I hope you get it all figured out as far as your bowels go. Might be best to wait until after the baby comes as far as further testing.