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Aug 13, 2011
As some of you know, I think I'm going to go back on medicine for awhile to try and heal my abscesses/hopefully prevent more from forming. I found a new GI and he's made room to see me next Thursday (Nov. 8th). I want to be prepared because I don't want him to call all the shots and make me feel pressured to go on medicine I don't want.

Unfortunately I have to rule out LDN right now :( I was at the point where I had to not only convince the doctor, but also my schools insurance company. I figured it wasn't worth putting a ton of effort into convincing a doctor if the insurance won't even cover it. After many talks back and forth with insurance they came back and said they won't even touch it or consider covering it because its not approved in Canada for crohns use and its considered "off-label". They said its too much risk for them if they approved it and then something happened to me. Whatever.

So now I need to weigh out my other options. Being a student with limited funds, I need to find something that is covered by my insurance, or pretty well close to it. Online, I looked and it said they actually cover Humira in either pen or syringe and I believe I saw Remicade as well (which I found odd).

I need to consider costs, risks-effectiveness, and how time consuming it will be. For that reason and needing Remicade administered at a hospital, I don't think that's possible right now with my busy schedule. I don't even know the last time I had 4-5 hours to myself during the week.

I want something safe as well. For that reason, I do not want Imuran. I know some people are on it with no problems and that's good, but for me I don't want the risk. I've heard that methotrexate can make men sterile as well and being a young guy, I don't like that idea either.

My main reason for medicine is the abscesses or to be honest I'd stay the way I am now without medicine. Other benefits are just a bonus. I don't mind giving myself a needle either.

Please, if anybody has any opinions or insight, I would be very greatful.
Wow, I just realized how long that is. If you read the whole thing, awesome. If not:

TL:DR - I'm looking for the best medicine option
As much as I'm the last person to want medicine and went 2 years without any, my only concern with nutrition would be that a. I would find myself "slacking" and b. I need something to tackle the abscesses. I also can't myself going on EN anytime soon. The only reason I even want medicine is because of my abscesses. Other than that, I have no problems, and can literally eat whatever I want. Therefore I don't think I could see myself going from the food I eat now to a pure liquid diet which (let's be honest) probably doesn't taste good or have many beneficial nutritional bonuses aside from helping heal crohns.

Because I consider my crohns mild, I don't want to make any lifestyle changes. I don't feel I need too right now
I don't think many people's insurance companies cover LDN. It's extremely cheap. $90 for 3 months of pills without insurance.
Hi Kwalker

I am currently on Imuran/AZA & I seem to be doing ok abscess wise at the moment. It does make you slightly tired & a little queasy to begin with but I seem to be getting on top of it now.

Did you end up having the surgery for the abscess in the end?
Hey Kip1 - I didn't end up with the surgery. The abscess is currently just staying "neutral" for lack of better term. Its not getting any worse, but its not getting any better. It drains a little throughout the day but doesn't cause pain anymore. The thing I don't like about Imuran is the liver problems-regardless of the percentage.

Ctrl-Z - Where are you getting the ldn from? The local compound pharmacy where I am quoted me at $54/month supply. If I could find it for (basically) a dollar a day that would be much cheaper, but its still an extra 365 dollars a year. Ldn is still my first choice though, I just want to consider other options as well.
Because I consider my crohns mild, I don't want to make any lifestyle changes. I don't feel I need too right now

Better to nip it in the bud then wait for it to get out of control. I think a wait till it gets bad mentality is dangerous.

My diet put me into remission, I absolutely think it could help you. Other than LDN, I don't see many options, besides diet, if you don't want to do the more agressive treatments.

I'm getting it from Skip's Pharmacy in Florida... not sure if they can or will ship to Canada.

Have you checked the price at Smith's Pharmacy in Toronto?
Gianni, did you have abscesses? I think that's the main thing is that food won't heal that stuff.

ctrl z- what do you pay for shipping? I'm still about an hour (and a little) to Toronto so I'm wondering if by the time they shipped it if it would be close to the same price. I think there are a few compound clinics in the area here so I'll call some more as well
Gianni, did you have abscesses? I think that's the main thing is that food won't heal that stuff.

I did have abscesses and I was put on humira. I had a ct scan and it showed the abscesses were healing but still there so I remained on humira for 6 more weeks before I discontinued the medication. I then went really strict on a diet and started juicing a ton. I know I can't fully attribute my healing of abscesses to diet but I believe it played a large part if not all of the part. I still had plenty of ulcers and pain and inflammation and the diet absolutely took care of all of that since my last scope showed no evidence of the disease.

I absolutely believe that diet can heal abscesses. An abscess is essentially an infection. I've watched as my body has healed skin infections on its own so why can it not heal internally? Interestingly enough a weak immune system is one of the causing factors for abscesses and my abscesses became worse after I stopped Remicade and is why I had to go to Humira. Once immunosuppressants are stopped, I believe abscesses are given the most optimal environment to grow. Yet when I stopped my Humira, they didn't come back, but either disappeared or stayed away (as I cannot say for sure that the diet healed them as it may have been the additional 6 weeks of Humira)

If you build up your immune system by giving it foods that will benefit it and remove toxins then the body should be able to take care of the infection.

If you don't feel comfortable just on a diet then do LDN while on a beneficial diet. Why not give yourself the best scenario to take care of the abscess? hit it with everything.

In my case Humira was very succesful, however it killed my immune sytem (check out my story or PM me and I can explain in more detail). Unfortunately, Humira can be pricey, and that was my concern when my doctor suggested it. He found a Rx card that basically gave me the Humira for $5 a month. I am not sure if the program is still offered, but if it is that would be a huge help cost wise. I hope you find the right path for you soon!!
I'm a raw vegan.

I remember you posting on another thread that you couldn't go vegetarian/vegan because you love meat too much: understandable. I believe by just adding in beneficial fruits, veggies, legumes, and nuts that you will be building your body up so it can take care of the problem. A good way to incorporate all of the fruit and veggies is by juicing, which I do quite frequently. You can read why I think juicing is so beneficial here.

For breakfast I typically do a juice, (something like carrot, sweet potato, apple) or if I don't have time I will eat a piece of fruit.

Lunch is typically a large salad almost always including an avocado. Once again if i have time to make a green juice here, I do.

Dinner is either a soup, or salad again or I dive into a recipe book. I also might cheat and have some thai vegan food or something. Being in L.A. there are plenty of healthy vegan places around so I benefit from that.

I supplement b12 and cold pressed flax seed oil.

I believe including immune boosting foods like; kiwi, apples, oranges, blueberries, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, carrots, and ginger amongst many others will give your body the resources it needs to take care of itself.

So you don't have to abandon meat but just include more of those things^^.

Hope that helped a bit.

Thank you for your input. I've actually been on Remicade, Humira and Methotrexate (among many others) when my crohns was at its worst so I am familiar with the assistance programs. I would consider Humira again but this time would do syringes because I hated doing the pen
Gianni, actually the only foods you listed that I don't eat are spinach, sweet potato and avacado. Other than that I love incorporating fresh fruits/ vegetables with meals and for snacks.
I ate all those foods as well, in fact I loved them before I got sick. The key here is large doses of these foods, megadose nutrition. That is why juicing is so great because you don't have to hassle over stuffing yourself with leafy greens, rather just throw some in a juicer and drink 3 salads worth of greens in a small glass. Also I really don't even consider non-organic produce fruits or vegetables anymore as they contain very little vitamins and minerals because of depleted soil. Organic is a must here.

Also when you incorporate toxic foods like processed foods, sodas, unhealthy meats, food additives, it counteracts the benefits just given by the produce.


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