Here's my tale

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Nov 7, 2010
Greetings all

I don't have Crohns disease but my girlfriend does and I joined this site to gain a better understanding of everything going on with her. I want to be there for her, support her anyway I can and do what ever I need to do to help her. I truly believe this woman is the person I am meant to be with and I want to help her in every way possible. I don't want to destroy our relationship on account of my stupidity.

When we became friends, she told me that she had Crohn's disease and I didn't really know what it was so she told me. I read a little bit on it but nothing much. After we started dating, she started Remicade and had to stop due to severe joint pain. We ended up in the emergency room. Besides the constant fatigue, I don't think it has bothered her too much until about a month ago.

I thought I had an rough idea of what she was going through until I started reading some of the threads on this site. That's when I realized that I didn't have a clue and decided I wanted and needed to understand more of what she has been going through and what I can do for her.

I endearingly love this woman with all my being and I plan on spending my life with her. I want to be there for her and support her and help her through everything.

Any advise anyone can give me would greatly be apprieciated. If I could, I would take her pain and put inside me in a blink of an eye. She is a wonderful, beautiful woman who has fought through some adversity and I look to her for inspiration. It kills me to see here have to go through any discomfort. I just want to be there for her and understand what's going on when she needs me.

Hello Joey,

That has to be the most heart warming introduction I have read here!!
YOU are going to be your gal's biggest asset when it comes to understanding

I suggest you keep reading here and if you have any questions
regarding her meds or her condition please ask away...
someone is usually around who can help you.

Having your support will work wonders for her.
A positive outlook goes a long long way.

She's one lucky lady to have you!!!
Welcome to the Forum!! :thumright:

Joey, welcome to the forum and I agree with Nancy Lee! You sound like a really great guy for being so supportive and trying to understand what your girlfriend is going through. It sounds like she is very lucky to have you in her life. :)

As far as trying to understand what she is going through, first you need to know that every one of us is absolutely unique as far as this disease goes. We all have different symptoms, different levels of pain, different foods that we can/cannot eat, different medications that we respond well to, etc. (That's part of the reason why Crohn's is so difficult to diagnose in the first place, let alone difficult to treat!) So when you read the threads on this forum, please know that not everything will necessarily apply to your girlfriend. Also, the disease tends to be fluid over time, meaning symptoms can change/worsen, so even if your girlfriend didn't have a particular symptom last year, she may have it next year.

Good luck, I'm sure she really appreciates you for being so supportive. And feel free to ask us if you have any questions - nothing on here is TMI!
Welcome to the forum Joey and I to agree with Nancy Lee, She could not have said it any better.. you sound like a wonderful person who wants to learn as much as he can to help her out. keep reading and asking questions. I to agree with Cat-a-tonic everyone is different and as different symptoms and problems. But you will learn a lot from this forum and will meet many many friendly caring people.
Hi Joey and :welcome:

Good for you for being there for your girl! As the others have suggested browse the forums, ask questions, digest the info and learn. I think if you can be the best listener, comforter, adviser, friend and advocate you possibly can then no one can ask more than that. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are both doing, welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Welcome to the forum Joey. She is one lucky girl to have you in her life. Be patient, be sympathetic, be a sounding board, but more than anything just be there to sit quietly by and just let her know you are there for her no matter what.

I hope your mom knows how special you are. I'd be proud to call you son.

Hi Joey
and welcome

Wow, how rare are you, rare as hen's teeth!
You're doing just great Joey, keep it up! She's a very lucky girl!
Having you by her side thro this will surely benefit her. I can't add any more, just keep reading the forum, you'll soon get genned up!
good luck to both of you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thank you Nancy Lee and everyone else but I'm the lucky one.

Her condition doesn't get as bad as others but I hate her having any kind of discomfort. She mostly is fatigued most of the time and has been experiencing abdominal pain lately. She had joint pain from the Remicade but I think that as pretty much passed.

Most of the stuff I have been trying to read is in regards to medications and such so we can minimize any flare ups.

Vintage Ann, my mom passed last year but thank you for your kind words. I know that she would absolutely love her. She is so easy going and my mom instilled that in all us kids.

I will keep reading, learning and listening and I look forward to talking with you all.

Thank you again.
