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Jun 24, 2011
I'm new here and just wanted to stop in and say hi and share a little about my story.

I was diagnosed with Crohns when I was 25 y.o.. I had just had my second child. I had lost 25 lbs while pregnant with her and had a peri-rectal abscess 9 months pregnant :ywow: . We never even thought Crohns. Three months after having her I had lost an additional 40 lbs and was going through all sorts of crazy things. I had a colonoscopy and was officially diagnosed in Dec 2006. My father has Crohns too. I finally hit remission in 2008. I've had minor flares since but now seem to be in a bad one. Guess it's time to call my GI....

I've taken Remicade and Asacol.
Welcome Jenny! Are you currently on any medications? I hope you get some new treatment and are able to hit remission again.
Thanks!! I have a feeling I'll be switching meds soon. Asacol really doesn't seem to be doing anything for me....and I'm tired of pooping red pills for no reason! :poo: lol
Yeah, poopin any pills isn't good. Sounds like your digestive system has turned into a freight train and pushing things out to quick for them to disolve.... That's the reason I take adult gummy bear vitamins.

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