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May 25, 2010
Just a note to say I'm getting a little better. Had an emergency stint put in for a blood clot and have been able to do nothing for a week. 6 days flat on my back in ICU with minimal movement, now trying to get my strength built back up. It has taken 2 days just to be able to put a little weight on my rt leg. Start PT tomorrow. Also mentioned gettiing my chemo started soon, too. It's been too hard to get in a position to type, so I've not been doing a lot. Thinking of you all, will drop a note when I can. Wishing everyone is well and miss you all very much. I'll be on FB some too, so feel free to check there. :hug: and :kiss: until next time.
MisB!!! :bigwave::bigwave::bigwave:

It's soooooo good to hear from you! Oh I missed you too Bev. Hope things start going on the up and up from now on.

Thinking about you heaps and sending you loads of luck ....................................


:getwell: :hug::hug::hug:

Bev! Glad you're feeling a little better.
Sending you lots of best wishes and prayers.
We'll all be thinking of you.

Lucinda x
aw honey i've been worried coz you've not posted any updates for so long! glad to hear you feel a litte better, let's hope this is the beginning of much better days ahead for you. ((hugs)).
Hey Bev, good to hear from you!! I've been a little afraid to ask how you're feeling cause I know it takes a lot of effort for you right now to respond. Please remember, just these little notes from you are music to our ears!!
Glad to hear from you, Bev! So sorry though that you have had yet another setback. I'll be thinking of you, hope all goes well with your leg and with the chemo treatments. Let us know how it goes, we are all pulling for you! Sending hugs your way!
Hi Beverly:bigwave:

I'm not sure we've met yet, I just recently joined the forum. My what a courageous woman you are. My situation pales in comparison.

I hope PT goes well for you and pray that chemo does the trick, but is not to tough on you.

Great to hear from you Bev, I thought about you today and here you are. Post when you can. Much love to ya!!! xxxxxxx
Good to hear from you Bev!! I am glad that you are feeling a little better. I hope that you sail through chemo. So sorry you have to go through all of this.
Hi Bev - Good luck with the start of your chemo treatments. We'll all be thinking of you and sending big hugs your way!

Glad to hear from you bev! Prayers and good thoughts your way to continued recovery so you can start chemo and kick cancer in the butt!
Hiya Bev!

great to hear from you, you've been in my thoughts!
keep getting better and we'll see ya soon my friend!
love as always
Joan xxxx
Hi ya Bev

Great to hear from you :bigwave:

Good luck with the PT and chemo

Thinking of you :Flower:
Morning bev- I just found this thread - have been thinking of you.....glad to hear they caught the clot - now take it easy and do as the Docs day.....

Here is something for the family to look for - I have a lap tray that I used when stuck in bed - it props up so it doesn't rest on your belly.....mine has fold down parts on either side - one for cups, the other for papers/book.....AND the tray part will prop up at an angle.

I also found one at Wal-Mart last year for my brother after his hip surgery. It allowed him to work on his computer while pretty much flat in bed.....

I hope you are able to start the chemo soon to get everything else under control...will be looking for updates!


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