Hi I'm Dan

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 4, 2010
Hi all, Dan here and I'm new to the forum. I was diagnosed with Crohn's almost 14 years ago, with a mild case of the disease at the time of being diagnosed. However, the Crohn's has now worsened and I now have to make a descision - Azathioprine or surgery to remove 20cm of affected bowel. I have decided to go with the medication as a first option, as if this doesn't work for me the surgery will happen anyway! I have read a fair bit about the drug and would like to ask the opinion/s of other users - experiences and has it helped etc. I know we are all different and each case of Crohn's is unique, but any advice would be appreciated! I have been taking Asacol since being diagnosed and found out today this has been pretty much useless for at least the past for years. Regards, Dan
Hi Dan,
Welcome to the forum, I cannot answer your question but I am sure someone who can will be along shortly to give you there insight.
Hi, Dan, and welcome to the forum! Hope the Azathioprine works really well for you.
Hi Dan, welcome to the forum.

I've been taking azathioprine for about four years and to be honest it hasn't made much difference for me (although thankfully this will not be the case for everyone). I had surgery to remove some of my bowel in 2001 and had around five years symptom free.

Unfortunately for Crohns what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.

Fingers crossed the tablets work and things settle down soon.

Take care and :goodluck: xx
Hi Dan. Azathioprine, unfortunately, did nothing for me but that is not to say it won't help you. As Anne Marie pointed out, what works for one may not be suitable for the other.

Good luck and I hope you start to feel better soon!
Hi Dan and welcome, where are you from?? Please bear in mind that all medicines may work for one but not for another. I am sure people will share their experiences with you and I'm glad you've found us xx
HI Dan,

I have been on AZA for 6 years now, I was given it when I have a bad flare in hospital and escaped another round of surgery (just). I don't think it does much for me, but then again if I didn't take it then maybe I would flare more often so I would rather be taking it. The only thing I hate about this drug is I suffer with a very low immune system so get every bug going, apart from that no side affects.

Good luck with it, and let us know how you get on.
Jo x
Hi Dan and :welcome:

I'm glad you found us. Roo didn't take Imuran prior to surgery but she has been taking a maintenance dose since surgery 4 years ago and has been in remission since then, so in her case it has been successful up until now. This is a great place for support and information so I hope you stick around.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Dan, I definitely think I'd give the meds a chance first. Like you say the surgical option will always be there. I'd just hope they would monitor you closely to be sure the infected section of bowel does not get worse. Good luck and welcome!!
Hi Dan
and welcome

I was on Aza 5 years ago when I first got dx, but it was toxic, came out in hives all over my body! but remember everyone is different with meds!
Not really surprised Asacol didn't work, this is an amnio salicylate especially formulated for UC, Crohnies usually take it's sister Pentasa!
give the Aza a go, loads have done really well on it, if it fails, then at least you tried!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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