Hi, I'm new, please help. Telling me it's "Just IBS"

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 24, 2011
Hey there. I made a thread a while back in the undiagnosed club so I believe this will be my 2nd. I'm a 26 year old male from the US. I had my first flare up when I was around 15. Terrible, terrible pain in lower right quadrant (my ileum, it's where the pain always is) and incredibly constipated. I had the urge to go, but couldn't. Could barely walk, waited for a couple days, longer then I should and went to the Dr. He was no specialist, just a family dr. I had never seen him before. He was a nice Indian with a very thick accent. I could barely understand a word he said. I had to keep asking him to repeat himself, and he eventually stormed out of the room in a fit.

What I got out of it was that I had Crohns. He prescribed me what I now know to be prednisone. Boy, that stuff really worked. Only I thought too well, I lost a ton of weight in the process. Went from about I don't know, maybe 220 to 140 within a very short time period. I didn't like how the stuff made me feel, the weight loss scared me too so I stopped taking the pred when I ran out. Throughout the years I stayed super skinny, with not too much of an appetite most the time. The pain would come back from time to time, and while it wasn't as bad as the first flare it was still bad enough for me to miss work here and there. I would vomit sometimes, bloody. I had diaherra, I still do, chronic, nasty, smelly, mucusy and bloody.

Anyways, I started smoking pot a little ways back, I'm a registered medical marijuana patient and it has made a huge difference in my quality of life when I am out of or in a flareup. This past flare has lasted almost 2 years now, I'm in constant pain, LRQ and if I don't smoke, I have no appetite. I smoke often, only the medical herb, I gained a good amount of weight (I stay at a near constant 185lbs, I'm 6'0).

Well I just couldn't take it anymore. I confided in my new girlfriend my secret illness that I was too proud to tell anyone about, and why I would have to act the way I do sometimes. We went to the Dr. They said I had IBS, no tests, no nothing. It's just stress they said, get your stress under control and you'll be fine. I told them I puke up coffee ground black blood, that I have constant diaherrea with blood that splatters all over the bowl, and almost everytime I wipe there's blood. I shit mucus, I always have to go, sometimes 20 times a day. And I swear I can feel it, my entire digestive system feels inflammed. I suggested Chron's, they said "you watch to much TV". Blamed blood on hemmoroids.

Anyways, new Dr. Still says IBS, refers me to GI but thinks its a waste of time he says "You're too young for these problems". GI does colonsocopy and endoscopy. Says he could see my colon spasming, so confirmed IBS. Took biosies, negative for that bacteria. He did say my esophagus, duodunum, stomach, ileum and colon all had "mild" inflammation. Put me on some crappy IBS medicine that didn't work, and said to keep taking omeprazole. Blamed it on gastritis. Diagnosed me with GERD. Took the damn omeprazole for months, in agony. Marijuana was only doing so much anymore. Went back when it was time to see him again, upped the omeprazole and gave me Elavil (amitryptilyne). I have to say, the Elavil does help with the LRQ pain. It also did wonders for my chronic shoulder, neck, shoulder blade pain that I think is Fibromyalgia.

Took the Elavil for a while, ran into huge financial burdens and headaches and wasn't able to see the GI again. He wouldn't refill until I saw him and caught up on my bill. So I suffered some more, kept smoking. Went to the ER when I was having unbelievable contractions in what felt like my ileum. Did a CT scan, showed "mild" inflammation in my small bowel. Gave me morphine, Flagyl thinking small bowel overgrowth, and vicodin. Haven't been back again to see the GI. If I have chronic inflammation, what could they blame it on? IBS does not cause chronic inflammation, right? They say that I can't have Crohn's, because of my white blood cell count and that other blood test I think they do. I'm really unsure and all new to this. But I have read people's stories about how inaccurate those two basic tests are. They have never offered to check my stool, and I am too embarrassed to ask them too. He want's to do a pill cam, but my insurance isn't covering any of this and I can't keep spending all this money, and getting into more and more debt and not get anywhere. My work hates me because I am constantly ill, but they have no idea how hard I try, every single day just getting up can be monumentous. The Flagyl didn't help at all I don't think. I went less often, and felt a little constipated, but that's a side effect of the vicodin too, so not sure.

I also have a theroy as to why my inflammation is "mild". First of all, everytime I do get tests run, I'm usually on a good day. I swear, it just works out that way. I'm in pain, but it will be bareable. Secondly, I have become a real, true medical marijuana advocate. My grandfather I believe had UC. He had chronic ulcers, but would never go to get them checked out. When he was finally dieing from I believe colon cancer, Marijuana really helped with his nausea and everything. My grandmother had pancreatic cancner, it spread throughout her whole body. The chemo made her as sick as a dog, and ALL of her doctors told her to get one of her son's, or someone she knows to get her some pot to help with the nausea, and the appetite. They both died before I ever even tried Marijuana, and before my state "legalized it for medical use". I was well over 20 before I started smoking, and the difference it made in how my stomach felt was HUGE!

So I won't pretend to know everything about the pharmacology of Marijuana. But I have been doing some resarch online about certain cannabanoids (which come from cannabis [pot]) that are targeted by the cannabanoid receptors that we have in our bodies including our digestive systems. These cannabanoids do all sorts of cool and useful things for us, including being an anti-inflammatory. My GI knows that I smoke, he's completely fine with it. But could it be that my chronic use of Marijuana is causing my chronic case of inflammation of not only my ileum, where all my pain is, but according to the DR. my entire digestive system to only be mild?

He says his willing to do more testing, but he isn't going to diagnose me with something he can't see. It's all so infuriating, all I want is for this to be over, the not knowing, I just want a diagnosis. Or even just a remission, if only for a little while. Should I demand pred, and see how it goes? I have thought of quitting smoking for a while and see what happens with the inflammation, but I know the Elavil won't be enough. It already really isn't. Vicodin's don't really do anything either.

Any advice? I know it's long and probably unorganized with typos and I'm sure I left a thing or two out on accident. I'm medicated as I type this. lol.

I really enjoy the forum, I've been reading and lurking for a while now, thought I should put myself out there and see if anyone has anything they can help me with. My story seems a lot like a lot of the other ones I've been reading.
Hey ghoust! Thanks for sharing your story. And what a story it is! Where to start...

1. IBS does not cause bloody diarrhea or inflammation. You need a new GI.

2. The MMJ can definitely reduce the inflammation. If you haven't seen it, we have a MMJ subforum.

3. If you're unwilling or unable to switch GI's, ask this GI to perform either a [wiki]fecal lactoferrin[/wiki] or [wiki]fecal lactoferrin[/wiki] test on you. Click those links to read why.

4. If it comes down to needing to self-medicate more, I strongly suggest you research enteral nutrition.

5. Do you have any other symptoms other than the GI symptoms? Rash, numbness, pain outside your GI tract, etc?

We're here for you. You deserve proper care.
But could it be that my chronic use of Marijuana is causing my chronic case of inflammation of not only my ileum, where all my pain is, but according to the DR. my entire digestive system to only be mild?

Hey there :)

Welcome to the forum.

I believe that the marijuana could be causing your inflammation to only be mild. I do not live in a medical marijuana state but I've been using medical grade marijuana to treat my Crohn's. I haven't used it in a month because I'm trying to get a job and my health has deteriorated since I've stopped and I've lost 10 lbs.

David has given you some great advice.

I hope you can get some better care soon.
Thank you both. I admit I was so ignorant about pot, i think most are. I believe it has saved my life.

I get random red rashes usually on my legs. Little red bumps. Bad joint pain in all my major joints. They crack like crazy, and hurt sometimes when they crack. I get mouth sores, had chronic tonsilitis as a kid and still have tonsils. I get tonsiloths, nasty. Sometimes I get sores on my tonsils, huge white looking ulcers. Chronic lower back pain, feels like its behind where my stomach pain is. And my right hip hurts. Some days I feel like I am in a fog, even before I started smoking. I dont sleep well at all, always waking up, never feeling like i rested and hardly ever dreaming. Elavil has helped with my sleep a little. My left pinky feels numb, my hands are cold a lot. My eye feels like it swells sometimes, my contact wont sit right some days. And everything is worse when ky stomach is worse. Doctors say all big coicidence...
Welcome ghoust. Sorry to hear of your problems. A few suggestions that may help you.

  • Keep a list of all of your symptoms, even the ones that seem unrelated.
  • Keep a list of everything you eat and your body's reaction
  • Write the entire history in chronological order. You might need to talk through this with someone to remember everything
  • Write a list of everything you've taken or done for this and the perceived results (this includes medical and non-medical)

I do think you need a new GI. I liked my GI right away and here are the things I felt she did that were good.

  • Listened to my entire history including everything I'd observed, done and researched (as well as previous GI results)
  • Explained to me all of the tests she was going to perform and that she would be doing a lot of tests because you can have a cascading effect (one problem leads to another)
  • Explained to me that some tests have to be run more than once because inflammation comes and goes and so do "bugs" so they can be hard to find
  • Explained that she was going to take at least four biopsies not only to diagnose my problem but based on family history of cancer. She said that the these areas are long and complicated and it is very easy to miss something in a fold so she wanted to do a very thorough job of it.
  • Told me she would look at all of my problems, assess them and then figure out the order and method to treat them. She said the order and method are important because treating the wrong way can create other problems.
  • Told me to go off certain things before my testing so that my results would not be skewed because symptoms were masked.
  • Told me as soon as I woke up from the colonoscopy/endoscopy that she thought it was Crohn's and I would need more tests to determine which type so she would know how to treat it. (She also told me that my erosion in the esophagus and my two ulcers were gone.)

I do think you have to take in everything you know in writing. It is so easy to forget things when you are in the office. If you explain this is why you did it, most doctors appreciate it. I also find that they take it more seriously when presented in writing (I think as humans we all take things in writing more seriously because we perceive putting things in writing as serious commitment.).

Do not be afraid to hold the doctor accountable for being attentive to you, listening to you and explaining to you. This is what you pay them to do and you are within your rights to demand it.

If any doctor storms off or makes you feel like you're being silly or it's all in your head, leave immediately. I've had a lot of doctors mess me up in my life because they thought true medical issues were "stress" or "depression." Elavil is one of the things they tried to push on me for migraines. No one knows how Elavil works and doctors like to hand it out like candy. It has a whole list of side effects and you should read up on all of them. This doesn't mean you should reject medicine out of hand, but educate yourself and always ask a lot of questions. "What is it that this medicine should do for me? Was it made to treat this particular illness? Why do you think it will be successful in my case? What are the side effects and dangers and how do you feel about those given my health/history/family?" Put them on the spot. If they are worth the money you pay, they will answer the questions. If they won't, they aren't for you and you need to walk out. This is something I've learned the hard way because of all of the problems doctors have caused me over the years. I offer it to you in the hope that you won't go through what I did.

I know it is frustrating, but stick with it. You have a real issue that needs a good specialist. There is no reason for you to feel ashamed or to hide this. Our bodies are like machines and they have problems and breakdowns. There are no perfect people out there. Best of luck to you.