Cat, in the next two weeks between now and your appointment I strongly suggest you learn every single thing you can about every available treatment option for Crohn's Disease. Ask any and every question of us you need to, we're happy to help. Become your own advocate so you can ensure you get the level of care you deserve.
Regarding what you said above:
1. There are maintenance medications that work for Crohn's Disease. NOW, he may have been referring to mesalazine which some refer to as a "maintenance medication" in which case I would agree although it would be strange that he would then put you on that.
2. Prednisone has the potential for lots of side effects and the less you have to use it, the better. Even more, it is not shown to work all that great for fistulas and it is not shown to be very good for inducing intestinal mucosa healing which is important.
I know this can be very overwhelming
And I'm so sorry about that. Nobody should have to become their own advocate. Unfortunately, we're finding that when it comes to Crohn's Disease, that is sometimes the case. A few places to start reading and asking questions:
A. Our Treatment forum and subforums: -- Be sure to look into the enteral nutrition subforum there as well. It's a great treatment option with few to no side effects.
B. I'm reviewing a book called "Advanced Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Disease" which backs up a lot of what I'm saying. You can follow along some of those reviews here:
C. Read up in our fistula and abscess forum:
Again, we're here to help. Don't be afraid to ask questions.