Hi my names Rob and I have Crohns Disease....

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Jul 10, 2008
Hi, as the title says, My name is Rob and I have Crohns Disease.

My story starts back in 1997 when I was in my first year of High School (Year 7), I started experiencing really bad stomach pains but I just put it down to a stomach bug at the time but as the pains kept coming and got worse I found myself having to atleast sit down when I had the pain, I told my parents I was having these pains but they just put it down to a nervous stomach about starting High School and prettymuch told me to get my butt into school, they year went on and the pains got worse and I was complaining about it more and more but then my parents and my school tried putting it down to School Phobia! Basically saying they didn't beleive me and I was just trying to get off school. Fast forward to my second year of High School (Year 8) things were getting so bad that once I arrived at school on the bus, I just crossed the road and got on the next bus home to go curl up on my bed in pain! By the time I got home both parents were at work so didn't know a thing about it untill near the end of my second year when the school decided to question them about my numerous absences, nearly 2 years on and they finally take notice and my parents take me to our doctor who straight away said to get me into hospital for tests, I was in the hospital for about a week when they finally diagnosed me with Crohns Disease and told us all the oh so lovely details of the disease and that I will be on medication for the rest of my life because there is no cure and to be prepared for life to get somewhat more difficult.

The next 6 weeks were spent in hospital on a purely liquid diet (Elemental 028 Extra) where I was fed via a tube going up my nose and down into my stomach and hooked up to a pump over night. after the 6 weeks they were happy with my progress and let me go home but still on the liquid diet, a much smaller/portable pump and new medication, I was on this for a good few months before they let me slowly start eating again, they were happy I was in 'remission' and the tube was removed.

The years went on with small flare up after small flare up and new medication after new medication trying to find one that actually worked for me for any decent amount of time, this carried on up untill recently in early December 2007 when I had my worst flare up to date, I had no appetite, lost a rediculous amount of weight to the point that they had to take me into hospital and put me on the liquid diet again in an attempt to get my weight back up and stop me getting very ill, I was only in hospital for 2 weeks this time untill they let me go home again still on the liquid diet untill the end of Feb 2008, the worst part for me was Christmas, Everyone else feasting on Christmas Dinner and numerous other really nice meals over the Christmas period and theres me sat there, smelling and watching everyone else while sipping down a carton of Elemental 028 Extra supposedly Pineapple flavour drink! :ymad:

By the end of Feb 2008 I had managed to force feed myself enough Cartons during the day aswell as the massive feed at night via the tube to put enough weight on for them to let me start eating again and take the tube out!
They then introduced me to a treatment called Infliximab (aka Remicade) I decided to go ahead with it as it was basically my only remaining option apart from an Operation, the first Infusion I had went really well, I was pain free the same day and hadent felt more energized for years! but unfortunately I got ill and it was counteracting the effects of the Infliximab (Remicade) so once I was free from the bug I had they got me in for a second Infusion of Infliximab (Remicade), the rate of the Infusion was No faster than the first but 5 mins into it I had a really bad reaction to it! I was extremely hot, literally went bright red! Went dizzy and couldn't breath! Luckily the nurses were very quick in getting an Oxygen Mask on me and calling the Doctor down, about 15 mins on the Oxygen and I was almost back to normal but they wanted to watch me for a further 2 hours to make sure I was really ok before I went home.

The next week I went in to see my IBD Specialist and I was told about another form of Infliximab (Remicade) called Certolizumab which they were 99% certain I would be fine with because of the slightly different 'ingredients' and the way it's given (2 injections into the fat (if they could find any!) of my stomach so it then slowly gets soaked up by the blood vessels. This seemed to do the trick for a couple of months untill I started getting Pains again along with always running for the toilet etc which brings us to presant day (11 years on) where we have talked about having the operation but only if I'm not going to end up with a bag, which I'm told if the inflamation is still just in the one place it was found in originally and hasnt spread to my large intestine etc will be the case so a couple of days ago I went in for some sort of Blood Radiation Test where they take about 50ml of blood from you, extract the white cells and dose them with radiation and then re-inject a small amount of it into me so the radiated white cells will flock to where the disease is and on the Xray scans will glow like the sun! and show us where it all is. I have to go back next week for the results which will hopefully tell if I can have the Operation.

I've missed out alot about the hassels I've had with work, time off etc etc cause if I ranted about that this post would be atleast twice as long! :lol:

Errrr..... Thanks for reading!
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Hi Rob,

First welcome to the community! Thank you for sharing all of that. It is hard when no one believes what you are going through and then things seem just as hard in other ways once they do believe you and you are diagnosed. I understand what your worry is about, however many people live fully normal lives even with a stoma. I had a resection surgery myself and do not require one, but many people here on the forum who do have one would not appear to you to be any different than an average person if you saw them on the street.
Wow, thank you for taking the time to share your story with us! I have mad inspiration from you. You have been through so much and I really hope that this surgery will help you feel better for a very long time! I myself have very mild Crohns, but let me tell you a lot of us faced and still face disillusion and opposition. Hugs!
Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story. I know what you mean having people not believe you...it sucks. I hope surgery is your answer. Best of luck
hiya Rob, & welcome to the forum :)

thanks for sharing your story - its been a long trek for you, hasn't it? i also can commiserate with not being believed, or being wrongly diagnosed.. passed off as having a nervous stomach etc. frustrating isn't the word!!!

i'll keep my fingers crossed that the current medication you're receiving really helps you out. it sounds like the treatment a friend of mine was receiving a while ago, and it kept her on an even keel for years. but - if you do ever need to have surgery, don't be too alarmed - life can improve so much after having diseased bowel removed. i would just say, keep all your options open, & get lots of information on whatever direction the consultant wants to take you in.
So, nearly 2 years on and alot has happened!
The X-Rays came back showing what they thought looked like a big stricture in my Colon but I was showing no signs of a stricture so it was taken no further.
They decided to put me on Methotrexate and give me the Certolizumab every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks, this seemed to work for maybe another year but then I started getting really ill again. Thats when they offered me another trial drug, also from the 'mab' family that was to be initially given via infusion and then after given subcontaniously. Unfortunately on the day I was finally meant to start it, they did the usual 'scoring' of different aspects of my crohns and it actually scored me too ill to have it!
I got a call the next day to say come in Friday (the next ibd clinic), when I got there I saw my specialist (Prof Probert) who was quite excited, he had spoken to the team in Nottingham who were trialing Stem Cell Treatment with Crohns!
Now I had read about this in America a couple years earlier and had actually been joking that if I could find a way of getting it, I would! So when he Offered me the opportunity to go to Nottingham and speak to the team to possably get this done I jumped at the chance!
Me and my Parents went down there and they had a long talk about everything that was involved and then showed us around the hospital, where I would have the treatment, the private room I would be staying in for the main treatment and the Hospital Hotel I would be staying in for the pre-treatment, it was amazing!
They asked me lots of questions on my current condition and checked my weight, I was just over the minimum weight which was just over 8st, as it's such a harsh treatment they wouldn't do it if I was too weak.
The only hold up from getting the go ahead was my teeth and oral thrush (I expect a few of you have probably had a prob or 2 with your teeth/mouth due to being so ill and some of the treatment) I needed some fillings, 2 wisdome teeth pulled! and mouth drops for the oral thrush.
I got my teeth sorted in 4 different visits to the hospital dentist and started the mouth drops but the oral thrush had made my tongue so sore that I could barely eat and the weight once again dropped off!
I was taken into hospital again weighing 6 1/2 st and put on the NG feed, given numerous drips and a pouch of blood.
I was in for 4 weeks and managed to put on a stone and they let me out with Ensure Drinks but I was finding it hard to drink as many as I needed to, to maintain my weight let alone put more on. Unfortunately it wasn't long untill I was back in Hospital with an NG Tube again! and more of the same treatment but this time decided to start me on Adulimumab (Humira).
A couple of days after the Initial Injections I actually started to feel better, crohns pain was easing but I still had a fair bit of what I thought was trapped wind pain. Anyway, I started putting weight on again and another 3 weeks later I had put enough weight on that they were going to let me out again, it was New Years Eve 2009 when I finally went home.
All seemed to be going well untill a royal screw up by Healthcare At Home meant my Humira Injections I needed to keep the Crohns under control were got to me 3 weeks late! and on Feb 19th I couldn't take it anymore, lost even more weight and had to be rushed in again for more of the same treatment! At this point I weighed all of 6st! The lightest I had ever been!
This time I wasn't going be there as long, they were due to let me out on March 4th BUT on the day, my inflamation markers in my blood shot right up and they decided to give me a CT Scan of my Abdomen.... Good job they did! My entire Colon was badly diseased and on top of that there was a big Abscess on it ready to burst at any time! So they emergency called the Surgical Team to come see me and let me know what had to happen! They then rushed me into Surgery to Operate!
They removed almost my entire Colon (managed to save a small bit at the end for a 'just in case' I was able to have it re-attached in future), part of my Small Intestine (was diseased too) and re-routed my Small Intestine to come out my Abdomen as a 'Stoma'. At the time I was Gutted!! I had spent the last 13 years trying to avoid this and the Stem Cell Treatment was just around the corner! Needless to say this put an end to the Stem Cell Treatment for me as I no longer had active Crohns.
So on March 9th 2010 they let me Home! Very Sore, Very Weak and still very thin due to finding it hard to eat with the pain of the operation plus obviously my Stomach had shrunk alot from not eating.
8 days later I went back for a checkup and still only weighed 6st! The following Wednesday I got taken back into Hospital as I also started getting really bad trapped wind pains again which put me off eating still! So they did another CT Scan and apparently I had what they called a 'collection' which as far as I know is just that, a collection of puss left over from the abcess, they do try and flush it all out in the initial op but sometimes it can miss some. The next day they sent me for an X-Ray to see if they could use a Needle to drain it! and they also put the NG Tube back in again to try and fatten me up. After the X-Ray they decided that some of the 'collection' was too awkward to get to so instead pumped me full of Antibiotics and this lasted another 3 weeks untill I was pain free and there was no sign of the 'collection' I then finally got send Home for the Final Time! just in time for my sisters birthday.
There was still a fair bit of soreness and awkward nights sleeps on my back. Even Standing up was a real chore as I had completely wasted away.
But fast forwards to today and I'm feeling so much better, I'm now 9 1/2 st, the heaviest I have ever been, I'm managing my Stoma & Bag just fine and I'm able to do so much more than I ever was before, it's like a whole new lease of life! Although initially Upset and Gutted that I had to have this done, now I see it as the best thing that could have happened to me! I have No Pain and my life is as good as it has ever been!

So anyway, thats my Story of the last 2 years.
Wow Rob, welcome back!! You don't post until you having something amazing to say do you? I'm glad your stoma is working out well for you. There are many ostomates on here and several young ones as well. JeffD and Kello82 for sure are in your category. Jeff's is fairly new. They both have huge threads concerning their ostomies. Glad you came back and stick around to help others who are going through similar situations:).
Hi Rob
Wow, what an amazing outcome you have had. I am pleased it is working well for you. Thank you for taking the time to write it all down and be an inspiration to others and myself :)
Hi Rob and welcome back!!!

That's one helluva journey you've had! I'm so glad you have had a positive outcome and finally have your life back. You would have forgotten what it was like!

I hope to see you around as you have so much knowledge and experience to offer.

Take care,

Hiya Rob!

You deserve this darling!
Here's to a very long, happy and painfree remission!!
good luck Rob!
and lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Rob,

Your story and your surgery outcome is encouraging. I think about the odds also, especially having had displasia, because colin cancer can sprout quickly. Surgery is not a bad option considering the day-to-day misery over years, and then ending up in the same place regardless.

The GI who filled in for my regular GI suggested surgery as an option to avoid the cancer risk which is an ongoing concern.

Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your story.
WOW what a journey you have been on. God I actually don't know what to say but congrats on getting better. After such an awful journey you really really deserve a good life, really encouraging story. Great news about gaining the weight, as that can really take a long time. Go Rob !!

Jo x
Wow - what an amazing story. You sure have been through so much that I can relate to there. I know after having my illeostomy in 2004 I was so upset and concerned about having it - but you know it saved my life and I have had my life back since I've had it. Minus the in between issues I'm having with other areas.

Glad things are working out and that you are doing great now! That's very encouraging! Thanks for sharing your story with us.
Hi Rob,

You've really had quite a journey! I'm so glad you're finally feeling good!

I have the same specialist as you in Bristol, Prof. Probert. I've only just started seeing him but he seems really nice.
Are you still in the Bristol area? There's a Crohn's group on Facebook who meet up every few months near Temple Meads, but I've been too shy to go so far.....

Anyway, fantastic news!

Lucinda x
Wow that's quite a story! I'm glad you're getting better it's always energising to wake up -not- in pain!

Welcome to the forum, enjoy your stay!
Thanks Everyone :hug:

Hi Rob,

You've really had quite a journey! I'm so glad you're finally feeling good!

I have the same specialist as you in Bristol, Prof. Probert. I've only just started seeing him but he seems really nice.
Are you still in the Bristol area? There's a Crohn's group on Facebook who meet up every few months near Temple Meads, but I've been too shy to go so far.....

Anyway, fantastic news!

Lucinda x

Chris Probert is great, one of the best, hes really nice, chatty and likes the odd joke around aswell :ybiggrin:

I am still in Bristol, I live in the Horfield Area, I think I have come accross that group, they meet at the Knights Templar (Wetherspoons) I think.
I've thought about going but like you, I'm a bit shy just to walk in and go "Hi, I'm Rob and I have Crohns!" :lol:
Bristol would probably be my closest group too (i'm in Cheltenham) though I hadn't heard there was one...also like you guys I would feel very weird turning up on my own XD
Slight upadate:

Unfortunately the last couple weeks I started experiencing pain again :(
Been put back on Pred which has stoped the pain but they now want to to scope me through my stoma and my back passage to check the little bit of Colon I have left.
I'm not too bothered about going through the Stoma cause it has no nerve endings But I've always had a big thing about the camera going via my bum! I've only ever had it done once and that was when I was a child and I was completely knocked out for it. I've point blank refused it in the past casue I don't want the pain and discomfort that virtually everyone else I know whos had one has experienced.

Trouble is, these scopes now stand in the way of me going back into the Stem Cell Trial! Which is huge to still have the chance to do it!
Aw good luck Rob, hope you can still do it!
You can be sedated for the scope, I was, and I got to watch it on the big screen, it was trippy!!
Hey Rob!

Your story is incredible - you have been through so much. You are so brave! I had not read your experiences until now, and I'm so glad that I have. I really, truely hope you manage to get on the stem cell research. It sounds like your due a bit of luck to come your way!

I was also sedated and given pain meds for the scope and like Astra, I also watched on screen! Crazy stuff! I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you!


Oh and why don't you guys in Brstol get together to go to the meetings? I would join you but it's a bit of trek for me!
Hi Rob, :bigwave:

That's a bugger about the pain. Good luck and I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you can get back into the trial.


All the best, :)
Right, well I went to Nottingham to speak to Prof Chris Hawkey about the Stem Cell Treatment again, had a good chat and I still meet all the requirements for the Treatment so he will be putting me forward for the funding on December 15th (the next committee conference) and then start the Treatment early next year.

In the meantime though I have my Endoscopy (via my bum and stoma) tomorrow! :eek2:
In an hour or so I need to start taking the Klean Prep! Not looking forward to it! :(
Oh wow Rob that's great! Does putting your name forward guarantee you a spot in the program?

Good luck with your tests and keep us posted!

All the very best, :)
Hey Rob!

That's fantastic news about the treatment, fingers crossed that you get accepted!

Scopes went well today and really weren't anywhere near as bad as I thought, it did show some inflamation but we kinda knew it was there anyway, they took the biopsies needed for Nottingham, was odd watching it on screen.
I got some good news the other day, I had an Email from nottingham saying I was put forward for the Trial on the 15th and Accepted! :ybiggrin: :ybiggrin: Now I've just got to wait for the funding to actually come through which can take 2-3 months, but hey, it will be worth the wait!
(sorry, had to do the above and this seperatly cause of the 15 post url limit)

On a different note, I found a photo of me earlier this year before my Operation and oh my god! I look so bad! and apparently thats not my skinniest!:eek: Compare that to the photo I just took, I look like a completely different person!


Hiya Rob

OMG you look so poorly in the first photo!
That's great news about the trial, hope your funding comes thro!
Have a great Christmas and here's to 2011, it's gonna be your year!
Joan xxx