Thanks for responding Trysha, what happened was the Walgreen's Specialty Pharmacy screwed up my prescription back in May. I had been taking Humira for a whole year, no problems and the pharmacy would call me for a refill reminder. I didn't get a call so I called them, someone there told me that I called a retail store and it wasn't the right location which made no sense because I had been getting my prescrip from them for a whole year plus it was May, it wasn't like it was January and my insurance changed something. So my prescription hopped back and forth between FL and PA and no one would fill it or could tell me what was going on, so, I was a week late with my injection. I wanted to take the other injection the following week so as to keep the level in my blood stream up but Walgreen's told me my insurance wouldn't pay for the next refill as it would show up as being too early. Shortly after that I started having problems and I ignored it hoping things would clear up, I was in total denial cuz I didn't want to have a colonoscopy, I ended up having a bowel obstruction in June so I ended up with a huge hospital bill AND a colonoscopy-not a good choice on my part. Got home from the hospital and was due for my next shot, dropped it on the floor and it discharged, ended up getting another one from the Humira company but again was a week late. So, things haven't been going well. I had a colonoscopy and they dialated the scar tissue that was a bit narrow from my resection in 2000 and that angered my ileum so I ended up having another obstruction 4 days after that procedure! I'm on 20mg of pred and I drop down to 10 next week and if things are good after I drop down then all is well, if I go bad again, then I have to decide what route I want next. I'm hoping and praying that things get better and I don't have to go that route but today I have an appointment to decide what the next step will be if things don't get better. I don't know if any of you pray but if you do, please pray that I don't have to take any more drugs. Thanks <3 Nancy