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Aug 3, 2011
Hi There,

I was directed here after I was going to put a thread up in the undiagnosed section.
I will introduce myself.
My name is Abby, and I am 24 years old and a Mum of two boys.
I live in rural western Australia and atleast 3000km away from all our family and friends due to my partners work.( makes things very hard)
I have had fissures since the age of 11, but no dr really took any notice till after my second child Sept last year. I have a fantastic dr that wanted nothing but the best for me and has sent me to surgeons.
I am due for a colonoscopy and, the gast? something down the throat on the 23rd of August which also happens to be the day after my birthday, so no eating on my birthday, people have asked me why... my answer is i want answers now, i have waited long enough.
I will update more in the un diagnosed section and I do hope to get to know you all soon :)
Hiya Abby
and welcome

Good luck with your tests, hope you find some answers soon.
It's called a gastroscopy (endoscopy) and I've had one many years ago. They'll numb the back of your throat, it'll be fine.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Abby

Welcome to the forum! I sure do hope you get some answers from the scopes. I'm glad you have a doctor that is taking your symptoms seriously and hopefully, you can find some relief. I've had fissures for a long time and ouch, can they hurt!


Hi Guys,

Well Scopes have been done and gone.
One thing that annoyed me, I only had a flare two weeks before it ( grrrr) Had it done.
Went to recovery where i asked what they seen and they said... everything looks clear.
All I could do is Cry, i balled my little heart out. I had SO much hope they would find SOMETHING. The lady turned around to me and said ' oh are you that happy' I said no... I am that SAD. She couldnt understand why? Like I said to her.... I just want answers now :(

Anyways they had taken a heap of biopsies as well, which I couldnt find out right away.
Two days after... what happened. I had a huge flare and again three days later. I called up my dr for an appointment ( relating my low iron). The night before I had a big episode with a lot of blood and mucous so I took samples so they could be checked out.

Went to get biopsies results only to find out, they found nothing either. They said my stomach was inflamed but that was it. I was not impressed especially when they said, well this is it from us you have to find somewhere else to get your answers from, but you should be happy you are healthy and fine ( IM NOT).
Same day I got back my stool results, they came back positive for blood and mucous.
My iron keeps dropping, Im on iron tablets and liquid. I need a transfusion but until i get iron studies done i cant. SO THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING.

My dr has sent me to get a CT scan, i get that done in 9 days. HOPING they find SOMETHING. From there I will be sent to a G.I, however he is 900km, so we are saving for that trip already.

As many of you would know how I feel... I am giving up hope, giving up on being so positive. I have been nothing but positive since this all started but everything keeps coming back fine. I started to believe it was all in my head, till my grandmother was here and witnessed it too... Then my results came back positive for blood and mucous.... there has to be something.

It's really starting to rule my life as much as I am trying to stop it from doing so. So hard
:welcome: to the forum. I know how you feel, and I have been through testing, of ct scans, SBFT, colonoscopies, every test known to man (no mri's) and it took a full year of testing before they sent me to a teaching doctor in Toronto. Had an endocopy barium follow through to the intestines.. even I saw the looping. Not a nice test but it did give me my diagnosis. Sometimes the scopes can't get past a certain point and instead of saying that, they just say they dont see anything. Where is exactly your pain area? Hope you get answers, dont give up ok. It is very hard for test to show up. Heck I never had a stool test in 20 years til last year, first time and it said nothing....bull!
Sorry Abby! It's an all too common story it seems! I hope you've found the Undiagnosed Club by now. There's far too many of you but at least you all can commiserate!
i got diagnosed with the pill cam (since its in my terminal ileum). i would ask your gastro about that option.

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