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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 3, 2012
hi there!

Hi! My name is Katie and I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1997 when I was five. When Remicade was approved for kids, I was put on it. From then till like 2007, the worst of my Crohn's was stomach aches and constipation.

In the spring of 2007, my Crohn's started to flare up really bad. During that summer, I ended up getting Crohn's from my mouth to anus. Unfortunately, there were some issues getting in to see my gastro and the two times I got hospitalized that summer (for dehydration, because I couldn't eat or drink anything due to the sores), they misdiagnosed the sores in my mouth (not realizing they were going all the way through my system), but finally in September, my gastro did a colonoscopy/endoscopy and confirmed that it was all Crohn's.

After that, I was put on Humira instead of Remicade and then because of a blockage my gastro recommended I get part of my intestines removed. So in the summer of 2008 once school was done, I had 6 inches of my small intestine and 6 inches of my large intestine around the illeum removed. After that, my health was really, really good till March 2011, with the only medication I was on was Humira.

Last March, my Crohn's started flaring up again. I think most of my flare up was because of stress from it being my first year of college and having to deal with a terrible roommate. Because it was so close to the end of the school year, I just dealt with it and once summer started in May, I saw my doctor, a CT scan, a flex sigmoidoscopy, and prescriptions of Flagyl and Prednisone, that flare-up was under control for the summer. That was also the end of me going to a pediatric gastro, because the children's hospital he did his procedures at didn't want me going there anymore because I was 19.

Starting in October, I had another flare up and that's where I still am now, finally getting it under control after switching to a new gastro for the second time in the last year. Right now, my biggest issues are peri-anal Crohn's and a fissure/skin tag that I have.

Sorry this was so long. :) I like to type.
Hi Katie! I'm Laney. I'm also new to the forum.

For anyone interested, I'm a 28 year old mom of two beautiful boys who was diagnosed with Chron's in the summer of 2011. I had been suffering symptoms for a lot longer, but had been in denial for a long time, and was afraid to see a doctor because of what I might find out (and ultimately found out).

It's been an adjustment, but life goes on. Unfortunately, the old saying 'this too shall pass' doesn't really apply, unless we're talking about this morning's breakfast...
Hi Katie,

You sound nice. I was just recently diagnosed. Last week actually. You sound like you have been though so much. I'm terrified because this is a lifelong thing and im only 15. It's scary :( hope you are feeling better and get your CD under control soon :)
Thank you, both!!

I'm really glad I found this forum. For most of the time I've had Crohn's, I've kept it pretty private where only family really knew (and it was on record at school) and never before reached out to other people with Crohn's. So joining this is pretty big for me. :)
Wow, we are so alike. I'm also quite shy to open up and tell people about it. Most people just don't understand

Aw! I think as I've gotten older, I'm getting better with telling people and have found they're a little more understanding than I thought they would be and they still treat me the same.

If you ever want to talk about Crohn's stuff, since you did say you were just recently diagnosed, you can message me anytime! :)
Hi Katie, I'm new also, not to Crohn's I've had it now 31 years. I've been through it all, had every surgery, no all the med's, so if you have anything specific I'd love to help, Diggety
Hi Katie and welcome to the forum! I'm really glad you made your way here. I see that you found our Humira subforum, that's great!

Have you gotten your vitamin B12 levels tested? If so, when and what was the exact number? I ask because the last part of the small intestines, the terminal ileum, which you had removed (at least part of it) is where vitamin B12 is absorbed. B12 deficiencies are common in people with Crohn's Disease which is bad news :( So I want to make sure you're covered in that regards.

Again, welcome! Enjoy the community :)
Hi Katie and welcome to the forum! I'm really glad you made your way here. I see that you found our Humira subforum, that's great!

Have you gotten your vitamin B12 levels tested? If so, when and what was the exact number? I ask because the last part of the small intestines, the terminal ileum, which you had removed (at least part of it) is where vitamin B12 is absorbed. B12 deficiencies are common in people with Crohn's Disease which is bad news :( So I want to make sure you're covered in that regards.

Again, welcome! Enjoy the community :)

I don't think I've ever had my vitamin B12 levels tested. Should I bring it up at some point? I looked it up online and I don't have any of the symptoms of being B12 deficient... so I'm not sure.

And thank you!
I don't think I've ever had my vitamin B12 levels tested. Should I bring it up at some point? I looked it up online and I don't have any of the symptoms of being B12 deficient... so I'm not sure.
If you have Crohn's Disease that is in the terminal ileum (the most common spot) then yes. You don't want to wait until you have symptoms. In healthy individuals, the liver can store up to 5 years worth of B12. You could be drawing on that bank and about to start with the overdraft fees.