High Lactoferrin stool test?

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
I was looking through some of my old labs that I had done when I was seeing a naturapath doc back in the beginning of last year. At this time I was not having any real intestinal issues at that point. I did this comprehensive stool test using a lab called metametrix. They use the stools DNA to check for different things.

I happened to be reading over it and noticed that they did indeed check for lactoferrin and mine was high! It said it was a 3.7. I think their normal was 3.1 or something. My WBC's in my stool were negative though as well as mucus according to these results. I did not even notice this until now! The natrapath doc I did remember telling me that over growth of yeast can cause inflammation in the gut as well. SO maybe this is what he was thinking raised the lactoferrin test, I do not know.

I am really worried about it though. I mean I now am having issues with my intestines for the last year and half. I plan on showing this GI doc who is filling in for mine( he is in Africa on vacation), this result. DOes this mean there is definite crohn's going on??? I mean I do not have UC as I do not have diarrhea. I am already on a gluten free diet so this is not celiacs either. What else is left but crohn's??? Can overhrowth of yeast really cause an inflammed colon????
I told my gastro doc about it and he just did not seemed concerned. He said that many things could raise this level. He said these tests are not very reliable In terms of diagnosing anything. He also said the calprotectin test is more accurate than the lactoferrin for some reason or another.