Hip pain?

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Jan 7, 2009
I hate to repeat threads, but I know that I saw something on here to this effect, but was unable to find it.

Several days ago, I started getting some dull nagging pains in my lower back...nothing too bad, just enough to be noticable and annoying. Then, all of a sudden, yesterday I went to stand up and this sharp sharp pain went shooting down my right leg, starting at my hip and down the outside of my thigh. I couldn't get rid of it, everytime I move in a certain way, there it goes. I thought maybe it would go away on its own, but I woke up this morning and it was still there. It was torture to drive to work this morning.

I normally wouldn't think too much of this being associated with Crohns, but I think I remember somebody on this forum having a similar problem. I searched for the thread but couldn't find it. Does anyone have any info on that thread or about this mystery pain?

Thanks Guys!
I'd get it checked out. I'm not in a position to offer any sort of diagnosis, but Crohn's related artritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, can affect the lower back (lumbar) and pelvic areas. I have had similar symptoms to the ones you describe.
I had arthritis in my left hip since I was 16 (when I was dx with crohns) and eventually had a hip replacement a few years ago. No one ever made the connection with crohns, or with the high dose of pred I was taking at the time.
Never had the pains in my lower back, however, so may be back related as GJG suggests.
These sort of pains are a bit weird, as I understand, you get the pain in one place, but the problem may be somewhere else. Maybe a chiropractor could throw some light on it
A lot of threads have also mentioned joint pain caused by pred if you want to search the tags
Being it started in the lower back, you may have a vertibrate out of place. It could be affecting the sciatic nerve which runs through your hip. This is quite common and is not really Crohn's related.

I have a lot of problems with this when I do not get enough back exercise.

It could also be something completely different, but a trip to a chiropractor or a physical therapist will either resolve it or it won't. If it does not you will know to look into it further.

Thanks for the info guys. As the day rolls on, I am starting to think that maybe I have a pinched nerve or something. I am going to ride the weekend out and see how I feel on Monday, then decide if I need to go to a doc or chiropractor or something. Hopefully the situation will take care of itself. Thanks for your input!
I think it could be either arthritis or sciatic nerve issues here also. I dont think it could be Crohns related really, although sometimes the pain in my side or abdom area in general will radiate to my back it has never effected my hip. I have a hip issue though, every since I was a kid for no reason at all my hip will pop out, it goes right back in but for about 5 mins or so it is a shooting almost numbing pain that goes all the way to my toes.
it may have been me and agent discussing this some time ago shady, i fell in love with how much his hip replacement has changed his life:)

i get similar pains in my legs and hips, mines from arthritus in my sacroiliac joints, bone degeneration and sciatic nerve stuff. ever 6 months or so i get a steroid injection iinto my hip which is bliss!
Salam every body,
I am mahmoud from Jordan,
i had recently foun this site and iam so happy to find such site that i can share my crohns problem.
from about 3 monthes i was diagnosed with crohns disease,and i was so happy,
dont suprise becuese i was sufering from all kind af pains for about 6 years.
and now at least i now what the couse of that pain.
the most anoising pain is hip pain which travel from hip to hip until i cant move or sleep,but after medication specially predneselon i found the pain start to decrease, but after i start to decrease the doses the coming back. so i think the solution in pred.
if any one have any other solution please help.

note:I am sorry for the languege but my english is not so good.

mahmoud badawi

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