
Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 8, 2011

hello all,

I used to be a member here, but after a 2 year hiatus I've either forgotten my account name and/or pw or it was deleted from inactivity.

24 yr old male here doing the school thing in Tucson, Arizona. Born and raised in Houston, tx where all my issues (stomach and others) began.

I was experiencing some pretty bad problems back in late 05/06 off and on, but it didn't get serious enough until the summertime of 06, when i got the colonoscopy confirming my diagnosis for crohn's disease. Boy did that blow my old partying lifestyle away! As my disease progressed, so did the severity of medication.

I've been on asacol/lialda since day 1, moving then into azathioprine and prednisone to azathioprine and humira for quite a while. Against medical advice, I weaned myself off humira and azathioprine with full confidence in a gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free diet. That was in September '09.

I was blessed with a year and a half of beautiful, med-free remission.

This past February I was hospitalized for a grand-maul seizure which resulted in the fracturing of my T8 vertebra. Since then, the anti-seizure meds I've been put on have been disconnecting me a little bit from my usual healthy eating habits, as they make me hungrier, and the compact fracture in my back has naturally discouraged my typical workout sessions.

Two weeks ago, I started experiencing some BMs that felt like diarrhea AND constipation. They haven't let up since then, and I've been put back on prednisone for the time being, until I meet with my new Arizona GI.

I've been scanning the forums the past few days and thought I'd re-register, because I love sharing experience, strength and hope with fellows who I can completely relate to.

Thank you for taking the time to read this : )
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Hi Joben and welcome back!

Sorry to hear that your remission had to come to an end!! What was the cause of the seizure??

Hope you get to see your new GI soon to discuss the best way to approach what might be the beginnings of a flare up. Hopefully it isn't - maybe it's a result of the new meds? Are you taking any pain meds for the fracture?

Good luck - I hope you can get things under control quick!

- Amy
hey, thanks ames.

Cause of the seizure .. eh, I was diagnosed with seizure disorder, EEG showed abnormal electrical surges on the left side of my brain, for unknown reasons :-/

It honestly doesn't feel like a flare up .. it's weird. The prednisone is not doing anything for the diarrhea, except maybe fueling the fire with my eating more lawl.

Luckily I was only on some low grade vicodin for 2 weeks after getting outta the hospital, then was able to get off of it. (that stuff really messes with my head)
Hi jobengals! I am sorry your Crohn's is acting up again. Hopefully, you are seeing your new GI sooner than later? Did you have success with Humira and azathioprine when you took it in the past? Perhaps, that is a place to start with your new treatment. I wish you luck and let us know how the appointment goes!
Hi Jobengals!
I do remember seeing you around here, and I thought that you had some good contributions to the mmj threads. Odd that those would all be gone now, I searched for them to see if I could find your old account but came up with nothing. Or maybe I am mistaken and that's not you at all.
Anyways, sorry you are back on pred, but hope it is treating you well. Good luck with you appt with the new GI.

edit - I found you!
Post #31. Hmm, looks like your account was disabled or something.
(Of course, you have to know the password to get there...)
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