I am still on Remicade myself - talking about uppingy dose to 10 vials every 8 weeks. I am taking high concentration probiotics (bifidofolus) to get my "good" biotics up, curcumin (a natural anti-inflamitory and cauturizer "sp?") and some mineral salts. I have been having a lot of trouble recouping and healing properly from many recent crohns related surgeries and have gotten sick of my doctors saying there was really nothing they could do to help. I just had another surgery on Tuesday so my NP wanted to wait before cutting things from my diet and shocking my system but I will be cutting sugar soon. I am a dairy-a-holic and have tried to cut it, did it for a bit and found biggest issue was too much milk intake caused issue as well as ice cream, I seem okay with most cheese. The best thing I can suggest is do a lot of research for yourself, find people that have this that you trust to ask questions, find refferals for the best doctors you can find, and be patient (I know this last one is hard, and it sucks, but this disease is different for everyone - what works for me and the things I need fixed are different than anyone elses). I hope this helps!! If you have any other questions -let me know. Best of luck.