Home Infusions?

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Oct 4, 2013
Does anyone else get home infusions for Remicade? I was told I could chose between going to the infusion center and having a nurse come to me.

Also how much does Remicade cost you? I'm worried that I won't be able to afford it, or I'm going to lose my house trying to pay for medication :frown:
Home infusions would be so convenient.
Mine is covered 100%. The cost is $6,400/infusion.

I'm in Canada and don't have private insurance. I'm sure it would be higher if a private insurer was paying. :yrolleyes:

I'm sure someone from the US will be along with tips to get covered.
I have not heard you can get this infusion done at home. For me, the medication alone is around 6400- also. Total bill is closer to 8000-
There have been a couple posts since I've joined about home infusions. I know the practice started for those who live in really rural areas but I have since seen posts where insurance has allowed this no matter the location.

Also if you have commercial insurance then you can use Remistart which is a patient assistance program that covers the majority of your our of pocket expense. The program is not financially based and is provided by the maker of Remicade. If you are on Medicaid or medicare you are not eligible for the program but there may be other programs you're GI can make you aware of. You can Google Remistart and start the process of enrollment or you can ask your GI office to assist in getting you enrolled.

With remistart we paid I think like 250.00 per year out of pocket for remicade. It is a great program.
I never heard of home infusions. I thought Remicade needs to be kept at a steady state temperature and that outside of that temp it quickly becomes useless. Home infusions would be nice though but I goto the lab and pay nothing.
They are done by home health nurses and are kept at stable temps in much the same way as humira. The med is generally shipped to the patient and the nurse comes and infuses you.

There are several threads about it on here though hard to locate with the search function. Here is one I found
