Holistically, there is little that would interfere with imuran--but the onus is on yourself alone to verify by research and personal monitoring--so I don't see why you can't start doing things on a complementary basis. Neither a one or none approach.
Everyone has there own tangents when it comes to "holistic" approaches. Most are very expensive. Most books coincide with overly extensive product lines. However, the general nutritional advice interspersed between product pitches are usually worth a read.
Nutritionally, experimenting by excluding certain foods and monitoring combinations of foods is always a good idea (caffeine/dairy/gluten/sugars etc.). Diets like the Selective Carb Diet, Paleo diets, the Makers Diet, the Gapsdiet.com and whole food recipe books that incorporate fermented/sprouted foods (Nourishing Traditions or FREE stuff on the Weston Price Foundation's website) are sources that were eye-openers, to me at least. I personally don't subscribe to any wholeheartedly, but you learn a lot reviewing them.
At least severely limiting sugars--including synthetics like potassium acesulfame and aspartame which kill good bacteria--of all sorts (except for fruits, honey, stevia, xylitol sparingly) and severely limiting white, processed flours as well as hard-to-digest, GMO ridden, processed boxed foods (devoid of all enzymes which aid digestion) seem to be a good start toward a "holistic" route. Beware: sugar alcohols, which may include xylitol at higher dosages, like manitol, sorbitol ...ol...seem to cause diarrhea as they aren't digested. By severely limiting, I mean, ideally, completely avoiding.
Supplementally, there are wide variations in quality and effectiveness. Most crohnnies constantly take GOOD probiotics and GOOD enteric-coated fish oils multiple times a day. Over 3 grams of omega 3s may thin blood, if that's an issue. Taking at least 30% more protein a day than recommended, in the form of plain/naturally flavored whey (1-2 scoops a day) and eggs (6 grams each) or vegetable protein supplements (rice, peas) is generally agreed as a good idea. B12, Vit D3 (5,000ui), minerals (calcium, magnesium), folate, zinc, Vit K2, the list could go on, just surf around. Anti-inflammatories like Curcumin or Ginger extracts are a mainstay for most, as well. I like Jarrow Formulas or Source Naturals, right now I can find them for 30% off online--in the states. See my ramblings under "Success Stories: MY Supps for MY Dis-Ease" in the forum. As well as the Supplements thread's Probiotics post.
Effectiveness may depend on how extensive one's symptoms (which organ(s)) are or how many surgeries someone's had. Immunomodulating extracts (mushrooms, andrographis, and good sugars (glucopolysaccharides, arabinogalactans, mannanoligosaccharides etc. come to mind) may mess with imuran, or not--who knows? The book Good Sugars that Heal comes to mind, detailing these potent good sugars which may or may not be too potent to be taken daily. Additionally, garlic or oregano extracts and colloidal silvers may or may not be a good idea periodically to wipe out pathogenic bacteria.
Lifestyle changes should be included in a whole-istic path. Yoga, meditation, jogging, gardening, hiking, learning an instrument...all artistic outlets which help cope with crohn's mind/body/stress component. Getting enough sleep is essential. Drink lots of clean water a day.
Anyhow, I personally am trying LDN in addition to the above ideas. I also believe in periodically going in for colonoscopies or diagnostics to monitor the subconscious nature of this dis-ease. The above suggestions are my concept of "holistic" approaches. Please elaborate if your considering something more specific. Hope this helps.