Hopefully I get to move here......

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 8, 2012
So my insurance denied me Humira, but should allow Remicade.....hopefully this one will work and we can get this show on the road! What does it entail, how long does it take to feel better?
Welcome, Melmonkey. With Remicade, you start with loading doses or infusion(IV) that they will administer at 2, 4 and 6 weeks. These infusions are done either in an IV lab at the hospital or can be located at the GI's office. The infusion lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours depending on how fast the drip is. The will some times give you benedryl before starting the Remicade. After the dose at the 6th week you will move out to infusions every eight weeks. Sometime they may have to tweak the schedule. My son started at 8 weeks and then moved in to 6 and recently into every 5 weeks.

My son felt great shortly after the first loading dose, I mean within days he was a different child. He continued to do well through the loading doses but when we moved to the eight week schedule symptoms would return at about 5 weeks. We upped his dose shortened his schedule to every six weeks and added Methotrexate. Still he is having symptoms about 5 weeks out so we moved him to every five weeks. Fingers crossed it works.

My son has his done at an IV lab at his GI's office. They have TV, DVR, Wii, Xbox so the kids keep pretty busy during infusion. My son also brings a book or homework and a snack pack with snacks and drinks, although the nurses do offer bottled water and snacks as well.
My docs office just called and I said that we should be able to start early next week.......:facepalm: Ugh, stupid insurance prior authorization CRAP!

I told the nurse there that if they way too long my 6 day a week working out coupled with steroids will have me looking like Carrot Top and his biceps...and I'll challenge the doc to an arm wrestling event:rof:

Good God!!

Still fighting with the damn insurance company to get this started! Now they are claiming that nothing was sent from my doctors office!
Surprise surprise, I called insurance today and said that if I do not get approval by the end of today, because I know the doctor has send paperwork multiple times, I was contacting a lawyer because of my deteriorating health. They had it approved and faxed back to my doctor by 10 am!

My first infusion will be Tues at 2 pm!