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Sep 16, 2011
:ybatty: :sign0144:
I currently have no diagnosis.I feel lost, alone and like ****. Two years ago I had sudden, abdominal pain coupled with fever and diarrhea. I was hospitalized and given invasive ultrasounds, blood tests and jello. They thought it was either my appendix or my ovaries. Both checked out 'fine'.

I followed up with my doctor who ordered more blood test and a stool sample. Healthy. Still experiencing persistant pain and had horrible bowels. Now suffering from acid reflux, I can't lay down flat to sleep anymore. Had a scary, horrible bloody stool went to the ER, where the doctor did a fecal occult and said 'this measures blood cells and is sensitive enough to measure a fraction of a fraction of a blood cell, you have NOT had bloody stool" AND THEN SAID "Maybe you ate spaghetti? Are you on your period miss?" :ybatty::ybatty: No joke. I'm 32 I know what bloody stool looks like, i know what a menstrual cycle looks like you a**.:ymad: I digress...

Then I was sent to a Gastrointerologist, who ordered colonoscopy, after two attempts, the first liquidprep wasn't going down,caused uncontrollable vomiting, then the second pill prep worked. Had two polyps removed and tissue samples taken, tissue was 'normal', polyps were 'precancerous'. Sent to get a Celiac blood test and an Upper GI. I was told I looked healthy and that they test for celiac was 100% accurate. ( is anything 100 percent accurate?!)

I'm always exhausted, can hardly eat any food, no dairy, spices, fruits, veges, red meat, sodas, juices, coffee nothing. I can't. They make me almost instantly sick to my stomach. I eat chicken and rice mostly and even obstain from that occasionally when I'm feeling especially sick because I know the consequences. I sweat all night, I know it's summer but I don't remember this happening before. My joints hurt, My legs hurt, I want to put my feet up any chance I get.

Now I have flaky red patches about 2x2 inches mostly in a few different spots, and small bright red bumps that are on my breast, buttocks, thighs, shins and stomach. They look kind of like bug bites but don't itch or go away. If they 'go away' really they've just turned a weird purple color. I'm no web MD self-diagnosis seeker but I'm convinced its related.

I've had the pain in my 'stomach' for 2 years now. It's so bad sometimes and so sudden I've bent over and smacked my head on my desk from doubling over so fast. Normally I just go to the bathroom and cry for a few minutes while holding on to my gut. I have bloody stools 5-6 times a week and the frequency, urgency and pain of my bowel movements is increasing.

I went to the Gastrointerologist today who said maybe I have a lot of bacteria in my small intestine. There are few labs in California who test for it but he'll perscribe me a 20 pills in ten days antibiotic treatment and I'll be 'cured' YEAH he said cured. I'm thinking ...wait.... I don't even have a diagnosis but a cure is possible? why didn't we talk about this YEARS AGO? Oh, and when I asked about my skin problems he said "internal problems do not present externally". Oh, AND the miracle medication is not covered by insurance and cost something like $600.

I asked my regular doctor for a refferal to an acupuncturist because I've read some things on it, but insurance denied it because it's not joint pain. So frustrating. I want treatment possibilities. but no.

Back to the story.... Need-less to say I've made an appointment with my primary care physician (HMO) to get a referral for a second opinion. Am I doing something wrong, Is the medical field just like this? Is there a magic/code word to get help? Abra cadabra? Poop? No? I've asked, asked and asked for opinions on food choices, medicine for acid reflux, resources and have gotten no help. 'I can't give you meds for acid reflux, the scan didn't show that you suffer from that condition". UH but I DO SUFFER! IT BURNS.

Is it normal to not have a diagnosis because the test(s) is/are 'inconclusive' even though the symptoms are there? I know a diagnosis won't cure me, but I'm so over being told nothing is wrong.

p.s. I'm not in seattle. I just loved that movie and couldn't think of a title :)
HI Dazed, if i were you i would get a second opinion from a GI specalist. it seems to me there are more things going on there that are not right. I hope you get a diagnosis soon and elevate you agony and disruption in your life right now. best wishes
Hi dazed and confused and :welcome:

I'm so sorry to hear of the struggles you are going through...:(

There are many people here that have obvious physical symptoms and yet all their tests return as normal, my daughter was one of those people.

"internal problems do not present externally".

I think you need to find yourself a new doc, now! EIM's (Extra Intestinal Manifestations) are indeed part and parcel of Crohns and we have a forum specifically for them, you will find it here. Research seems to suggest that many people experience EIM's before they actually display any gastrointestinal symptoms.

I hope you get solid answers soon hun. Good luck and welcome aboard!

Dusty. xxx
Oh my - how horrible that you've been through so much... This seems to be the anthem for us - being undiagnosed. I hope the forums help you and that you find someone who listens and gives you the time. So happy that you have found your way to the Crohn's Forum website. All my best to you. Hang in there. :smurfin:
i hear you girl. i have the "bug bites" too. so weird. mine do the same thing. don't go away for a long time and then turn purple.

try to get a new dr.
Well, I saw my doctor today because of my HMO I have to get approval for a new gastrointerologist. I told her what an idiot I think he is and that I'm exhausted and feel that my symptoms are being ignored. She was astonished that I have been seeing him for 2 years and that I haven't been offically told that I even have inflamed bowels yet or recieved any medications to help control the symptoms.

She had me re-explain everything to her and then she got my full chart sent from the 'specialists' office. She said, "Oh, you're bleeding because you have internal hemmrroids" at that point I was so overwhelmed and frustrated I began crying and hyperventalating. I have bled almost everyday since May 8th 2011 and had a colonoscopy shortly thereafter. Thats when he found them. I have seen him, spoken to him or the nurses and office staff at least 8 times since then and mentioned the bleeding every single time.

She has prescribed me Proctosol cream and Anucort suppositories. She said that because of the year plus of angry bowels before I started bleeding is probably what caused them. She said she won't say that is the definite cause because there are rarely definites in the health field. Humm, apparently my idiot doctor doesn't believe in that philosophy because to him everything is black and white, since he threw around 'healthy, cured and 100%' all the time.

How can a doctor neglect someones medical issue when there is preventative treatment? I'm more dumbfounded than I was before. I'm glad my intestines weren't bleeding and that it is hemmrroids, if any can really glad to have those. But to know that he knew and was letting me suffer in the blind. Apparently "First do no harm" is only in the movies.

I should mention I've also been given Nexium for the acid reflux and Dicyclomine for the cramping. Hopefully I will have some relief, and that thought of relief kept my crying at the doctor's office. At that point she started asking me questions about my 'mood' and 'feelings'. After a few minutes of that i realized she was trying to determine if I was depressed, I said NO! I'm just a cryer and overwhelmed and frustrated and angry and a little relieved. I thought she was considering perscribing me a mood stabilizer too.

Alas, No :) or :( .... I left with 4 perscriptions, orders for more blood tests for food allergies, thyroid problems? and awaiting an authorization for a CT scan and a new Dr. Gastro.

Fingers crossed.
HI Dazed, I am glad you found out your problem and it's getting things sorted out, i hope you rebound soon and get in good health soon.best wishes

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