Hoping for a diagnosis

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 26, 2015
Hi Everyone. I've been reading on this forum for quite some time as I wait on doctors and test results for my daughter, Cady. I figured it was time to introduce myself and share our story so far.

In October of last year Cady, who is now 16, started complaining of abdominal pain that would wake her during the night. Sometimes, she would ask to stay home from school due to lack of sleep the night before. She would say she just didn't feel well and hadn't slept. I admit I thought she was going through typical teenager stuff and was looking for excuses to stay home, bad me!

By the end of November the complaints were still coming so I took her to her pediatrician. Her only symptom being right lower abdominal pain, the doctor ordered blood work and stool samples. Two days before Christmas her pediatrician called me to tell me Cady had a raised sed rate (47) and was referring her to a pediatric GI.

Early January we saw the GI and he was very thorough. Cady and I both felt very comfortable with him, he spent over an hour just talking to us before he did any examination. His concerns are the fact that the pain is actually waking her during the night, and that it's right lower quadrant. He ordered more labs, more stool samples, full abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, and finally an MRE to rule out Crohn's.

So far labs and ultrasound are good, her sed rate is in normal limits again. But now Cady has started to experience nausea in addition to the pain, but no other symptoms. At times she won't eat for an entire day or more. The insurance company refused to authorize the MRE.

Today the doctor's office called me to let me know her last stool test did come back positive for blood. The nurse made me an appointment with the doctor for Wed. and said that he will probably want to schedule a colonoscopy at that time.

From reading the forums I see that mouth ulcers can be a symptom of Crohn's as well as eye pain. Cady has recently (about 10 days ago) developed a large ulcer in her mouth that is still not healing. She has also consistently complained that her eyes burn randomly, not sure if either of these could be related but we will mention them to the doctor on Wed.

Anyway, just looking for some advice on what other things I may want to ask her doctor on Wed.? I really think or should I say hope that we will get more answers after a colonoscopy has been done. Should I push my insurance company to approve the MRE? Especially now that we know she has blood in her stool?

Long post, but thanks ahead to those who take the time to read and share any input.
Sorry to hear of your daughter's struggles.

I'm glad she is having a colonscopy as it is really the top tool used for dx. An endoscopy would be on my list as well if it isn't already.

The colonoscopy can see all the way through the colon into the last part of the small intestine and the endoscopy can see into the stomach and the first part of small intestine. Since that leaves a lot of small bowel unseen an MRE or pill cam is a good option after the scopes.

I hope you find some answers soon.
Like Clash said, a colonoscopy is really the first test. If that doesn't provide answers, then pushing your insurance company to approve the MRE is a good idea.

She has also consistently complained that her eyes burn randomly, not sure if either of these could be related but we will mention them to the doctor on Wed.

There are several extra-intestinal manifestations of Crohn's that involve the eyes, including uveitis and scleritis. Seeing an ophthalmologist might be a good idea. Uveitis is actually quite serious and needs to be treated immediately. Symptoms of it include eye pain, redness (sometimes), light sensitivity etc.

Hope they can figure out what's wrong SOON :ghug:
I think the colonoscopy is the best bet at this point and echo Clash's recommendation to do the upper scopes as well.

I would wait for the results of the scopes. If Crohn's is diagnosed it may be all you need for the insurance to go ahead and approve an MRE.

However, my older daughter was diagnosed with just a colonoscopy and her doc didn't feel the need for an MRE. His point (and I m not saying I agree with it) was, we know she has Crohn's, we know it is severe, the added testing won't change our treatment plan so let's skip it.

However, if her lower scope didn't show signs of the disease I sure would be pushing for the MRE. You know there is inflammation, you know there is blood, it had to be found one way or another. Even if you find damage in the terminal ileum as we did with my younger daughter, I think it is pretty much standard to do an MRE to access how much of the small bowel is affected.

I think the results of the scope will really give you more to go on with regard to next step and insurance approval etc.

Good Luck!
Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I definitely appreciate the input. Hopefully, we can get her an appointment for her colonoscopy fairly quickly and then we'll see what happens and go from there. I got a pretty good feeling from her doctor that he will be thorough and not let her go undiagnosed. If he won't push, I will. Definitely feeling some mommy guilt for not getting her to the doctor sooner.
Definitely feeling some mommy guilt for not getting her to the doctor sooner.

We have all been there! Please try not to blame yourself. Nothing good will come of it. Besides, who really thinks, stomach ache = Crohns. Heck my daughter's ped ignored signs for two years. So did I. It wasn't until her first flare and an admit to I.C.U. when we realized how sick my daughter was. Then with her sister signs were ignored for three years by the ped and G.I.. Even with a diagnosed sister! It really isn't the expected dx. Especially with teens. The important thing is you are on it now and have her with a doc you trust. Good for you for getting ahead of the firs big flare and controlling the dx and not letting the disease force your hand!
Actually, crohnsinct, that explanation helps me a lot. As I said I am new and while I have been reading a lot one thing I didn't understand was that there could be signs and possibly even a diagnosis without a flare up. I kept looking at other people's symptoms and thinking Cady wasn't experiencing anything that severe, but after your response I'm realizing that may be because she isn't in a flare up yet?
You got it! My second daughter no big flare. First one only big flare at dx. I really hope your daughter has something benign and not crohn's but if crohn's it is good you are catching it now. However, even without a big flare the disease still does it's damage and that is why it is important to monitor and image.

Good luck and keep us posted
Hi Everyone. I've been reading on this forum for quite some time as I wait on doctors and test results for my daughter, Cady. I figured it was time to introduce myself and share our story so far.

In October of last year Cady, who is now 16, started complaining of abdominal pain that would wake her during the night. Sometimes, she would ask to stay home from school due to lack of sleep the night before. She would say she just didn't feel well and hadn't slept. I admit I thought she was going through typical teenager stuff and was looking for excuses to stay home, bad me!

By the end of November the complaints were still coming so I took her to her pediatrician. Her only symptom being right lower abdominal pain, the doctor ordered blood work and stool samples. Two days before Christmas her pediatrician called me to tell me Cady had a raised sed rate (47) and was referring her to a pediatric GI.

Early January we saw the GI and he was very thorough. Cady and I both felt very comfortable with him, he spent over an hour just talking to us before he did any examination. His concerns are the fact that the pain is actually waking her during the night, and that it's right lower quadrant. He ordered more labs, more stool samples, full abdominal and pelvic ultrasound, and finally an MRE to rule out Crohn's.

So far labs and ultrasound are good, her sed rate is in normal limits again. But now Cady has started to experience nausea in addition to the pain, but no other symptoms. At times she won't eat for an entire day or more. The insurance company refused to authorize the MRE.

Today the doctor's office called me to let me know her last stool test did come back positive for blood. The nurse made me an appointment with the doctor for Wed. and said that he will probably want to schedule a colonoscopy at that time.

From reading the forums I see that mouth ulcers can be a symptom of Crohn's as well as eye pain. Cady has recently (about 10 days ago) developed a large ulcer in her mouth that is still not healing. She has also consistently complained that her eyes burn randomly, not sure if either of these could be related but we will mention them to the doctor on Wed.

Anyway, just looking for some advice on what other things I may want to ask her doctor on Wed.? I really think or should I say hope that we will get more answers after a colonoscopy has been done. Should I push my insurance company to approve the MRE? Especially now that we know she has blood in her stool?

Long post, but thanks ahead to those who take the time to read and share any input.

I'd recommend pushing for MRE, colonoscopy and upper endoscopy as well. In addition, I'd request a fecal calprotectin test. I'm sure your doc has done blood tests for celiac, etc?
I'd recommend pushing for MRE, colonoscopy and upper endoscopy as well. In addition, I'd request a fecal calprotectin test. I'm sure your doc has done blood tests for celiac, etc?

Fecal calprotectin was done, they didn't mention those results when they called me this morning, only that her stool tested positive for blood. I will ask the doc about that on Wed. They did say the doctor will order a colonoscopy. I will ask again about the MRE and an endoscopy when we visit on Wed. He did test for celiac and multiple other labs were run and all came back normal.
Yeah...I am guessing the appearance of blood was the big flag and what prompted the scope. You usually don't bleed with celiac or ibs.

I hope you get a quick scope dAte. Waiting is the pits!
The colonoscopy if conclusive is enough for a diagnosis and a course of action plan. An MRE is less invasive but your kid is a teen so I'm sure he can manage the colonoscopy. If nausea is an issue press for the endoscopy. It will help ease your mind about treatment. My daughter had crohns in her esophagus. It is rare but happens. It hasn't flared for a while but as soon as my daughter vomits we are super diligent on neutralizing it as fast as possible. Waiting is brutal. I think mommy guilt is the worst guilt. I hope answers come soon.
Cady goes in today for a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Hoping we'll have some answers or better direction soon! She handled prep like a trooper!!