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Anna's Bandit

Feb 16, 2018
I went to the hospital yesterday in an ambulance and they admitted me. I was having abdominal pain and a gusher of diarrhea and vomiting at home. Of course yesterday I was in a fair mood and I was able to communicate with the hospital staff effectively and I was still alert. Well after not getting any sleep because I'm in the hospital and not eating any food because my gut is supposed to be resting by consuming liquids only and not getting all of my medications given to me in a timely manner, my mood is so foul. I take a lot of medications and it is a variety of medications for different health conditions, which is 20 pills per day. Of course when people are in the hospital they are not given all of their medications and they don't receive them at the time they should. Also, people don't have the same routine at the hospital as they would at home. Even though I don't work any longer I have a routine that I keep at home and routines are what sometimes make us very comfortable. So even though my abdominal pain is non-existent today and of course my gut does feel better because all I got to drink was clear liquids yesterday, I am the patient from him hell. The instructions on my patient board today are : clear liquids / standby / pain control/rest/gut rest / hydration/ no surgical intervention. Hopefully today my mood will soften and I won't be the patient that none of the staff want to be in contact with. Thank you for listening and I hope everyone out there who's in the hospital feels better soon and gets to go home and gets back to their regular medication & daily routine.❤️
There is no place like home. The worst part of my hospital stay back in May, was the early risers in the next bed, and all the talking over the early coffee, as well as the constant noise while I am trying to get some sleep. Everything starts too early in there. The real healing took place when I got home and back to my own routine. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Been there @Lynda Lynda. Just breathe. Try to sleep as much as possible and be thankful there are people trying to help. I hated my latest stint for my second small bowel re-section. Was in for a week. Hated everything and just wanted to go home. Getting stuck in my own head made it worse. Read and listen to music. Anything to distract your mind.

But I also saw people 10x worse off than me and THAT put it all into perspective and made me focus on the positives.
Sorry you inpatient
Hopefully things will turn around and you get to go home soon
Home is must better for everything
I am Lynda Lynda but changed my name.

I am so tired.
I think I have a rectal abscess. Noticed the discomfort yesterday. Today felt small bump slightly inside the anal area. Today it is slightly painful. I have been pushing too hard to have a BM the last few days, but eventually started Miralax. I believe the NP at my Gastroenterologist said I had a small fissure the last time I was there. NP prescribed a special compound prescription cream, which I use almost every day for 3-4 months now.

In 2002 felt pain down there, thought it was hemorrhoids and bought cream / ointment and a donut pillow. It only took 4 days to fully develop into the most painful thing ever. Saw PCP, then General Surgeon, General Surgeon sent me directly to the Hospital, General Surgeon operated on it. Had demoral from the minute I walked into the ER until the surgery. Two weeks off work. Nurse came to my home once a day for 2 weeks to do wound care, found out the abscess had a lot of deep pockets.

2009 felt discomfort in the anal area, based on my 2002 experience I went right to the ER. It was a small abscess, they operated on it and I only had one follow up visit with the surgeon. So I caught it early on.

I think I may have had another possible abscess at one time, my PCP at the time looked at it and prescribed me antibiotics and it went away.

To highten my panic and stress, I need a new PCP.....right now ! My old PCP doesn't take my health insurance any longer. I am driving to a doctor's office tomorrow to see if at least one of the three doctors I researched and chose takes new patients. I cannot get referrals to Specialists, etc, without a PCP. Pray that I find a new PCP tomorrow. But still, if I get an appointment how far in the future will it be ! I saw my old PCP for 10 years and am so disappointed I have to start over.
I am Lynda Lynda but changed my name.

I am so tired.
I think I have a rectal abscess. Noticed the discomfort yesterday. Today felt small bump slightly inside the anal area. Today it is slightly painful. I have been pushing too hard to have a BM the last few days, but eventually started Miralax. I believe the NP at my Gastroenterologist said I had a small fissure the last time I was there. NP prescribed a special compound prescription cream, which I use almost every day for 3-4 months now.

In 2002 felt pain down there, thought it was hemorrhoids and bought cream / ointment and a donut pillow. It only took 4 days to fully develop into the most painful thing ever. Saw PCP, then General Surgeon, General Surgeon sent me directly to the Hospital, General Surgeon operated on it. Had demoral from the minute I walked into the ER until the surgery. Two weeks off work. Nurse came to my home once a day for 2 weeks to do wound care, found out the abscess had a lot of deep pockets.

2009 felt discomfort in the anal area, based on my 2002 experience I went right to the ER. It was a small abscess, they operated on it and I only had one follow up visit with the surgeon. So I caught it early on.

I think I may have had another possible abscess at one time, my PCP at the time looked at it and prescribed me antibiotics and it went away.

To highten my panic and stress, I need a new PCP.....right now ! My old PCP doesn't take my health insurance any longer. I am driving to a doctor's office tomorrow to see if at least one of the three doctors I researched and chose takes new patients. I cannot get referrals to Specialists, etc, without a PCP. Pray that I find a new PCP tomorrow. But still, if I get an appointment how far in the future will it be ! I saw my old PCP for 10 years and am so disappointed I have to start over.
Lynda, I know you are experienced but still, take the issue very seriously. Abscesses can be dangerous. Act fast on it, don’t let it grow. Focus on being in touch with a good gastroenterologist and a competent surgeon. Be watchful and careful.