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May 23, 2011

ive been in hospital now 9 days with no sign of going home soon.
i am always constipated and severe pain.
doctors keep telling to walk around but i can; if i do, i end up vomiting and in sever pain on my toes as i can release the gas in my stomach.
i have 56cm of the small intestine removed.
how long were you all in hospital for?

one light at the end of the tunnel is i was told there is a decent chance drinking coke (for me diet) should be no trouble as alot of forum members do and have no bad effects.

thanks for your help,

Have you just had surgery David? After mine I always have trouble getting going again even after eating. It usually requires an enema, the moment it works I feel so much better. Before I usually feel terrible, like you say nauseous etc.
I would ask for some "help" so to speak.
Hope things improve for you soon
Best Wishes
fleet enema? here in OZ they prefer you to naturally get working again, which is extremely painful. how long were you in hospital for?
Sorry to hear this. I've not had surgery but my last hospitalization was 8 days and I couldn't go home until I "you know". The walking did it for me though, which unfortunately you say makes it worse. I did find also not "thinking" about it helped. I know it sounds silly but I got so frustrated in trying to go, I think I made myself not be able to go. The minute I just said "forget it" was when I finally was able to go.

Also for me, coke is AMAZING for me with the gas. its probably not good for me but if feels great....just fyi....
I haven't had any operations (fingers crossed) however; things are NOT looking good for me at all so, I will be being watched and see what happens over the next few months.
Hi David ,

I had 1 meter of small intetine and large removed and was out in 7 days the quicker you are up and walking about the better as it will help your bowels to start moving. They got me out of bed on the second day and I found it gets easier the more you do . Also if you ask they could give you something for the nausea .Hope that your feeling better and get home soon .
When I ahd my last intestine resecton, it took longer for them to start working again. maybe 6 days or more. They were concerned, but eventually I passed gas etc. and was able to eat. I also walked around alot. trying to restart the bowels. They might give u another CT scan to see how it is healing etc.

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