How can i GAIN weight as a CD Teen?

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Apr 20, 2015
Hi! A little backstory.

I was diagnosed with CD at 6. The past year-year & a half i've been doing remicade at 6-8 weeks, with no other medication other then occasional ibuprofen & Nexium when needed. I already take a multivitamin, and have no problem getting a surplus of nutrients. (No problem with vegetables, fruit, i use almond milk as a substitute.) I'm 17, & sit at about 5'10 & 130-135lb's.

Anyways, I was wondering if anybody had tips or solutions with weight gaining issues i've had.

I've been in talks with a friend who's a personal trainer. I generally go to the gym 3-5 days a week, and usually drink 1-2 protein shakes a day. (25g Protein, along with an extra 10g carb supplment)

I eat well, very little sugars, alot of eggs and thinks such as lunchmeat & chicken.

I feel like im making some progress but it's so hard to tell. I'll be up 4 pounds one day, and two days later be down 6. My goal for a healthy weight is about 150. I recently got a cecostomy bag removed, and want to play football my senior year. Any tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi skc, we have a weight gain support group on this forum:

However, most of us on the support group are - like me - female and just trying to reach a healthy weight rather than build muscle and get fit. Not everyone in the group is in that situation though, and you're welcome to join and post about how your weight gain is going. In the end a lot of it just comes down to calories in and energy used, and trying to get our digestive systems healthy enough to gain weight.

It sounds like you're getting vitamins and protein. Does avoiding sugar interfere with your attempts to gain weight? It would do for me. And do you include much fat in your diet?

Have you worked out your average daily calorie intake and the amount you burn through exercise and physical activity? If you find you should be gaining weight but you aren't, you may need to ask your doctors about the possibility of malabsorbtion, though usually if this was a problem, you would be having severe diarrhoea. But working out your calorie intake and expenditure may be a good place to start.

Weight can fluctuate from day to day, and throughout each day, depending on things like how much water you've drunk, whether you've been to the bathroom, whether you've just eaten a meal, etc. (And of course also what you're wearing when you step on the scale). Look at your weight over the course of a couple of weeks to get a better idea of how it's going.
I am trying to gain weight while building muscle at the same time. Keep up with your protein and carb intake. add in some healthy fats like oils, butter/ghee, nuts and seeds (butters if they're more tolerable), and meats that are 85% lean. If you are eating a specific part of meat or poultry, go for the thighs. Avocados are also a good source of healthy fats.

As for working out, if you are trying to gain weight, do less cardio and more strength training. Off days you can do some light cross training such as walking and yoga.
I lost 40 pounds after my last surgery (already a skinny guy to begin with), had bowel obstructions, did not eat for 2 weeks, then the surgery, another 10 days without eating at all.

Bought the weight gain powder sold in supplement stores, was mixing it with Ensure, 3 times a day.

Supplements: was taking Enzymes to improve digestion, blood enhancing supplements and Potassium which my levels were low.

In 3 months gained 50 pounds, steady week by week a couple of pounds per week. It was the powder and Ensure that did it !

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