How can I get my appetite back??

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Dec 8, 2011
Penryn, Cornwall UK
I've been having problems with my appetite for quite a while but recently it's been at it's worst :(. When I do some dinner for myself I put in the oven what I fancy but when it comes to eating it I just don't feel hungry, I look at it and go "ugh do I really have to eat". I feel sick after every meal and I really don't want to end up in hospital again :ybatty:.

I eat kid size portions because I can't manage normal size portions that everyone else eats :( I don't like eating out because I always get asked about why I can't eat this and why I can't eat that and why are you ordering from the kids section, every time this happens I get snappy and say to them "mind your own business" even then people don't listen and ask me more questions :( :( and even if I order a small portion of food I can't even eat it all anyway :confused2:.

Does anyone know what I can do about this and how I can get my appetite back??

Thanks any advice is appreciated :)
If it is available to you and you're willing to try it, medical cannabis will solve this problem.

Also, regularly exercising can help.
Ah yes, things are changing, but not as quickly as here in the US. Gotta love corrupt politicians lobbying big pharma.

In the UK they also prescribe Sativex, a drug derived from cannabis, but it is astoundingly expensive and does not come close to the benefits derived from the real thing.
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there are many atributes from medicated with mmj, and as Luck said, it gives you the munchies... which may work for you, but eating can be a trigger for many, so not always a good thing, as well asking anybody to smoke anything these days may be deemed unhealthy... but for many like myself, mmj calms me in an instant, it releaves my stress, and more improtently calms my blowels whitch can really put me at ease....

if its somthing you want to try, there are many resouces out there, google an craigs list are your friend... and if your more into doing things yourself, then grow your own, there is tuns of resources, books, and forums, like the icmag forum that can guide you there.
there are many atributes from medicated with mmj, and as Luck said, it gives you the munchies... which may work for you, but eating can be a trigger for many, so not always a good thing, as well asking anybody to smoke anything these days may be deemed unhealthy... but for many like myself, mmj calms me in an instant, it releaves my stress, and more improtently calms my blowels whitch can really put me at ease....

if its somthing you want to try, there are many resouces out there, google an craigs list are your friend... and if your more into doing things yourself, then grow your own, there is tuns of resources, books, and forums, like the icmag forum that can guide you there.

I agree with the smoking part, Crohn's is by far best treated with high CBD strains in either edible or tincture form. I wouldn't recommend icmag, they're owned by the DEA. Grasscity's a good one though.

Look up Shona Banda and her book. She practically cured her Crohn's. It affects everyone differently though, and has the most benefits for those who have a deficient endocannabinoid system. Which many with Crohn's do
I've found the following combo to be a powerful hunger stimulater, I think due to the glycemic index: bananas, honey, and peanut butter mixed into a shake. Don't put in too much peanut butter, because it can offset the appetite stimulating effects.

I also had good luck stimulating my appetite by eating gluten-free lasagna. Once you find the foods that bypass the nausea, keep eating those foods until they stop producing good results.
marijuana is the only thing that gives me an appetite and its completely illegal where I live, but I dont care...just wish I didn't have to deal with shady folks to get my medicine
HorseLover!! when you have a narrowing your appetite goes way down (all of your threads/posts suggest that you're dealing with a narrowing/stricture). Eating smaller meals more often can help to at least give you some nutrition yet you might want to look into supplement drinks as well (like Ensure etc, not sure what they have to offer in the UK). Once the narrowing/stricture has been taken care of/treated then your appetite should start to return. :) Make sure that you inform your GI that you have little to no appetite on top of the rest of your symptoms.
HorseLover!! when you have a narrowing your appetite goes way down (all of your threads/posts suggest that you're dealing with a narrowing/stricture). Eating smaller meals more often can help to at least give you some nutrition yet you might want to look into supplement drinks as well (like Ensure etc, not sure what they have to offer in the UK). Once the narrowing/stricture has been taken care of/treated then your appetite should start to return. :) Make sure that you inform your GI that you have little to no appetite on top of the rest of your symptoms.

Thanks Jennifer, I do try my best to eat smaller meals little but often and have been drinking Ensure plus shakes which have helped. I'm just a little bit anxious because my appetite is still not back to what it was like before and I'm losing weight instead of putting it on and I have an appointment with my dietician on the 12th and I'm not to sure what she is going too say or what I'm going to say to be honest and I really don't want to end up in hospital again not after the last time :(.

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