How did you GI respond

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Sep 9, 2016
I'm nervous about getting my medical marijuana card, I live in Oregon. I'm only nervous to bring it up to my GI, how has it gone for you going through the medical marijuana program process. What is the process like for you? What is your favorite way of medicating?
I just recently got my medical marijuana card, I didn't go through my GI though because I didn't think he'd do it. I found a holistic health doctor that specializes in medical marijuana and they did all the paperwork for me, but it was $275. I had my appointment and paid them, then I received a packet in the mail, had to get it notarized and took it to whoever it's through (not helpful if I can't remember lol) and they gave me a letter that I took to tbe dispensary until I got my card in the mail. I live in Nevada so I'm not sure if it's the same everywhere or not. It was frustrating for me, but just because I didn't understand the process. I smoke usually, I have had some edibles too, but I like smoking more.
i am in Maine and have had my card for about 3 or 4 years. to medicate i always end up going back to smoking joints...but always open to medicate in different ways. edibles dont realy do much for me cuz i lost my colon to crohs and have very little small intestine left. the strains that have worked best for me have been blueberry and jawa pie ( who comes up with these names?) lol but my advice is to try whatever you can as no 2 people will react the same.
Felt like sharing my GI's response here because it felt like it was part of a Saturday Night Live skit.

I told him smoking cannabis was dramatically reducing my daily # of BMs (I keep a logbook of literally everything I eat / medicate / BMs / etc so I can go back and look at complete days).

So, my GI's response (30s, Canada, Ontario),
"Crystal meth would probably make your crohns feel better too. So would cocaine.". He wouldn't take any information regarding my dosing or anything. As far as he was concerned I was taking snake oils.
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Felt like sharing my GI's response here because it felt like it was part of a Saturday Night Live skit.

I told him smoking cannabis was dramatically reducing my daily # of BMs (I keep a logbook of literally everything I eat / medicate / BMs / etc so I can go back and look at complete days).

So, my GI's response (30s, Canada, Ontario),
"Crystal meth would probably make your crohns feel better too. So would cocaine.". He wouldn't take any information regarding my dosing or anything. As far as he was concerned I was taking snake oils.

:stinks: I'm always amazed how people can be so ignorant and disinterested! I don't blame him for not wanting to prescribe it until all the evidence is in but to be so dismissive when it's obviously helping you is ridiculous!
the 1st thing that popped into my head was "how old is your g.i.?" it sounds like he may be a little set in his ways, maybe it's time to shop around for a new doc. around this neck of the woods, most docs won't talk about it because of federal laws, but most will comment, off the record, that if it works, don't break it.
he should be reminded that he works for you, in your best intrest. 2nd opinion time?
I have not discussed it with my GI, but the doctor that leads my support group is all for it, because he has seen it work. He is also very positive and into research. He told us there is a tectonic shift in the care of IBD like we have not seen since Remicade came on the scene 20 years ago. There is a drug currently used to treat RA, Xeljanz which does not block TNF cells, it actually prevents them from being made. So there is much hope for all of us.

I live in Colorado and can get a Med card for around $100, which would save me lots of money. Which is great. But I'm nervous about getting my name in a database the feds can access. Who knows what is coming down the pipe. When and if I get back to functionality, I want to go back to teaching high school and will need to clean up to pass drug test.

My two neighbors grow and and have kept me supplied, I have 4 good hits a day off my glass pipe and it always settles me down. I can by Rec legally, but since I am too tired to drive, I need to find a ride. They have CBD patches and THC/CBD patches I want to try.

Anyway, it really is helpful and I can't wait to try a higher amount of the CBD's than I get in smoke.
