How do you deal...ladies

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Jun 6, 2011
how do you deal...ladies

Ever since I started having tummy troubles I've started having yeast infections. At first I figured it was due to sometimes not making it to the bathroom soon enough but since my disease has been somewhat under control it doesn;t seem to be this at all. I use a wash to help balance the good bacteria and yeast but it seems theres always a week which is completly miserable(normally when I'm ovulating). It's starting to get rather anoying...who wants to deal with monthly yeast infections? It's really not fun at all and my insurance won't pay for me to go to an ob every month either. I'm really frustraited and I really just want to rip out all my insides and start over again. :/ Are there any tips from any of yas to help deal? Why does it seem to act up when I'm ovulating?
I think I have one. But it's my first oen in a long time. I jsut use over the counter medicine. Just bought some and I will see if it works.
Yeah I try that but I can't really afford 20 bucks a month...and knowing it'll just come back is upsetting. When it gets pretty much unbearable I run out and get some otc stuff but I just try to deal...can anything bad come from untreating yeast infection?
I'd try the over the counter stuff first (like Canesten), or if you're really brave and don't mind a bit of a mess, you can try yogurt. I found that I only ever got a yeast infection from the meds I was on (cipro and flagyl nearly killed me every time!). Now that I'm not on any meds, I haven't a yeast infection at all.

If you don't think it's med related, and it only appears when you ovulate, it might be worth a trip to OBGYN to see what's going on. A monthly infection has to make you mental!!!

Hope this helped....
I just went back on prednisone after several years and got thrush (yeast infection of the mouth). I asked my GI about it and he said it was because the prednisone compromises the immune system, allowing the bad bacteria to overtake your gut.... Great!

When i was younger and took long term, lower doses of prednisone, I would get many vaginal yeast infections. I've had an ablation, so I don't get periods anymore and I have no idea where I am regarding menopause. ... so I may not even ovulate. Maybe that's why my yeast is manifesting as thrush now..

I would try the over-the-counter stuff yeast cream and or suppository if is acute now, and in addition to the wash to balance good bacteria, I would also suggest adding oral probiotics and/or yogurt to your daily regimen. I would get the probiotic with the highest number of live cultures that you can afford!!

I am not a medical professional....just letting you know what has worked for me! Good luck...I know this is miserable!
I thought I had a yeast infection every month...eeerrrrghghhh!

But....I found out it was a Bartholin Cyst! No idea, no symtoms except for the monthly 'yeast infection'. This formed while I was flaring, and was only discovered during a CT scan in November 2010 when I had a perforated bowel (eeeek!)

Might be something to check into.
I would recommend seeing your OBGYn or family doctor and having them take a culture to determine exactly what is causing the repeated infections. Have the culture taken at the next flare and before you self medicate with anything over the counter. It may be a type of organism that requires antibiotics or a different anti-fungal agent than what is available over the counter. Once it is cultured and identified, treatment can then be specifically designed to combat it.
Thanks everyone. I don't douche lol it's a tea tree wash which is like soap that you use only on that area then rinse away right after. I've had a culture taken in Feburary and it came back positive as a yeast infection and a bladder infection. Neither were really bad so she prescribed the cream and a 3 day pill treatment for the bladder infection. *sigh*
I have used a garlic clove, inserted, one per day for four days with success.i also eliminated sugar sources from my diet and haven't had another one in years.
I like tea tree oil!

Okay, next idea. Can you call your doc and ask if you can have a prescription, with refills, for the treatment, if that is cheaper than paying out of pocket? If nothing else, this might prompt her to look more closely at what could be causing so many infections --- "hmmm, she wants a monthly prescription, maybe I should investigate a little more."
It is not the crohn's it's the immune supressing drugs you are on. I had chronic yeast infections since Jan and after trying EVERYTHING finally went on a weekly dosage of diflucan (1 pill a wk). Has made a world of difference for me!
lookatme, other things can be causing yeast infections, like diabetes and some types of birth control. I had a period of time when I was getting them one after another, and it turned out I had to change my birth control. Also, diabetes (especially type 2) can go without symptoms in the beginning. I recommend going back to your primary care doc or OB/GYN and asking about this. Once I changed birth control, I stopped getting them.
Well I have a copper IUD in...I got it inserted about 4 years ago but didn;t have any troubles until the crohns problems began. It's probly not the cause but it might not be helping any. I hope I don't have type 2 diabetes. I had a diabetes test done when I was pregnant but it came back normal...could it show up 4 years later? I do need to call and get a checkup with my primary and I need to get a gyno so I'll make an appointment with both soon. Thanks everyone hopefully I'll find releif soon.
In my case, it was an IUD causing the yeast infections, but I didn't have copper, I had the Mirena. And mine didn't start causing problems until I'd had it about 2 years. Definitely check with your OB/GYN, because if it is the IUD, that is something you can remove, and change birth control options.
I fought a yeast infection for a long time from prednisone and antibiotics. Yeast needs sugar to live, so if you can stand it, it really helps to eliminate all sugar and carbs for a couple of weeks while you are treating it. Diflucan was a god-send for me. And adding good bacteria to your diet helps control the yeast. You can find it in yogurt with live cultures and also probiotic supplements.
Eat yogurt with live and active cultures. Try probiotic drinks too.

You can go to your local Planned Parenthood and get some free services for this type of thing.

By law, they aren't allowed to ask you for any financial contribution. If they do, tell them you can't make any right now. They are usually very nice about it.

Drink lots of water and cranberry juice as well, stay away from soda . . .
I agree with the others about asking for monthly prescriptions with refills. I've used Diflucan before and it works marvelously! Ask your doctor if she wouldn't mind helping you investigate what could be causing this. Good luck hun :)
Hiya :) I get thrush quite regularly and I wouldnt recommend washing with a tea trea wash as it would be quite drying and irritative - the only thing I've found that doesnt irritate me is femfresh, it's a very gentle ph balanced intimate wash. I'm sure you know this but only wash once a day as overwashing could irritate you further and cause another yeast infection. Also, reducing sugar in your diet and eating probiotic yoghurts or drinks will help. Oh and wear cotton underwear and loose fitting clothes and get fresh air to the area if possible.

That's prevention, in regards to treatment live yoghurt up there is supposed to be a natural treatment, but I usually use a dose of flucozanole in tablet form, if one isnt enough you can ask your doctor for a course of tablets which should really kick the thrush into remission. Alternatively you can use a pessary or internal cream, and again, for recurrent thrush a course is quite common, you can use these in conjunction with an external cream which soothes the burning and itching. I've previously used a course of 5 internal pessaries which was really successful.

I hope this is helpful - a combination of preventative methods and a prolonged course of medicinal treatments should fix things for you :)

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