How do you handle it when your child starts eating food and you can't eat it?

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May 31, 2010
I can only eat bland food with some seasonings.I can't really eat veggies or fruits unless processed really good.I can't eat wheat or have much dairy.This makes it hard for me.Amazingly though my husband has adjusted well to eating what I do.But my other concern is I have an 8 month old daughter and I want her to be able to try everything at least once.How do you do that when you are on a meal intake of only certain foods?I don't want her to see Mommy not eating something and saying well if she isn't then I am not either.This complicates things for me.I use to eat everything and I even cried when they told me no more veggies.She eats them all now and her fruits and meats but won't it taste differently to her when she starts eating the solid forms?How do I make her think I can eat it too?
once you get your flair dealt with you should be fine to eat a well balanced diet again. It will get better.
I don't have kids of my own, but I do remember when my elder niece was weaning she often had different food to us grownups. We never made a big deal of it, as far as she was concerned she ate what was in front of her. I guess they are used to eating differently from being a baby and don't know any different. I.e. Your daughter will not be aware at this age that she is eating differently to you, and so long as that carries on she will accept it as that is the way it is, has always been, and always will be. By the time she is old enough to question things she is old enough to be given an explanation like 'mummy has a poorly tummy'.

Hope that makes sense, I am rather tired and going to bed now!
Yeah we process the food we eat for her to eat.I just make sure I have veggies somewhere for her to eat.I just don't want when she gets older to say no I don't like it.
Kid are going to say "no I don't like it" anyway. Even if it's food they've eaten before and liked. Trust me...I have a 4 year old step daughter...and every night at dinner it's "I don't like it". EVERY But they eat it, and like it..

I'm assuming that your husband can eat whatever he likes? If that's the case, as long as someone's eating the veggies, they will too.

I wouldn't worry too much about it for a few years yet. At eight months old, she's not really knowing what you serve her anyway.

Hope this helped! Good luck!!
We have a similar situation in that my husband eats very little veggies - however our 5 year old daughter has tried lots of things - and likes them! She will often have her own 'special' serving of veggies - broccoli, beans, corn etc...even lima beans!!!!! We tell her that Daddy just doesn't like them, and have her at least give them a taste before saying she doesn't like something (we do that with any food).

She actually tried a steamed clam yesterday - you should have seen the look on her face as she chewed - but I have to hand it to her- she did NOT spit it out....kept it in her mouth until I gave her a napkin to spit it into.
Lots of parents make a separate meal for their kid(s). Make her whatever you want to feed her; make yourself whatever you can eat. My son is nine and I still sometimes make a separate meal for him, though those days are becoming fewer and farther between thank goodness!

In my experience, the worst thing you can do is make a big fuss over food and at meal time. Trust me. That is why I am still making separate meals 9 years later....

Good luck! -Amy

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